Tuesday, Feb. 2.
Merck and Co. Manchester, merchants; as far as regards Thode-Brown and James, Stone, Staffordshire, plumbers-IL, J. W., and 3. Turuley, whartiugers; as far as re- gards H. Turnley- Grundy and Co. Bury. cottou-spinners-Milne and Russell. Shaw within Crompton, Lancashire, ironfonnders-War and Lightfoot. Liverpool, dealers in rice-Stewart and Murray, Old Bailey, printers-Upjohn mud Co. Chandos Street, watch-manufacturers ; as far as regards Ann Upjohn-B. and S. Baker, Knightsbridge, milliners-Tuck and Beck, Poultry, hair-dressers-Williams and Sinus, Sunderland, stationers-Orley and Lax, Darlington, land-surveyors-Coates and Keyworth, York, surgeons-Webber and Noon, Leicester, milliners-T. and W. Bray, Launceston, Corn- wall, printers-Barnes and Thornton. Fenchurch Street, auctioneers-Maclagan and Bray, Camden Town, doctors of medicine-Taylor and Co. Southwark, emery-manu- facturers; as far as regards T. Taylor-Taylor and Co. Southwark, colour-manufac- turers; as far as regards T. Taylor-R. and J. Anderson. Boldon, Durham, brick-makers -S. and S. Rowsell, Cheapside,stationers-Whittall and Cocking, Ludlow, chemists-. Morehen and Lakeman, Shoreditch, cabinet-makers-Forrest and Black, Kensington. nurserymen-Smith and York, West Bromwich, iron-masters-Cannon and Co. Liver- pool, merchants; as fax as regards Alexander-Todd and De Lain, Manchester, solici- tors-R. and T. Gibbs, Pimlico. coal-merchants- Brown and Co. Bristol, linendrapers ; as far as regards Bligh-Rylauds and Co. Wigan, linen-spinners; as far as regards Ry- lands jun. and R. Rylauds-M'Clure and Co. Manchester, warehousemen ; as far as regards Dixon-Hardy and Co. Shadwell, stationers-Doukersley and Co. Houley, Yorkshire.cloth-manufacturers-Bovett and Bowles. Combwitch, brewers-Raines and Porter, Kingston-uvou-Hull, glue-mauufacturers-Davis and Dix, Liverpool, com- mission-agents-R. and E. James, Devonport, haberdashers-Filby and Major, Feu- church Street, ship-brokers-Thomas and Waldron, Cardigan, linendrapers-Oldham and Urwick, Threadneedle Street, wine merchants-Smith and Co. Prue Mills, Hert- fordshire, agricultural linseed cake company.
Woomera:. RICHARD, High Street. Southwark, butcher, Feb. 1.
BUDD, JOHN, Liverpool, commission-agent.
ReeroN, Wrictrat, Fore Street, leather-seller.
BARNETT, JOSIAH, Sydenham, Kent, builder, to surrender Feb. 12, March 16: soli- citors. Messrs. T. and G. Selby, Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basiug- hall Street.
Custurrx, HENRY, Southampton, brewer. Feb. 12, March 16.; solicitor, Mr. Hyde, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthatl Buildings. Dosaressr, GEORGE, Dudley, hatter, Feb. 15. March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Co. John Street, Bedford Row; add Mr. Staines. Newcastle-under-Lyme. FIELD, JAMES and WILLIAM, Mincing Lane, spirit brokers, Feb. 12. March 16: soli- citor, Mr. Peite, Old Broad Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. Fosertooae, WILLIAM BLUNT. Liverpool, mouey-scrivener. Feb. 16, March 16 : soli- citors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings; and Mr. Norris, Liverpool. ',memories, WILLIAM CHARLES, Liverpool, engineer, Feb. 13, March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple; and Mr. Deane, Liverpool. GOLDIE, JAMES, High Street, Whitechapel, distiller, Feb. 12, March 16: solicitor, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Lackingtou. Coleman Street Buildings. HESKIN, THOMAS junior, Thorley, Hertfordshire. horse-dealer. Feb. 12. March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; and Messrs. Gee and Co. Bishop's Stortford. KERSCHNER, GEORGE FREDERICK and JOSEPH. Great Slurry Street. victuallers. Feb. 16, March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Corner, Dean Street, Tooley Street; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. RFASLEY THOMAS, and JOSEPH LEONARD, Long Lane. Bermondsey. tanners, Feb. 10. March 16: solicitors. Messrs. Rhodes and Co. Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. Levrrow. JOHN and RICHARD. Leigh. Lancashire, drapers, Feb. 12, March 16: soli- citors, Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Middle Temple; and Mr. Foden, Leeds. LEWIS, JOHN, Tredegar, Monmouthshire, draper, Feb. 15, March 16: solicitors. Messrs. Tilsou and Co. Coleman Street.
