Extract from Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education, 24th Stptemher 1839.
lead an account of the Replications for pecuniary aid to schools in Great Britain, not including applications for endowment, under the 1st and. 11 Victoria, cap. 87. The Lords of the Committee deliberate as to the best manner of effecting the Objects contemplated in the vote of the last session. The sum voted is 30,11001.; the number of applications is already 307 ; the number of scholars to be alit- cated in the proposed schools is 58,302, and the ne mut applied for is 48,590/.
The Lords of the Committee observe that in a large proportion of the applications now before them the memorialists have commenced, or undertaken, the erection of school-houses, in the expectation of receiving pecuniary, assist- ance from her Majesty's Government upon conditions shuilar to those which were required by the Lords of the Treasury, and the Lords of the Committee resolved to be guided by the regulations contained in the Treasury minutes, in. so far as will be consistent with the terms of Her Majesty's Order in Council of June 3, 1939.
The following regulations will therefore govern the appropriation of the stun intrusted to the superintendence of the Committee for the present year.
" 1. Every application for a grant is to be made in the form of a memorial, addressed the Right Honottrable the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education.'
" 2. The Committee will consider the memorials in order, according to the dates at which they have been, or shall be received.
" 3. The right of inspection will be required by the Committee in all cases. Inspectors authorized by her Majesty in Council will be appointed from time to time to visit schools to be lienr,!forth ailealliy public money. The inspectorie will not interfere with the religion, instruction, or discipline, or management of the school, it being. their object to collect lets and intermation, and so re- port the result of thw meepections to the Committee of Council. " 4. Before any applicatiOn for aid shall be entertained, the Committee will require to be satisfied by reference either to the inspectors, or to the National or British and Fureivn School Society, or, if the school be in Scotland, to some competent authority 'there- 0 1. That the case is deoening of neeistance.
it 2. That there are no charitable or other funds or endowments which might supersede the necessity of a grant. " 3, That the site of the echool-house has been obtained witim a good legal tenure, and that be convey:nice to tru:Aees it has been duly secured for the education of the (Milani of the poor. "4. That it is reasonable to expect that the school will be efficiently and permanently supported. " 5. The Committee will require that every building on 1.ehalf of which any
application is entertained shall i.e of at er,ction, ain1 that in the plans thereof not less than six s f-et bo 1.7,,vi.1,d for each child. "6. All recipients of grants will l'e 7, to bind themselves to submit to :my audit of their buildim, account. :eel to furnish any reports of them which the Committee of Council may require. " 7. The Committee will remlire that the certificate hereto annexed shall be signed by the applicants and presehted to the Committee, helm° their Lord- s:hips will authorize the peyinent of any .rent which may he made to a echool. " In all ordinary cases the grants will be made in aid of the erection of school-houses (exclusive of residence for master or assistant) upon the follow- ing further conditions :
" 1st. That for every 104. to be gimlet' by the Committee, the means of educating one child (at least) shall provided.
" 211.- That the amount of privat-e. 0:111 rce..ived, ex- pended, and aceonnted fur, before their Lor,"0:ips will authorize the Llyment of the grant.'
" 9. In every application for oil to tl.e erection of a school-honse in Eng- land or 'Wales, it must be stated vi.,thsir the school is in connexion with the National Society or British and ro:...irm School Society; and if the said school be not in connexion with e:ti:cr of those Societies, the Committee will not entertain the case, unless some special circumstances he exhibited to induce their Lordships to treat the case as special. " 10. Under the head of speci:1 'the following may be included :
• 1st. Cases of peculiar urgency, arising in poor and portions pious. " 2d. Peculiar cases, in whets sums may he required tor the aid ain't sup- port of existing school:.
" Cases of Schools in Eneland or Wales which arc not connected with the National or British and Foreign Society.
" We, the undersigned, prormters of the sAloo. at , hereby certify, for the information of the It iele; lloaourable the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education-
" ' 1st. That the new school-house, in aid i.f which. your Loedthins were
pleased to grant /., is c,unpleted in a s..',:sfaetor:.- al.l erhanen:ike man- lier, being built of the peeper ihmenshms, and in all r,s.1-z-...;s ne:;ording to the plan aid specification prone:NI to and approved by your Lordships. " 2d. That the account ,,f private 5111,C:1'41110ns specified in our memorials to your Lordships has been rcceivi d, ,::.e.:;ted, and :wee. does not remain any debt, charge, Cl' ;Imo of anc kind ..)11;,Ct',:iii:t of the hurtling, except what will be liquidated by your Lord.ship.f Lraht, the pr.yment of' whitill is now prayed for.
" 3d. That the site of the echool-konee has been oil eh: :el ienli a good legal tenure, and has been duly t at seas to e.:eitre bailding for the purpose of educating the ('Iii ha tff the poor.
• 4th. That we are re:1(1:,- to a:.:• audit of nor accounts for build- ing which vour Lordsliips may :t, snake periodical report, r,-peet- ing the state of our eehools as your,1.11,-; may call for, and -a nemilt your Lordships' inspectors accordies e• the annexed reguletion winked A.
• In testimony whereof u' tIe X''ur *..naturke. and requeet the payment of the sum appropriated to the school as aforesaid. " Signed and dated • " Rine r Lee toe A.
" The right of inspection wPl he 1,,r...1 the Ce:omittce in all cases. Inspectors authorie,I hy her Mejeety in will "io :mtlit,rized from time to tune to visit sehools to lie heneethrth ii. 1 Iv ;Iola! money. The In- spectors will not interfere with the religion- he-lutetium or ."-iscipline, or ma.- nagement of' the sehool ; it being their objeci to collect Met s and information eport tit* of their inspections to the Commit toe of Committee of Council.' "