A French Eton. By Matthew Arnold. (Macmillan )—In 1859, Mr.
Matthew Arnold, visiting France to examine the conditions of primary education in that country, took the opportunity of seeing something of its secondary schools. In 3864, he published the results of his inspection, as far as concerned the secondary object of his journey. He gave a description of the Toulouse Lyceum, and of a school at Soreze, founded in the reign of Louis XVI., and afterwards under the charge of Lacordaire. These de- scriptions occupy Part I. Parts IL and III. give Mr. Arnold's views on English secondary education, as it was, and as it ought, in his judgment, to be, with a reference to what he saw in France. To this has been added that part of a book on" Schools and Universi- ties on the Continent" (1868), which deals with France, and a preface wiitten six years afterwards.