7 APRIL 1832, Page 8


The following is a summary of the reports for the Metropolis, from the 30th March to the 5th April, inclusive.

New Cases. Deaths. Recoveries.

Friday 37 44 45 Saturday and Sunday 118 77 46 Monday 87 34 58 Tuesday 58 30 38 Wednesday 47 30 27 Thursday 31 17 .30

We give yesterday's report at length— Remaining Places and mists,. St teat Ni'. COMIC Dist


tag. sommence- tOrnMeinel.

mast. sent.

City, April 5

0 .. 0 . . 0 .

1 17 8

Afloat on the River 25 . . 0 ... 2 . .. 1 .... 92 105 45 Li mehouse 5 . .. 0 . . 0 .. . 0 . .. 5 36 23 Bromley. Middlesex.... 1 .... 0 ....

4 Poplar '

0 ...

0 . .. 1 21 11 Bermondsey 17 .... 3 . 1 .. 0 .. 19 171 79 Deptford 2 . . 0 .. 0 . 0 .

.. 2 18 12

Southwark(five parishes) 43 .... 9 ....

13 .... 35 809 390 Newington 8 . .. 0 .. . 0 . ..

118 61.

Camberwell 1 1 .

0 .. .

6 4

Lambeth 9 ... 2 . ..

1 . .. 9 152 110 Christehursh 14 . 1 .... I . S .... 10 84 35 Westnunster 10 .. 1 . 0 . . 0 .. 11. 62 33 St.George, Hanover Sq.. 1 .... 0 ....

15 10

St. James's 0 . 1 . 1 .. . 0 . 0 St. Martin's in the Fields 0 .... 1 ....

4 Chelsea

1 .. .

29 22 Paddington 1 . . 2 ... 0 .. 0 . . 3 6 9 St. Marylebone 8 . .. 1 ....

il ... 6 31 91 St. Pancras

I . .. 0 . 0 .

. 2 12

15 St. 9 ...

I .... 1 .

76 43

St. Andret. Holborn....

1 ....

5 3 St. George in the East...

2 ....

44 26 Wapping


9 7 St. Botc:ph, Aid/fats....

0 ....

11 .

. 3 16 10

St. Luke's ... I . ..

1 .. .

23 1.6 Bethnal Green 9 . . 2 .. . 2 ...

28 18 itpitaldelds.Christeh.Mid. 0 ....

1 ..• .

7 4

Wandsworth 2 . 0 .

0 . .. 9 11 6

Whiteehapel 10 . . 0 . ..

0 . . 1 .

. 9 76 46

Total 195 ... 31 ....

SO ....179 ....9.065 .... 1,079 Cases before reported

93 69


2 153 ....1,149

The disease, it will be seen, has been again declining towards the end of the week. Whether this depend on the state of the weather, we know not, but our belief is that it is connected with it. Last night's report is the most favourable that has appeared since the disease was fairly established among us. The new cases are few, and the recoveries are to the deaths as 2 to 1. For the most part, the deaths have exceeded the recoveries; and even during the present week, Monday's report shows a fearful predominance of the former. Amidst this see- sawing of the malady, we still adhere to the opinion that its absolute decline is, if not come, rapidly approaching. '11ae increase during the last fortnight has been exceedingly small, and the recessions frequent.

The Cholera accounts from the Country are nearly such as they have been for two or three weeks past. Yesterday's report presents but 1 new case in England—at Ely, where 8 cases remain. In Scot- land, there are 46 new cases, 18 deaths and 11 recoveries; the eases

Total Total Beeevetett. Seemeht- Caseation Deathefrone

remaining amount to 104. Of these, Glasgow has 42 eases, Paisley 16, and Greenock 21; in all three, the deaths and recoveries are few.