6 MAY 1854, Page 10



The financial operation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer respecting the proposed creation of 6,000,000/. Exchequer Bonds has in safer failed; as the

ubscriptions for the series A Bonds, redeemable in 1858, exhibited a large deficiency, and few applications have been made for series B and C. The tenders for A are said- to have ranged from 981 to 300, and the highest tender rejected was believed to be at 98/. 14e., being only Is. under the Go- vernment price. As the tenders accepted for this series fall short of the required sum of 2,000,0001., the following notice, announcing an extension of time, was issued on Wednesday.

" The First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer hereby give notice, that subscriptions will be received daily at the Bank of England between the hours of ten and two, up to and including the 8th of May, until such subscrip- tions shall complete the specified sum of two millions, from such persons as shall be desirous of subscribing at the reserved sealed price which has been fixed for such Bonds,—that is, at 981. 15s. for each 1001. of such Bonds, for the Exchequer Bonds described in the notice of April 21 as Bonds A, payable at par on May 8, 1858: subject to the conditions as to the payment of the deposit and the instalments which are set forth in the notice of the 21st of April above referred to. " Downing Street, May 2, 1854."

It has yet to be seen whether on the completion of series A the remaining 4,000,0001. will be offered in the same manner by fixing a minimum rate. As it is most probable that the payment for the first series of Bonds will be made in cash instead of Exchequer Bills, it is considered doubtful whether any further amount beyond the 2,000,000/. will be raised at present. Some

parties believe the total amount will be 3,000,000/. The few who subscribed to series B and C are said to have transferred their subscriptions to A. Among the large sums taken by the Bank on Wednesday, was 500,0001. from the South Sea Company.

The Funds early in the week were rather firm, and Consols were done on Tuesday at 88k. On Wednesday, upon the doubtful position of the Exche- quer Bonds loan, they declined to 874 ; but subsequently rallied to 871 I, — in consequence of a purchase of 60,0001. Reduced for the Court of Chancery, accounts of a Russian defeat in the Dobrudscha, and a feeling that the public would be more willing to subscribe to the new Exchequer

Bonds now that a price had been fixed. Yesterday, Consols again touched 881: but they afterwards declined to 87/, as a fear was enter-

tained in some quarters of an increase in the Bank rate of discount, though the best-informed considered it improbable that the Bank would throw an impediment in the way of the Government loan. No alteration took place in the discount ; but the Funds did not recover, owing

to a statement from Paris that the French Army was to be greatly aug- mented, and that another loan of 10,000,0001. would be proposed, in case

of need, during the present sitting of the Legislative Body. The French Funds, notwithstanding, improved nearly I per cent. Money has been more in demand this week ; which, added to the unfavourable position of

the Continental exchanges, has assisted in preventing any permanent im- provement in the Funds. In addition to the gold that arrives from Austra- lia, sums are still drawn from the Bank of England for remittance. Ship- ments of specie from America are likely to be resumed: 125,000/. arrived on Monday from that country.

Today, the Funds have been I lower, owing to the publication of the sup- plemental Estimates to be voted for the Navy, Army, and Ordnance, amount-

ing to 5,595,863/. Consols have been as low as 87f ; and, after a rally to 871 close at 87+} for both Money and Account. Bank and India Stocks, andExchequer Bills, have not altered.

Foreign Securities have been well maintained, and little alteration has oc- curred this week. The improvement has been—Sardinian, and Dutch Four per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, 1; Belgian, 1; Spanish Deferred, f. Mexican has declined f. The remittance brought by the last packet for the dividend fund on that stock amounted to 40,649 dollars 82 cents. Messrs. Barron, Forbes, and Co., of Tepic, also advise the shipment of specie via Chagres, amounting to 560,789 dollars.

In Railways, the transactions have not been numerous, and the variations have been very alight. A trifling improvement occurred on Tuesday, which has since been lost. Yesterday, many of the leading lines, compared with last Saturday, presented no change ; in others the difference was to the fol- lowing extent. Increase—York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 108. Decrease—Great Northern, 1/. ; Caledonian, Lanca- shire and Yorkshire, Midland, and South Wales, 108. ; London and North- Western, and South-Eastern, 5e. In Foreign Shares—Paris and Lyons, and Paris and Strasbourg, have improved 10s. ; Namur and Liege, and Northern of France, have declined 6s. Today, there has been rather more doing : the English lines have fallen from 5s. to 158. in several instances. Foreign Shares have not altered.


In the English Market the Funds opened 1 higher this morning, owing to the confirmation by Lord Clarendon of the destruction of the forts and bat- teries at Odessa ; they have since returned to yesterday's prices, and Consols are now 871 I for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 2 discount to 2 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 398,1671. A large portion of Exchequer Bonds are said to have been sub- scribed for yesterday ; it is also said that it is not intended at present to issue Bonds to a further extent than 2,000,000/. In Foreign Stocks there is no change. Railways are quiet: the present bargains are these—Great Western, 721; London and South-Western, 76}; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 191; North British, 30; South-Eastern, 581. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. The English Funds have been dull since the morning, and Consols have been done at 87f, leaving off at 871 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 2 discount to 2 premium. In Foreign Stocks there has been no altera- tion. Granada Deferred has been done at 51, and Venezuela Deferred at 11. Railways present no particular feature, and there has been little doing : these are the latest transactions—Aberdeen, 23; Bristol and Exeter, 90 ; Caledonian, 53; Eastern Counties, 12+; Great Western, 72; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 591; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 98; London and North-Western, 951; Ditto Fifths, 101; London and South-Western, 77; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 19+; Midland, 57t ; Norfolk, 461 ; North British, 301; South-Eastern, 581; South Wales, 34; York and North Ilidland, 451; Caledonian, 94; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent,- No. 2, i prem. ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 112. Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 130; York and North Midland H. and S. Pur- chase, 9} ; Charleroi and Erquelines, 12} ; Northern of France, 291. Mines —Ague Fria, 11 ; Brazilian Imperial, (issued at 51.p rem.,) 4 ; Cobre Cop- per, 40 ; Mexican and South American, 6. Joint Stock Bank—Union of Australia, 67. Miseellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 37; Crystal Palace, 6}; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 58f ; Peel River Land and Mineral, 4+;

Scottish Australasian Investment, 2j. .

3 per Cent Consols 874 1 Danish 3 per Cents 72 5 Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced 871 1 Dutch 2} per Cents 56 8

86 Ditto 4 per Cents 85 7

87 Mexican 8 per Conte 23 a

81 per Cents Long Annuities

Bank Stock 2:11 Peruvian 41 per Cents 59 61

Ditto 3 per Cents 42 4 Exchequer Bills 2dis. 2 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 36 8 India Stock 238 5 Russian 5 per Cents 92 4 Austrian 5 per Cents 77 82 Ditto 41 per Cents 79 81 Brazilian 5 per Cents 94 6 Spanish 8 per Cents 38 1

Belgian 41 per Ceuta 82 6 ex d. Ditto Deferred 171 1 C an 6 per Cents 99 101 Sardinian 5 per Cents 79 81 Danish 5 per Cents 92 7 Swedish 4 per Cents , 80 5