6 FEBRUARY 1886, Page 3

The Duke of Westminster, in a manly speech, withdrew the

charge he had hastily made against the Irish Parliamentary Party of living in debauchery in London, a charge which he admitted that he could not sustain; and Mr. Tom Hughes, the County-Court Judge, who attended only because the meeting was not a party meeting, but a meeting of all loyal subjects of the Crown, elicited great enthusiasm by expressing the resolve of the meeting to restore the authority of the Queen's writ in Ireland, and by denouncing that sort of " conciliation " which in the American Civil War was advocated by the Northern Copper- heads. And he quoted with great effect the " Biglow Papers" on "Conciliation." For the present, however, we fear that a good many of the Liberal Party have accepted the counsel of conciliation, pending the announcement of the new Govern- ment's plans.