6 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The publication of Mr. Kipling's poem, " The Vineyard," in his book, Debits. and Credits, has keenly wounded his friends in this country : and we are all Mr. Kipling's loyal friends. I am not disposed to defend America and Americans in toto by any means. I am of New England birth and of Old England sympathies and bias. I regret exceedingly that all Americans do not see that cancellation of our War debts is obviously the only righteous remedy for the present sorry state of things international (and national). Also, I regret that in the Great War some of our soldiers fell woefully short of the mark we would have set for them in behaviour. But I must um. qualifiedly reject such wholesale and bitter denunciation as that of Mr. Kipling's diatribe.—I am, Sir, &c., (Miss) CAROLINE ATWATER MASON. 194 St. Paul Street, Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.A.