Sta,—The comments in your issue of May 16th, regarding assistance to poultry-keepers, have been noted with some surprise. While it is true that the officials of County Farm Institutes do not normally make advisory visits to farmers, this work would normally be carried out by the Poultry Advisory Officers of the National Agricultural Advisory Service. Should an infectious disease be suspected as the cause of death, the Poultry Advisory Officer would call in his colleagues in the Animal Health Division. At the present time there have been some outbreaks of an infectious poultry disease known as Newcastle Disease, and your readers can be assured that in the event of the Ministry's veterinary officers having a suspected case brought to their notice every possible action would be taken to prevent the spread of infection. Should any of your readers who are commercial poultry-farmers wish to have advice on any aspect of poultry husbandry they should apply to the nearest office of the National Agricultural Advisory, Service.—Yours faithfully,