LAMBLEy, ABRAHAM. Birmingham. hotel-keeper. Feb. 10, March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Collissou, Great James Street, Bedford Row; and Messrs. Griffiths and Gilpiu. Birmingham. MUNN, Lewis, Solesbridge. Hertfordshire, paper-manufacturer, Feb. 16. March 16: solicitor, Mr. Burkett. Curriers' Hall, London Wall ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Laue, Lombard Street. SALTER, JOHN, and Cass. Joule. Gloucester, builders. Feb. 16, March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Blaxlaud. Crosby Square; and Mr. Smallridge, Gloucester. SHILLITO, JOSEPH, Manchester, warehousemau. Feb.13, March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; and Messrs. Higson and Son, Manchester. STANDLEY, JAMES, Birmingham. brassfounder. Feb.10. March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Wills, Birmingham. TRAFFORD, Tuoass, Hatton. Lincolnshire, innkeeper, Feb. 11, March 16: solicitors, Messrs. Dyueley and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Rhodes, Market Rosen.
Feb. 23, Northeroft, Chancery Lane. stationer-Feb.25, Gotland. Cambridge, linen- draper-Feb. 25, Lancaster. Mark Lane, wine-merchant-Feb. 26, Lanchester, St. James's Street, milliner-March 11. Window, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, agent- Feb. 23, E ans, John Street, Minories-Feb. 24, Strong and Barthuld, Great Tower Street, merchauts-March I, Moseley, Swinefleet, Yorkshire. potato-merchant-Feb. 27. J. and J. Kelly. Rochdale, joiners-Feb. 26, Holden, Manchester. innkeeper- Feb. 23. Bird. Bridgend, Glamorgaushire, stationer-March 4, Payne, Dolgelly. Me- rionethshire, auctioneer-Feb. 25, Bayley, Macclesfield, builder-Feb. 25, Ash, Taun- ton, bookseller-Feb. 27, Jackson, Leeds. woollen-cloth-merchant-Feb. 25. Clarke. Manchester, paper-dealer-March 2, Carrington, Leicester, bobbin-turner-Feb. 26, Burman. Birmingham. lineudraper-Feb. 26, Grahurn, Barton-upon-Humber, lime- burner-March 3, Hind and Clayt. n, Nottingham, lace-mauulacturers-Feb. 25. Bevau, Swansea. ironmonger-March 1, Coley, Gloucester, scrivener-March I, Wilkins. The Island, Gloucester, dealer in wines-March 5, J. and B. Brown, Birmingham. grocers -Feb. 25. Manley junior. Atherton, pateu/nail-manufacturer-Feb. 26, David, New. bridge, Glamorgnushire, draper-March 4, Blake. Devonport, draper-March 3, Cooke,
Bristol, brush-maker, CERTIFICATES
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 23. Wood, Manchester, drysalter - Huxley, Liverpool. cabinet-maker - Stephen, Basinghall Street, bill-broker-Hays, Regent Street. engraver-Mason, St. James's Street, hotel-keeper-Jemmett. Acre. coach-maker-Savile, Se futon, Yorkshire, grocer-Fisher, Paul Street, Finsbury, oilman.
KIDSTON, ROBERT ALEXANDER. Glasgow. china-manufacturer, Feb. 8, March 9. KIRKLAND, JAMES, Glasgow, warehouseman. Feb. 8, March 2. RITCHIE, DAVID, Dundee, coal-merchant, Feb. 8, March 1.
Friday, Feb. 5.
Daintry and Co. Manchester, bankers; as far as regards Ravenscroft-T., J., and 5. Bury, Liverpool. hide-clearers-Ward and Fisher, Norwich, s hie-merchants-- Campbell and Paterson, Lincoln, lineudrapers-hanks and Cos, Birmingham. uharr ingers-H. and A. M. Withers. Southampton, wine-merchants-Pashley and Ken- sington, St. Duustan's Hill, wine-merchants-F. and J. Nicholls. Kidderminster, grocers-Haigh and Franceys, Liverpool-Hoar and Son. Fetersfield, Hampshire, cut- lers - Procter and Co. Liverpool, dyers-Wisher and Colbeck, Kingston-upon-Hull, joiners-Toussaiut and Son, Pall Mall, wax-chaudlers -Berry and Co. Halifax, machine- makers-Dyson and Co. Hyde. Cheshire. joiners; as far as regards S. and W. Dyson- W. and J. W. Norton. Hellingdon, brick-makers-Knight and Forrest. Liverpool, glass-merchants-Mason and Andreas, Norwich, grocers-Bou ra and Ritchie. Grace- church Street-Harrison and Knowles. Billing°. Lancashire, timber-dealers-Payne and Maltby, Nottingham, attorides-T. and R Mann. Fulready, Warwickshire. farmers -Tuunicliff and Croxall, Midway, Derbyshire, earthenware-manufacturers-T. and J. Honeychurch, Hovey Tracey, Devonshire, potters-J. and J. Taylor, Tunbridge Wells, butchers-Forbes and Co. Peterhead, rope-makers.
