The most remarkable feature in the transactions of the week has been the sale, on Monday, by the Bank, of Reduced Three per Cents and Long Annuities to a considerable amount. The immediate effect of this operation was to produce a decline of about 3 per cent in the prices of most of the current varieties: as it has not been repeated, the market has since rallied a little, and it closes this after- noon at a trifling advance upon the lowest quotation. It was anticipated that the Bank Directors at their usual meeting on Thursday, would increase their rate of discount to 44 or 5 per cent; and money was consequently in demand at rather higher rates than before. The meeting passed without the adoption of any such measure, and money is today easier than on Wednesday; the rate of discount ranging as it did last week. Shipments of bullion to America and the Continent still continue; but the drain has evidently not yet been sufficiently extensive to alarm the Directors of the Bank. It is understood that a large quantity of the bullion in store in that establishment consists of foreign gold coin, viz. Russian. Dutch, and German, which has been purchased at such prices as would leave a profit upon converting it by recoinage into sovereigns, and that the Directors are availing themselves of the present Conti- nental demand to dispose of the particular description in question at prices which leave a considerable profit upon the transaction, instead of converting them into British coin at scarcely any advantage. The rates of the foreign exchanges are rather more favourable than last week, and their downward course seems for the present to be arrested: it remains to be seen whether this lull will be permanent.
In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been very trifling, and the general result of the week's business has been to establish rather lower prices. The Railway Shares are with few exceptions lower. The business transacted has not been extensive; the uncertainty in which the financial operations of the Government are involved preventing the employment of capital for any but tem- porary purposes. The French Shares (with the exception of those of the Great Northern, which after a decline have reacted to the quotations of last week) are for the most part rather lower. But the business has been unimportant; and though the advices from Paris speak more favourably of the state of the market there, the operations of the Bourse do not indicate any material improvement. The Belgian Shares are all without any symptom of vitality.
A demand has arisen for the Irish Shares. The only improvement we can notice is in the shares of the Great Southern and Western, (Dublin and Cashel,) which have advanced about 15s. per share. Some inquiry has arisen for the un- registered scrip of the less popular varieties, such as the Cork and Waterford, Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow, and Dublin, &c.; which have been long neglected, and for which there has not for some time been any quotation. There seems now a disposition to purchase them at a few shillings a share; but the transactions have been limited.
Railway Shares, the prices of all of which are nearly as yesterday. In the latter bargains: Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 24; Boston, Stamford, and Birming- description of security, we can as yet only notice the occurrence of the following
ham, 3 pm.; Buckinghamshire, / pm.; Eastern Counties, 22 24; Ditto, York Extension, 44; Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 261; Great Western,
There is no change or business of importance in any description of Stocks or
Half-shares, 74; South-Western, Tenths, 43; Lynn and Ely, 221; Mid- land (New), 353; Newcastle and Berwick, 321; North British, 344; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 33 3; Scottish Central, 22; West Riding Union, 13 pm.; York and Newcastle, Preference, 7 63; West Flanders, 2/. The disposition for speculation in the Irish Shares though it still continues has not caused any ma- terial advance in price: those of the Great Southern and Western are at a slight improvement upon yesterday's quotations. SATERDAT, Two o'CLocg.
A large sale of Three-and-a-quarter per Cents by an influential broker has de- pressed prices; the English Funds closing at a depreciation of A per cent upon the morning's quotations. The only change in the Foreign Market has occurred in Mexican and Spanish Stock; both of which are slightly firmer. In the Railway Shure Market, with one exception, prices are nearly the same, and the aspect of the market is rather gloomy. Speculators in the London and York have oversold themselves, and are consequently unable to provide Shares for delivery; so that a considerable rise has occurred in those Shares. The following are the principal bargains since the morning. Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 21 3; Caledonian, 24; Eastern Counties, 211 23 211; Ditto, York Extension, 43 3; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 261; Great Western, 125; Ditto, Half-shares, 74; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 193; Lancaster and Carlisle, 613; Ditto, New, 83 9; London and North-western, 103; London and Brighton, 551; London and Blackwall, 83; Mid- land, 1251 125; Ditto, New, 353; Scottish Central, 22; South-eastern and Do- ver, 374; Ditto, New, No. 4,43 3; Boulogne and Amiens, 113; East Indian, i 4; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 124 i i; Luxembourg, 23; Namur and Liege, 243; Rouen and Havre, 263 7; Tours and Nantes, Constituted, 23.
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week eliding on Saturday the 30th day of Jan. 1847.
Notes issued I75,670 Government Debt Z11,015,106 Other Securities 2.944 900 Gold Coin and Bullion 10,499 161 Silver Bullion 1,673 709
--- -
L26,172,870 £26,172,879 RANKING DEPARTMENT.
Government Securities, (in- eluding Dead Weight Annuityl.C12,722,60
Other hccurities 14.106,072
Notes 5,70:1,555
Gold and tither Coin 728,788
• Including Exchequer , Savings Bunks,Conttnissloners of National Debt & Dividend Accounts.
3 per Cent Consols 90, 91 Danish 3 per Cents 86 8 Ditto for Account 901 91
Dutch 21 per Cents
581 3 per Cent Reduced 911 Ditto 4 per Cents. 91; 24
31 per Cents
921 93 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 221 31
Long Annuities:
New Grenada 181 191
ball& Stock
203 205 Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 33 5 Exchequer Bills prem. 4 7 Peruvian.. 38 40 India Stock
Itussian 5 per Cents Ill 113 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents
241 3 Belgian 41 per Cents
93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34f 1 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 40 2 Venezuela 37 39
Chili= 6 per Cents
93 5
Proprietors' Capital
Rest 3,013,711 j
Public Deposits.
4,462,872 Other Deposits 9,659,940
Seven Day and other Sins