On the 20th of April, at Heathfield Cottage. the Hon. Mrs. LANE, of a daughter. On the 24th, at Moray l'lace, Ediuburgh, the Lady of WILLIAM MAXWELL, Esq., the younger, of Cardoness. of a daughter. On the 28th, in Grosvenor Square, the Hon. Mrs. CHARLES STANLEY. of a son. On the 2811, in Grosvenor Square, the Lady of Lieut.-Col. HAWKEY, of a daughter.
On the 28th, the Lady of J. L. Ricnauo, Esq., M.P., of a son. On the 28th, in Eaton Place. Mrs. JOHN Tows:akar, of a daughter.
On the 29th, in Grosvenor Place, the Lady of Baron As:rimer Dz Itarnsainn, of a
daughter. On the 29th, at Warrington, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. HORACE Powrs, of a daughter. On the 29th, at Liverpool, the Lady of Rev. FREDERICK fuer, D.D.. of a daughter. Os the lst of May, in Belgrave Square, the Countess of Dome, of a daughter.
On the 24, at Manchester Square, the Lady of Major General FREDERICK, C.B., of
a SOD.
On the 3d, at Doveridge, Derbyshire, Lady WATERPARK, of a daughter. On the 4th, at Wilton Crescent, Lady GEORGIANS ROMILLY. of a son
On the 25th April, at St. John's Chapel, Edinburgh. MATHEW Noumea.; MACDONALD, Esq.. W.S., to AGNES, second daughter of the late Hon. DAVID Hume, of Nmewells, one of the Barons of her Majesty's Exchequer.
On the 25th, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, Major WILLIAM Rimer= Citerwyrre, late of the Life Guards, second son of the late Sir George, to MARY Arm, daughter of Sir OSWALD MOSI.ET, Bart.
On the 25th, at Southampton, Limit. C. C. JOHNSTON, Madras Engineers, to LETTITA MARGARET, second daughter: C. A. Day, Esq., eldest son of C. A. Day. Esq.. Bevoir Hill. Southampton, to CAROLINE ANN, third daughter I and Lieut. JOHN CAMERON, Royal Eugiueers, to MATILDA SUsANNA. !Mirth daughter of the late Jens Dolmas WHITE. Esq.. chief member of the Medical Board at Maths,.
Oa the 27th, at the parish church of Foy, Lieut.-Col, Perko' JAMES YORKE. of the Scots Fusiliers. to Emmy, youngest daughter of the late Mamma Ckirruzuk Esq., of Perristone, Hereford.
Os the 97th, JOHN CHARLES SOMMERS, Esq.. of Manchester, to JANE CAILHAMPTON, daughter of Sir ALEXANDER MORISON, M.D., Cavendish Square. On the 27th, at Clarence House. St. Helier's. Jersey, Le Comte 411 PONTAVICE DE HENSSEY. 10 HARRIET MARY, third daughter or Lieut.-Col. ROMER, Royal Artillery. On the 24th. at Parsonstowu, HERMANN ROBERT DE Ricci, only SJII of Adjutant. General De Ricci, and nephew to the late Eailuf Kiugston, to FRANCES, third daughter of the IWO THOMAS WATER*, Esq., M.D. On the 28th. at Edinburgh, ROBERT GR/EME, Esq., second son of Robert Gnome. Esq., of Garvock, Perth. to Atom, youngest daughter of the late PATRICK BARON Snot, Esq., of Preston, Linlithgow. On the 29th, at Roeliampton Chapel, FRANCIS, youngest sou of the late wmusg GEORGE DANIEL Tyssos, Esq., of Foulden Hall. Norfolk, anti Foley House. Kent, to JULIA, daughter of Vice Chaucellor the Right Hon. Sir JAMES L. KNIGHT Berms: and, at the same time and place, \WILLIAM HAWKER IIELVAR, Esq., of Coker Court, sower- setsbire, nut Sedghill. Wilts, to THEODORA. only daughter of the late Colonel T. Ds &SEEL. and neice of Sir J. L. Knight Bruce. On the 1st of' May. at Ilaudsworth Church, JAMES SHEPPARD, jun.. Esq., of Upton, suegrch rat o . FRANCES ELIZA, daughter of G. F. MUNTZ, Esq., as.p., Ley flail, near Bin-
Ou the 24. at St. G'orge's Church, Hanover Square. Sir THOMAS MONCRIEFFE. Bart., of Moncrieffe House. Perthshire, to the Lady LOUISA Hay, eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Ktmetank.
On the 2d, at Trinity Church, hams Tim.vatt BLUNT. Esq., of Dorset Place, E. Square, to AN MATILDA, daughter of S. N. COWLEY, Esq., of Park Crescent, Port- land Place,
On the 224 April, at Pau, the Due DE ktsanuosr, eldest sou of the Prince de
On the *th, at the house of his father, in Bath. GEOROE MILNER, youngest son of Vice-Admiral Sir Roemer Lewis Firzotemm, K.C.II. ; to his 20th year. On the 28th, at Ventrior. Isle of Wight, the ltev. Josres BLADES Peraora. M.A., of Trinity College. Cambridge, formerly Miuister of Brathay Church, A inbleside, and late Curate or Holy Trinity Church. Ely; in his 31st year.
CM the 28th, at his house, Lauriston. Edinburgh. Wiu.kot WALLACE. LL.D., Emeri- tus Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh.
Ou the 1st of May. the Rev. Jour GIBBONS. Rector of Brasted, Kent ; in his 90th year. On the 1st. at Paris, the Lady %tinkles( Basentrest. On the 1st, at Hayes. in Kent. Lady Glees, widow of the Right Hon. Sir ineary Gibbs, late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Commou Pleas. On the 3d, at Charltou, General Sir Thomas lisakor, Bart., G.C.B., Colonel of tha 48th Regiment ; in his 78th year. On the 4th, in Upper Norton Street, Portland Place, Flaunts Commix. Esq.; in 141 75th )ear.