MACKINLAY, ROBERT, Silver Street, rectifier, Feb. 4. WONTNER, RICHARD, Cloth Fair, e 001Iendraper, Feb. 5.
BRIDGEWATER, EDWARD. Birmingham, victualler, to surrender Feb. 24, March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Atkins, Gray's Inn; Mr. Greatwouti. Birmiugham ; and Mr. Harrison, Birmingham. CLAY, ROBERT, Huddersfield, merchant, Feb. 16, 99: solicitors, Mr. Eyde, ;Cle- ment's Inn ; and Mr. Sykes, Huddersfield. COOKE, GEORGE, Northampton, scrivener, Feb. 22, March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Inner Temple. awn, JAMES SolOMON, Sheffield. furniture-dealer, Feb. 16, March 19: solicitors, Messrs. H. W. and W. C. Cole. Aldermanbury; and Mr. Chambers, Sheffield. DUCHLTAM, WILLIAM JOHN. Little Love Lane. hosier, Feb. 17, March 19: solicitor, Mr. Lewis. Arundel-Street, Strand; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street. FRESHNET, Ssenri, Bond Street, Chelsea, grocer, Feb. 19. March 19: solicitor. Mr. May, Queen Square, Bloomsbury; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Jests:Ns, Jore, Haverfordwest, auctioneer, Feb. 24. March 19: solicitors, Mr. Rastiags, Harper Street. Red Lion Square; and Mr. Rees. Haverfordwest.
Jemmies. WILLIAM, Gloucester, tailor. Feb. 9. March 19: solicitor, Mr. Watson, Falcon Square. KEMP, WILLIAM RICHARD, East Cheap, wholesale grocer, Feb. 16. March 19: solici- tors, Messrs. Templer and Co. Great 'rower Street; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. Lewis, GEORGE, Mile end Road, victualler, Feb. 16. March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Lucas and Parkinson, Argyll Street, Regent Street; official assignee. Mr. Abbott. Mmroa, EDWARD LEWIS. Northampton, innkeeper, Feb. 23, March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple. PEARSON, JOSEPH, Almoudbury, grocer, Feb. 11, March 19 : solicitors, Mr. Lever, King's Road, Bedford Row; and Messrs. Barker and England. Huddersfield. Roesorr, JOHN and WILLIAM KIMIMTER. Newcastle upon-Tyne, grocers, Feb. 24, 'March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Adliugton and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Hoyle, New- castle-upon-Tyne. STATEN. JAMES. Winchester Street, ship-owner. Feb. 16, March 16: solicitor. Mr. Compton. Church Court, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbary. ToDD, THOMAS, Birmingham, factor, Feb. 24. March 19: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Co. Bedford Row: and Messrs. Ryland, Birmingham. WATLING. LIONEL, Upper Street, Islington, butcher, Feb. 16, March 19: solicitors, Aston and Wallis, New Broad Street; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane.
Feb.27, Parker, Tooley Strcet, victualler-Feb. 27, Robinson, High Street. Poplar; ironmonger-March I, Lee, Charing Cross. hosier-March 1, Douglas, St. Benet'. Place, Gracechureh Street, merchant-March 1, Mayor and Dove, Little Distaff Lane, spice-merchants-March 2, Pearson, York. woolstapler-March 2, Liggins, Hinckley, Leicestershire, hosier-Feb. 26, Mead. Liverpool, iron-merchant-March 5, Marshall, Brighton. builder-March 8, Spark, Exeter, bookbinder-March 24, Poulter, Long Melford, Suffolk. victualler-March 3. Keam, Oregon, Devonshire. quarryman- March 2, Rispin, Pocklington. Yorkshire. currier-March 1, J. and E. Milne, Butter. worth, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-March 2, Cheane and Bartlett, Gloucester. mer- chants-March 12, Sowler, Manchester, bookseller-March 1, Jameson, York, money-
scriveuer. CERTIFICATES,
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Feb. 26. Bonn, Lampton. horse-dealer-Hancock, Bath, brush-mauufacturer-Spark, Exeter, bookbinder-Fairclough, Wavertree. Lancashire, innkeeper.
BELL, JAMES, Edinburgh, smith, Feb. 8, March 1. SMITH. JOHN, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire, cattle-dealer, Fel).13. March 3. WADDELL, ROBERT, Glasgow. cabinet-maker, Feb. 11, March 11.