6 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 19


[To, the Editor of, Tim SPECTATOR.] SIR,--In reference to the letter on " The Desecration of England" in your last issue, Pcacehaven residents do not ask for tears, neither are they prepared .to appeal for . alms to !".the thousands of motorists who pass through every, .day " in order to beautify their homes and gardens.. It may be mentioned in passing that one of these gardens recently won a first prize for the whole of Sussex; but naturally it was not situated on the main road. What they do ask for is the cessa- tion of destructive criticism, so fatally easy and, alas, so utterly

useless. . . .

And they. would further ask the. motorists passing through to respect the beauty which those who have eyes to see .can find there, and when spending a law hours onats,loyaly cliffs

not to leave the green turf cut to ribbons and litter scattered in all directions. •

While regretting•the mistakes made in the past, the dwellers in Peacehaven are nOw endeavouring to set their own house in order, and only .ask to be allowed to do so in peace. By the way, has the Hon. Mrs. Nelson Ward ever tried growing willows or popLies in peacehaven ? The writer has, and could give her some useful hintS.—Yours"

The Patch, Peacehaven. NORM' E. GREEN.