Lord Chancellor. Dalhousie. Lovelace. Thurlow.
Dukes. Aberdeen. Zetland. Lyttelton.
Nerfolk. Roseberry. Auckland. Calthorpe.
St. Alban's. Glasgow. Ellenborough. Blayney.
Buceleuch. Cowper. Uxbridge. Gardner.
Roxburgh. Radnor. Bruce. Rivers.
Leinster. Spencer. Viscounts. Sand" Welliugton. Bathurst. Strathallan. Crewe.
Marquises. Clarendon. Torrington. Churchill.
Winchester. Talbot. Sydney. Prudhoe.
Huntley. Fortescue. Clifton. Bowden.
Lansdowne. Liverpool. Hawarden. Gleulyon.
Abereorn. Meath. Canning. Delamere.
Besborough. Bishops. Forester.
Camden. Mornington. Durham. Wharneliffe.
Cholmondeley. Courtoun. Lincoln. Brougham, Londonderry. Claarlemont. Chester. Dlnorben.
Gonyngham. Cianwilliam. Ripon. Denman.
°monde. Clare. . Salisbury. Carew, Clandcarde. Leitrim. Norwich. Glenelg.
Breadallome. Bandon, Hereford. Hatherton.
Westminster. Roselyn. St. David's. Strafford.
Normanby. Craven. Worcester. Cottenham.
Bank. Romney. Lichfield. Langdale.
Devon. Chichester. Oxford. Lovat.
Suffolk. Gosford. Tuam. Portman.
Denbigh. Grey. Barons. De Manley.
Westmorland. Nieto. Deere. 1Vrottealey.
Essex. Verulam. Camoys. Budeley.
Shaftesbury. St. Germans. Byron. Leigh.
Rearborough. Morley. Rollo. • Lurgan.
Jersey. Howe. Kinnaird. Dunfermline.
Erroll. Burlington. Montfort. Monteagle.
Home. Ripon. Foley. Keane.
Haddingten. Granville. Carteret. Campbell.
Galloway. Effingham. Suffield. Vivian.
rnoxurs, 73.
Archbishop. Allsa. Amherst. Wodehouse.
'Canterbury. Earls. Camperdown. Cloncurry.
Dykes. Pembroke. Lichfield. Dunally.
Fornerset. Lindsey. Dude. Abercronaby.
Leeds. Carlisle. Viscounts. Erskine.
Bedferd. Albemarle. Melbourne. Manners.
Devonshire. Stair. Melville. Castlemaine.
Hamilton. Buckingham. Bishops. Downes.
Fitzwilliam. London. Bexley.
'Northumberland. Cornwallis. Carlisle. De Tabby.
Sutherland. Mount Edgecumbe. Peterborough. Plunket.
Marquises. Cork. Ely. Heytesbury.
Limerick. Talbot of Malahlde.
Hertford. Kingston. Eames. Poltimore.
Bute. Sefton. Stourtou. Mostyn.
Donegan. Caledon. Petre. Godolphin.
Headfort. Kenmore. Saye and Sole. Methuen.
Northampton. Rowe. Dormer. Stuart de Decks.
Anglesey. De Grey. Ward. Colborne.
Bristol. Denraven. Monson. Seaton.
Dukes. Pomfret. Cawdor. Beaumont.
Richmond. Ashburnham. Munster. Willoughby de Broke.
Warwick. Ranfurly. St. John.
Beaufort. Guilford. Viscounts. Baltoun.
iKariborongh. HardwIcke. Hereford, Polwarth.
Rutland. • Delawarr. Maynard. Sondes.
Montrose. Mansfield. Strangford. Boston.
Manchester. Beverley. Middleton. Hawke.
Newcastle. Carnarvon. Gage. Walsingham.
Buckingham. Cadogrill. Doneraile. Southampton.
Cleveland. Malinesbury. St. Vincent. Grantley, Marquises. Egmont. Sidmonth. Berwick.
Salisbury. Longford. Lorton. Sherbonse.
'Downshire. Enniskillen. Lake. Kenyon.
Ely. Wicklow. Exmouth. Braybrooke.
Exeter. Lucan. Bereaford. Carrington.
Weetmeath. Wilton. Combermere. Bayning.
Earls. Limerick. Canterbury. Boltyn.
'Huntingdon. Clanearty. Ponsonby. Northedek.
WIuchilsea. Fowls. 11111. Lllford.
Chesterfield. Nelson. Bishops. Clonbrock.
Sandwich. Charleville. Winchester. Crofton.
Cardigan. Manvers. Bangor. Redesdale.
Abingdon.' Oxford. Rochester. Colchester.
"Eglintoun. Lansdale. Llandaff. Rayleigh.
-Khinoull. Harewood. Gloucester. Favensham.
Airlie. Brownlow. Exeter. Tenterden.
Selkirk. Bradford. Chichester. Skeimersdale.
Sheffield. Barons. Wynford.
Otford. Eldon. Stanley. Templemore.
Dartmouth. Falmouth. De Res. Abinger.
Aylesford. Somers. Hastings. Ashburton.
Stanhope. Rtradbroke. Clinton. De Freyne.
Bsike. Waldegrave. Glengall. Reay.
Portland. Itchester. Yarborough. Dynevor.
Boris. Digby. Gainsborough. Begot.
Shrewsbury. Shannon. Viscounts. Farnham.
Poulett. Roden. Arbuthnott. Alvanley.
Moray. Mount Cashell. De Vescl. Havensworth.
Rale:ores. Mayo. O'Neill. Be Saumarez, &afield. Erne. Barons. Bishops.
Ferrcra. Donougbmore. Willoughby d'Eresby . St. -AMph.
Tankerville. Onalow. Vann. Bath said Welle.