SIR,--4 was with Mr. Gaitskell during part of his recent visit to North Wales, .and I should like to say that your editririal comment on this sort of activity was wide of the. mark so far as Mr. Gaitskell was concerned. For yoU assumed that the purpose of his tour was to 'Meet the People,' whereas, in fact, it was to 'See. for Myself.' Indeed, this very point was made 'by Mr. Gaitskell himself at the time.
In this case. Mr. Gaitskell came to have a look at our special problem,. namely local unemployment. In Anglesey today, for example, there are 1,500 registered unemployed out of a total cif only .12;000 insured ,emplo*s. It was mostly. people connected with this problem that Mr. Gaitskell met—and not the electorate or even party workers.—Yours faith- fully,
SILVAN JONES Prospective Laboiir Camlidate, Conway Ha/dre, Penrhos, Bangor