Kenya The Joint Committee of Lords and Commons which is
preparing the way for legislatiOn for new administration in East Africa has taken the evidence of deputations from Kenya. We are glad that native chiefs have come in person. It may be difficult for them to see their visit in true proportion, but we hope they will go home to spread the feeling that the natives are receiving due consideration. The White Settlers' Deputation has weighty claims to be considered. It is their leadership, enterprise, and capital that have made the Colony. They stand for the " dual policy " of parallel progress of white and native, and desire none of the radical changes that have been proposed to come into force hastily. They certainly do not want a common electoral roll with the Indians. The Whites have what understanding is pos- sible and great sympathy for the native. The Indians have no more sympathy with him than the Brahmin has for the untouchable in India. We cannot discuss again to-day the official reports but, while we see the disadvan- tages of their being so few white wage-earners (who could not compete with the Indians in labour or petty trading) we feel strongly that no change should discourage the exceptional white population from developing the sense of responsibility which it is peculiarly fitted to exercise.