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This year, the Easter list of novelties is far from numerous. At the Haymarket, there will be a fairy romance, called The _Pilgrim of Love; at the Princess's, an extravaganza, entitled The Sylphide ; at the St. James's, a burlesque, Luerezia Borgia : and, at the Strand, another piece afthe same genus. The manager of the Adelphi is content to revive Mr. Planche's .Fair one with Golden looks, and The .Forty Thieve*, Which was played a short time since by the "Savage Club," will be repeated at the Lyceum on Monday, under a temporary government. Astley's will re- open under the management of Mr. Batty, who announces an English version of L'Histoire d'un drayeau, one of the recent military spectacles at Paris.
The solemnity of Passion Week has been agreeably relieved by Miss Amy Sedgwiek's "readings," at the Haymarket Theatre. Her programme is of a miscellaneous character, short narrative and lyrical pieces being se- lected, in addition to dramatic scenes ; and the power and versatility of the young and rising artist are demonstrated to an extent previously on- known.
Madame Celeste's first season at the Lyceum terminated on Saturday. She will recommence next October, as lessee for a term of years ; and, in the meanwhile, the theatre will be used first by the English company, who reopen it on Monday, and afterwards by M. Laurent, who announces a series of French plays.