Acheson, Visa., Armagh C. Adam, C.. Clesitraamtaa &lame. Aglionby, H. A., Cockermatth Ainsworth, P., Bolton Alston, R., Hertfordshire A ogerstein..1.. Greenwich Anson, Sir G., Lichfield Astley, Sir J.. Norfolk, fr. Attwood, T., Birmingham Bagshaw, J.. Seer sr,' Baines. E., I.. ens Bainbridge, E. .r . Taunton Bannerman, A.. Aberdeen lla relay, I t., Sand, r. and Baring. F. T.. PertsreouHi Barnard, E. G. Greenwich Beirocierk, A. W.. `airy. East
Bellew, It. M C. Bellow, Sir P.. Lcuth C.
lin. C. Cheltenham Berkeley, lion F.. Gloucester Ci. Ilia nal, It., Re hedrr Bewes,T ,, Plymouth BidrIalh, It .. Hertfiad Bish.'I., Leto:de/seer Ittreklanne..1 . ll rclder.Jseld Blake. NI.J., Gelo.ey Coy
Blunt, Sir C. It . Lewes Bodkin .1..L. Gal way C.
Bowes, J., Durham. South
]truly. O. C.. el'eory Bridgman. IL. Ennis litoekleleirst, .1.. alecelesjichi Brodie, W. It., New Sarum Jot hertou, J.. So fad Browne. D., May, S Sheffield Buller. C., Lislward Buller, Stolliadshire, North Rolm% IL LI. .1berofela.ne , Liucuht C ty Borden, W. NV.. free/mouth Berton, H. P. Berrrey Butler, lion. P.. It-bloomy C. Buxton. T. F., it iviouth II) .,Middleser Ui ng. lit. Hon. ti . Poole torte roll, Sir .1., Edinburgh C -rieirrell, W. F., Argyleshire C.r‘e, O., Tipperary C asetoli.11,1111. „Derbyshire, N. Ca% owlish:110n. C. C.. Susse.r, E. Cay. ley. E. S., Yorkshire, North Chalmers, P., montr.se Chapman, H. Westmeath Chet wy nil, W. F.. Shillitrd ChieNester, J. I'. B.. Barnstaple Clay, NV., 'forcer Hamlets et t714ton, Sir W Great Marlow Clements. lord, Leitrim Clive. E. B.. Hereprd Cockerell. Sir C.. Eresham Co Irington, Sir E.. Deronpert Colborne, N. W Wells Collier, J., Plymouth Convnghom, Ld. A., Cantrrhury Coolies, T. IL, Worcestershire, E. Cowper, lion. V , licrtford Crawford, W., k ndon Crooned, W. S., Dundalk Crawley. S., Bedford Cartels, H. B., Sa•ser, East Curteis, E. 13„, Rye Dalmeny, Lord. Stirling Denison, W. J., Surrp, West Denison, 3. E., Nottingham, S. Hermiston, A., Dumbartonshire D'E rimier!, C. Tennyson, Lambeth Divett, E.. Es eter Deakin. Sir R. S., Remick Buncombe. 1'. 8., Finsbury Hondas, lion. T.. Richmond Hondas, Hon. J. C., Fork City Dunlop, J.. Ayrshire Edwards, J., eliontgotnerY Ellice, Right lion. E., Coventry Elphinstone, Ii., Hastings Etwall, IL, Andover Evans, G., Dublin C.
