A letter from Mr. Robert Witt in the papers of
Monday announced the gratifying news that Euilicient money had been raised to secure Millais' great work " The Carpenter's Shop " for tho National Collections. Although the alternative purchaser was such a worthy one as the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, it is specially important that such a picture as " The Carpenter's Shop " should remain in one of the great English galleries. Though there may be a possible diver- gence of opinion on the intrinsic beauty of the picture, there can be none on its importance in the history of art. As it is often held to be the painter's greatest work, so many critics consider it one of the leading examples of the school to which it belongs—that of the true " Pre-Raphaelites." Hence it is obviously one of the pictures which should be easily accessible in some great gallery. Mr. Witt and the National Art Collec- tions Fund are to be congratulated on the success of their efforts.