6 APRIL 1861, Page 7


WE have telegrams from Vienna. and Paris of yesterday's date, and one from Turin, of considerable interest, dated Thursday evening. They are as follows: " Vienna, Friday.—On the occasion of the opening of the Austrian Diet to-morrow; the members will proceed to the Cathedral of St. Stephen, where a religious ceremony will be performed, after which the formal opening will take place in the Hall of Assembly. "The last sitting of the present Council of Municipality was held yesterday': The sitting was a public one." "Parts Friday:—The Paris papers publish a telegram, dated Con- stantinople, 4th April, stating that the Porte had addressed a memo. randum to the representatives of the Powers, announcing the blockade of the Adriatic coast on the side of Montenegro. The report of the

received at Constantinople. proceedings of the international commission at Beyrout had been " This report indicates dissension amongst the members."

"Turin, Thursday Evening.—In to-day's sitting of the Chamber of Deputies the discussion on the affairs of Naples was continued. " Signor Ferrari spoke in favour of the autonomy, of Naples. (Marks of disapprobation.) He eulogized Garibaldi, and proposed that he should be appointed Governor of the Southern Provinces. Signor Scialoja refuted the arguments of Signor Ferrari. The Marquis

proclaim, in 1815, the inde- Pepoli said that Murat was the first to pendence and unity of Italy. " The discussion will be continued to-morrow. Garibaldi is still indisposed, and has not yet been present at the sitting of the Chambers."