6 DECEMBER 1930, Page 15

Country Life


The House of Commons contains a so-called " Amenity Croup," which is very watchful, very practical, and already influential. Under the chairmanship of Mr. Percy Hurd, who is always practical first and aesthetic second, it passed a resolution last week of which much will be heard :—

" In the opinion of this Committee the effect for good or ill which the rating or taxation of land values or increment must have upon development of land will be great and far-reaching. It is essential therefore that before any proposals for land value taxation are formulated their relation to town planning principles and legislation should be thoroughly examined, and that the Town Planning Bill should be introduced at the earliest possible moment."

All three parties are represented in the group, and powerfully represented ; and it is probable that the resolution will in the sequel produce its effect. It will not be the fault of the C.P.R.E. if active steps do not ensue.

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