Ewart, W» Liverpool Fazakerley, J. N, Peterborough Fellowes, Hon. N.. Devonshire, N. Fergus, J., Kirkcaldy Ferguson, Sir R. C.. Nottingham Ferguson, R., Haddingtonshire Fergusson, R. C, Kirkeudbrights. Fielden, J., Oldham Finn, W. F. Kilkenny C. Fitzgibbon. lion. K., Limerick C. Fitzroy. Lord C., Bury St. Edmd's. Fitzaimon, N., King's County Fitzsimon, C., Dublin C. Folkes, Sir W. J., Norfolk, West Fort, J., Clithero Gaskell, D., Wakefield Gordon, R. Crieklade Goring, H. D.. Shoreham Grattan, H., Meath Grattan, J., If Grey, Sir G., Devonport Grey, Hon. C., Wycombe Grosvenor, Lord IL, Chester Grote, G., London Guest. J. 3.. Merthyr Tideil Gully, J., Pontefract
Hall, B., Monmouth
liallybutton, lion. D., Forfarshire Handley, H., 1,ineolnshire Harland, W. C., Durham Harvey, D. W., Southwark Hawes, B.. Lambeth Hawkins, J.11., Newport, Isle of W. Hay, Colonel L.. Elgin Heathcoat, J., Tiverton Heathcote, Sir G., Rutland:hire Hector. C. J., Petersfield Heueage, E., Greet Grimsby Heron, Sir R., Peterborough Hindley, C., Ashlon-under-Lyne Hobbouse, Sir J. C., Nottingham Hodges, T. L, Kent, West Hodges, T., Rochester Holland, E.. Worcestershire, East Hoskins, K.. Herefordshire Howard. lion. E., Morpeth Howard, P. II, Carlisle Howick, Visct., Northumberland, N. Hume, J., Middleex Humphery, .1., Southwark Muria, R. H., Kurihara Hutt, W., Kingston- upon. Hull bighorn. It . Smith Shields Jepliemi. C. IE. Mallow
Jervis, J.. Chester
Johnston A.. St. Andrews Kemp, T. IL. Let es
King. E. It., Warwick
Laboueliere. 11.. Teroston Iminbton, IL. Durkee, A'orth Langton, W G.. Somerset, East Leader, .1. 'I'.. Bridgewater Lefev re , C. S.. Hampshire, North Lennie, Sir C., Cornwall, West I.1.1111a111. IL 310/./n Lennox, Lord .1. 11., Sessex, West Lister. E. C . Bradford !.ode, .5 . Wick
T. Motet& .”.1.ireeirtr. C., Ashburton lob. A. 11.. a,rway
slackeuzie. A. J. S., Ross-shire Macleod. 14 Suthe rfambhire Alactranara. W. N., Clare M , WexPrd C. Mangles. .1., eisiildford blarimiivarks, S., If yaw Nlaishall. W., Carlisle Manic. Bon. F., Pi rthshire MaxweP. J., Lanarkshire !dialler's 1'., 1Vidshirr, North oloso rat 11, Sir W Cornwall, E.
1111. Gloweestersh. E. m;epettr. Lord, Yorkshire, IV. K.
NI. v rison. J.. /pserieh.
Aunt% II. lion. E. hi. L.. Fiintshire hlunay..t..\.. Leith North, F., Hastings O'Brien, C., Clare O'Brien, NV. S , Li.' prick C. O'Connell, hi., Meath O'Connell. I Dublin City O'Connell, M. J.. Kerry O'Connell. NI., nuke O'Connell. J., Youghal O'Connor Don. Misfortne's
0' Forrall, It. M., Kildare
Oliphant. L., Perth O'Loughlin, NI.. Dungairan Ord, W. 11 . A'errpert Ord, W.. A'euwastle Oswald. J.. Gasgort, Paget, F., Beaurnaris Palmer, C., Bath
Palmerston. V is.. Tiverton
Parker, 7., S/ulfieht Parnell, Sir III. Dieneke Parrott. J Minas Patt ison, J. London Pee G. R.. Brighton Pelham, 11n. C. A. W., Lincolnshire
Pendarves, E. W., Cornwall, W.
Phillips, M., Manchester Philips, G. IL. Kidderminster Piuuey, W., Lyme Regis Potter, R., llignn Poulter. J. S., Slarltesbury Power, J., We rfird C. Poyntz, W. S., Afidhurst Pryme, G., Cambridge Pryse, P.. Cardigan It amsbottom, J., Windsor Rice. Rt. lion. T. S. Cambridge Rippon, C.. Gateshead Hobart.% A. W., Nfaidsteme Robinson, G. R., Worcester Roche, D., Limerick City Roche, W Limerick City Roebuck, J. A.. Bath
Rolfe, R. M., Penrhyn
Rooper. J. IL. Hureiagdonshire Rundell, J., Tacistock Russell, Lord J Stroud Russell, Lord C. J. F.. Bedfordshire Russell, Lord, Tavistock ituerven, E. Kildare Scholefield. J., Birmingham Scott. J. NV., Hampshire. Nor% Scott, Sir E. D., Lichfield Scram G. P., Stroud Seale, Colonel, Dartmouth
Seymour, Lon). Tobiess
Shell, R. I.., Tipperary
Sheldon, E. R. C., Itarteicluk., S.
