6 OCTOBER 1923, Page 1

The Imperial Conference opened on Monday. Mr. Baldwin's introductory speech

was a survey of the affairs of the world. Never before has so broad a programme been laid before the Conference. It is now established beyond all manner of doubt that the Dominions arc sister nations with Great Britain and that all the world is their province. The speeches which followed from the repre- sentatives of the Dominions were pitched in the same key ; they avoided controversy and treated the opening day rather as one of form. We have written about Mr. Baldwin's speech at length elsewhere, and we shall say nothing more on the subject here. We desire, how- ever, to add a few remarks on our deep sense of the importance of putting on record at the Conference the feeling of the various Dominions about the Sanctity of Treaties. The new, or rather intensified share which the Dominions are taking in the making of our foreign policy should be guided from the beginning by a just appreciation of the fact that all safety, all righteousness, and all honour rest upon the single axiom of the Sanctity of Treaties.