6 SEPTEMBER 1975, Page 15


Bad news for anyone who has become a fan of the Sensational Mohawks Circus Troupe since I wrote about them a couple of months ago. You will remember them as the last bareback horse-riding act performing in this country. Now, after an argument with his son-in-law who has left the family group to become a truck-driver, Ken McManus is suddenly unemployed, wondering how he can afford to feed expensive hay to his highly-trained horses throughout the winter. Rather than face the prospect of never seeing another triple somersault in full Indian plumage I have been practising a little myself and have now given up the idea. But surely among our million voluntarily unemployed now drawing the dole and lying in the sun there is some live-wire who will travel — special perks include having daggers thrown at you by El Hakim the world-famous Fakir.