Simeon, Sir R. G., Isle of Wight Smith, B., Sudbury Smith, J. A., Chichester Smith, R. V., Northampton Smith, lion. R. J., Wycombe Speirs, Captain. Paisley Spiers, A.. Richmond Stanley, E. J., Cheshire. North Steuart, It., Iladdinghas Strickland, Sir G., Yorkshire, W. R Strutt, E., Derby
Stuart, Lord D. C., Arundel
Stuart, Lord J., Ayr Burghs
Sorry, Earl of, Sussex. Went
Talbot. J. II.. Ross Talfouni, T. N.. Reading
Tancred,11. W., Banbury
Thompson, Colonel. Hull. Thomson, Rt. lin. C., Manchester Thornely, T.. Wolverhampton
Tooke, 'N.. Truro
Townley. R. G.. Cambridgeshire Trelawney, Sir W. L., Cornwall, E.
Trowbridge, Sir E. T.. Sandwich Talk, C. A., Poole Tynte, C. J. K., Somersetshre West, Villiers, C. P., Welverhampton
Vivian, C. C , Borinain
Vivian, J. H., Swansea
Walker, Richard. Bury Wakley, T., Finsbury allace, R., Greenock
Warburton, H.. Bridport
Ward, H. (L. St. Albans Wemyss, J., Fifeshire Westenra, Hon. Coloori, King's C
Weptenta, Hon. H. R., Thasughtm
Whalley. Sir S. S. S. B., Afaryk bone
Wigney, J. N.. Brighton
Wilde, T., Newark-upowl'rent Wilkins. W . Radnorshire Wilks..1., Ruston
W ill lams, W A.. Monmouthshire Whims, W., Coeentry
Williams. Sir .1 , Carmerthenshire W ',Unworn, Sir II.. Perham, North W Non, II., Suit :ilk, 11 est Wilmington, sir T. E.. Heredity Wirmingtou, H. J., Itimcestersk. W.
Want, / opt,101
Wood, C., //Oar Wendt., Sergeant. Wrot testa), Sir , Ste4rdshire, S. Young, G. F., Tynemouth OPPOsITION MINORITY.
A g now, Sir A.. 117 Anshire Auisl. Lora Bedf is/shire Alsager, It , Snrry. East Arbrairtrot, Hun. II Kincardines. Arelidall. M. jail., 1 r000rtyt4 C. Ashley, laird, ThIrs, phire Ashley, Mar I I . lewcheq. Attw nod. hi.. 5/7,itchuren liagot, lion \V.. in me eiddr, Bailey , 3., Wereester City Bait lie, 11. I).. lloniton Italfosir, T., Orkney Barclay, tinny. HestBaring', Baring, T., an at Yitionoulh Baring. II. It., Jlarilmreuili Baring, W. Ii . Windt, stet Barnebv, J.. Dmitri-lel& Batesori, Sir it., Losilonderry C. Beckett, Sir 3., 1.eeds Bell, NI., Northumberland, Serra Bentinek, Lord G.. Ain,/'s Lynn Here-null Sir .1 P . Chatham Bethel', R., Yorkshire, East Illaekliorrie..1. I., Warrington Illaelistorre,W . ll'iteingter. Bohlen), I1. G.. Chippenham Bolling, W., Bolton Bonham F. R.. Harwich Beethwick, Fresenm Bradshaw, .1., Berwick Mammon, T , Ever, South Brownrigg, S., Boston Bruce, Lord E., Marlborough Bruce, C. L. C., Interness Zenulrnelh IAI., Nerlormptons. N. Breen, Colonel. Carlow C. Bruen, F.. Carlow Boller, Sir J., Deronshire. South Burrell, Sir C. New Shoreham
Campbell, II Berwickshire
Canning, Sir S., Aloes Lynn Cartwright, W , Nerthamptons. S. Castlereagh. Visit., Down C. Chatalos, Marquis. Brickinehams. Chaplin, T Stamford Chichester, A, Hiniton Chisholme, Ales Inrereen-shire Clerk, Sir G.. Edinburgh,hire Clive. lion. It., Shropshire, South Codringtou, C., Gloucester:. E. Cole. lion. A. IL, Enniskillen Cole, Viset.. Fermanagh Compton, II. C.. Hampshire. S. Conolly, E. hi., Donegal Coote, Sir C., Queen's C.
