6 APRIL 1901, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The relatives of those who died of disease or were killed by the enemy last year during the' siege of Ladysmith may feel an interest in an account of the work done by the Guild of Loyal Women on Ladysmith Relief Day, February 28th, 1901. Appeals were made to all friends of the fallen in Natal to send flowers by train to the Guild, and early in the morn- ing parties of ladies met at the railway station, and divided the cases and baskets to deck the cemeteries of Ladysmith, Intombi, Wagon Hill, CEesar's Camp, Surprise Hill, Nicholson's Nek. Personally, I inspected and helped to deck the cemetery near the town, and Intombi, four miles out. The flowers, collected from all parts of Natal, were exquisite, and quite fresh—a great many made up into crosses and wreaths—and the graves in both places were cared for, the town Corpora- tion and the military working together for that end. All graves within five miles of Ladysmith are enclosed, and cleaned at intervals. We hear that a branch of the Guild also decked the graves lower down the line of those who fell fight- ing for our relief.—I am, Sir, &c., ISABEL BARKER.

The Rectory, Ladysmith.