IN the early part of the week the preparations to meet the quarterly commercial bills falling due on 4th of the month, caused an- active de- mand for money, but this has since subsided, and no pressure is felt at present. The very unfavourable Bank returns, however, have tended to check confidence.
Consols were fiat for the greater part of the week, at 891 to 4 for the account, but rallied yesterday. to 891 to f, the improvement being
fully maintained this afternoon. The chief cause of the previous day's depression was the introduction of the new Indian loan of 4,000,0001., while the subsequent recovery is due to some extensive purchases for money on the fail. Notwithstanding the fresh amount of Stock about to be created, Indian Five per Cents are eomparativly steady.. The principal feature in Foreign Stocks is a further considerable rise in Turkish Six per Cents, particularly the last issue on the financial reforms of the new Sultan. Mexican is also higher. Buenos Ayres descriptions have been unaffected by the warlike news from that re- public. British Railway Stocks show little change; but in some eases a de- cline has taken place in anticipation of unfavourable traffic returns. There has been a marked rally in Grand Trunk of Canada. The New Natal Land Shares have fallen to par to 1 prem. London and Pro- vincial Marine are in demand, owing to the satisfactory meeting last week.
A crowded meeting of Mexican bondholders was held yesterday, when it was resolved to memorialize the British Government on the subject of their claims. Consols, for Account, 10th July, ; India IFive per Cents, 984, 98f ; Spanish, 484, 494; Turkish Six per Cents, 1854, 75, 754;
ditto, 1858, 601,604; Russian Three per Cents, 611, 62; Mexican, 221, 221; Brazilian Five per Cents., 98, 100; London and North- Western, 931, 94; Midland, 1201, 121; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1114, 119*; Great Western, 711, 72; South-Eastern, 811, 821; Great Northern, 106, 108; Eastern Counties, 49, 50; .East 97/, 98, ex interest ; Grand Trunk of Canada, 191, 20; Lombardo- Venetian, 4, 4 die.; Illinois Central, 381 to 38 die.