Corry, lion. IL. Tyrone Crewe, Sir G., Derbyshire, South Cripps, J., Cirencester D'Albiac, Sir C, Ripon Hamer, U., Portarlingtun Darlington, Earl, Shropshire. South Davenport, J., Stoke uponTrent Dick, Q., Malden Dotting A. It , Southampton Doweleswell, W. Tewkesbury Duffield, T., Abingdon Dugibile, D. S.. Warwickshire, N. Dunbar, George, Belfast Duncombe, Hon. W., Yorks., N. R. Duricombe. lion. A., East Rettiod East, J. B., Winchester Eastnor. Visct.. Reigate Eaton, R. 3.. Cambridieshire Egerton, W. T. Cheshire, North Egerton. L0111 F., Lancashire, South Elley, Sir J., Wirelsor Elwes, John Payne. Eue.r, N. Entwistle, J., Rochdale Estcourt, T. G , Orfad Unirersity Esteourt, T. S. B.. //crises Fancourt. Sir J.. Barnstaple Feetor, J. M., Dover Finch, G., Stamford Fleming. .1„ Ilameshire, South Follett. Sir W , Exeter
Forbes, W.. Stirtingshire
Forster,C. S.. Walsall Forester, lion. C., Wenlock Fremantle, sir T., Rockingham Freshlield, J. W.. Penrhyn Gaskell, J. M., Wenlork Geary, Sir NV., Kent, West Gladstone, \V. E„ Newark Gladstone. T.. Leicester
Glynne. Sir S. It., Flint
Goodricke, Sir F. I.. 11., Sted/I.rd Gordon, Hon. W., Aberdeenshire Gore. W. 0.. Shropshire, North Goulborn, Hon. 11., Cambridge Vii Goulbum. Sergeant, Leicester Graham, Sir J., Cumberland, Ens Grant, Hon. F. W., Elgin 1/ Nairn Greene, T., Lancaster Greisley, Sir R., Derbyshire, South Greville, Sir C. J.. Warwick Grimston, Vise., Hertrirrdshire Grimston. Hon., E. St. Alban' s Hale, R. B.. Olourestershire, IV. Halford. H., Leicestershire, S. Haumer, Sir J., Shrewsbury Hamner, H., Aylesbury
Harcourt, G. G., Ozirrdshire Hardinge, Sir II., Lowestoft ilanly, J.. Brodprd Dudley
Hay. Sir J., Preblesshire Hayes. Sir E.. D.megal Ilerbert I i■nt.S., It'iltshire, South Berries. Rt. liu. J. C.. Harudoi Hill. Sir It.. Shropshre, North Loot A Downshire )log;;, J. , Beverley Ilope,llon. .1.. Liniet/rgoreshre !lime, 11. T.. Gloucester I lothans. Lord, Leominster I I onbiswori Ir. T., A'atinglawris. N. Boy , .1, It., 5 eithanipt. n Hughes, W. II.. Urterl City Inglis, Sir It. IL. b rem' Iniversity Mon, S., Cuorterland; West .Vickson..I. II., Barelonbridge Jenny tr. Earl, Bury St. Edmund's Johust J..1.. Dirmfriesthire Jones, T , Londonderry C. Jones. \V., 1 'enbigh , .1. f1..Wigan
Kirk. 'n rrirkfirgres
Knatchb tiI, Sir E.. Keil, East K nightie!, , sir C., Northamptrei, S. Knight. I I .11a lly, .eVottenatonnsh. Law, Hsu C. E.. Cambridge UM. I .ow Ks In. A ., Kno rt :borough i.e,".s Jidm Wham Lefroy. T., The"... lin:versify
Lerr,,v. rergtOrd
Unman. Earl 1.r, Nettingham, South Lopes. Sir It., Westbury Longtiebl, It Mond, Cerk C. Lowther, Hier. /1'o t marekrot Lowther, .1. 11., York Lucas. E., Monaghan Lushingtori.s. It . r
., ll'ereester, W.
