6 MAY 1905, Page 2

We are glad to see that Lord Kitchener is appealing

for funds to help the families of the two hundred and twenty-one men of the Ghoorka battalions who perished in the recent Indian earthquake. In consequence of the early marriages made by natives, nearly all the men killed had wives and children dependent on them. Besides the families of the dead, there are three hundred and fifty-one men seriously injured, and many of these, it is feared, are crippled for life, and will be incapable of earning a living. Both the injured and the uninjured, according to a statement in the Daily Mail telegraphed from Simla, have lost the whole of their property, for under the Indian system uniforms and equipment are supplied by, and belong to, the men. The Dogras, who are among our best soldiers, also suffered severely from the earthquake. Messrs. Henry S. King and Co., bankers, Pall Mall, will receive subscriptions to the separate fund which has been opened by Lord Kitchener for the relief of the soldiers of the Ghoorka Brigade and their dependents. We most sincerely trust that Lord Kitchener's appeal will meet with a generous response. We must show the Ghoorkas that the British people appreciate the work they have done for the Empire.