Maclean. I'., Oxfirrd City Nialum, Lord, Hertford Manners, I. 1. C , Leicestershire, N.
Mathew. Captain. Gatremy C.
Nlannsell. 'I'. t'.. Nurthain plonsh, N.
Maxwell. II., Coma klevirell, II.. Liston.
Mill's, W . Somersetshire, East NI Res, P. .1 Br.'etol C. Miller, W. Newer/seen:L. Muntenia. Si,' J., //itrairksh. S. Neelel. .1 , Chip; enham
Ned I. .1. Criehlaile
N icholl. J., Cardiff Norreys. Lord, Orfrreishire O'Neill, Hon. J. It. R., Antrim Ossulstou. Ld., Nir'humberld..N Owen, Sir J Venda- ktshire Palmer, It., Be; kshire Parker, Mont agne It.. Dermuhire.S. Patten, J. W.. Lannshire, N. Peel, Sir It., To mworth Peel, Colonel, Huntingdon Peel, Rt. lion. NV. Y., .Tarnworlh l'eel, It., Neweastte ander-Lyne Pemberton. T.. Ripon Pereeval, Colonel, Sligo C. Pigot, It., Bridgenerfk Plumptre, J. I'.. Kent. East Plunkett. lion. It., Drogheda Polhill, F., Bedfurd
Pullen, Sir J., Andover
Pollington, Lord, Pontefract Pollock, Sir F., Huntingdon Powell, NV. E.. Cardiganshire Treed, J. B.. Buckinghamshire Need, W. NI.. Great Yernwuth Price, S. G.. Sandwich Price, R., Radmw Pringle, A., Selkirkshire Reid, Sir J. R.. Diver Richards, J Mare:borough Ilickfind,W ., Aylesbury Ross. C., Ni rthampton Itnslibrooke. It., Sufrolk, Wet Russell, C., Reading RYle, J.. Mareleyield Sanderson, IL, Colchester Sondem, Lord, Liverpool Scarlett, lion. It. C., Norwich Scott, Lord J., Roxintrghshire Seoratield. W. H., Ilarerfordwese Shaw, F., Dublin University Sheppard. T., From* Sibthorp, Colonel. Lincoln Sinclair. G.. Caithness-shim Smith, A Herfordshire Smyth. Sir G. IL, Colchester Somerset. Lord G. C., Monmouth . Somerset, Lord I.E., Cirencester Stanley, Lord, / ancashire. North Stanley, E., Cumberland, West Stormont, Lord, Norwich Stint. II. C., Di rse'shire Tennent. J. E„ Belfast Thomas, Colonel. 117RSIII0 Thompson, W., Sunderland Trench, Sir F., Scarborough Trevor, lion G. It., Carniartkrui. Trevor, lion. A., Durham TWiSS, Ii., Bridport Tyrrell, Sir J.1.. Esser, North Vere, Sir C. B., Suffolk, East Verner. W., Armagh C. Vernon, G. 11.. East Retfiwd Vesey, Hon. T., Queen's C. Vyvyan, Sir it. It., Bristol Wall. C. It., Ouildfmd Walpole, Lord. Norfolk, East Walter, .1„ Berkshire WelbY, G. E., Grantham Weyland, R., Oxfindshire Whitmore, T. C., Bridgenorth Wilbraham. tin. R., Lancashire. S. Wodehouse. lion. E., Norfolk. East V. T Brecknockshire Wortley, Hon. J. S., Hafae Wyndham, W., Salisbury Wynn, C. W. W., .Mont eomeryshire Wynn, Sir W. NV., Denbighshire Yorke, E. T., Cambridgeshire Young, Sir I.., Brulangtiamskine Young, J., Cavan Comfy.,