5 OCTOBER 1839, Page 1

Now that the Carlist cause is hopeless and the young

Queen's. throne appears to be firmly established, French politicians of the Censervative order begin to think the present an excellent time thr intervention in Spain. To quarrel with the Northern Poweran, and effectually aid their ally in the hour of danger, was far from the thoughts of Doctrinaires but now, the Journal des Debuts is. eager for the closest connexion between France and Spain, and de-- votes elaborate articles to prove the immense advantages whiels, the latter country would derive from the aid of France in the work- of her regeneration. The French journalist dwells especially (air the construction new roads across the mountains of the fron- tier. and hones to realise the wish of Louts the Fourteenth—a. sovereign as disinterested, no doubt, as Lons PHILIPPE—that there should " no longer be any Pyrenees." How very coavenients then would be the access of French armies into Spain! How easily would France then protect her ally against the formidable- Portuguese, or the embitious English, so very likely to invade the- Peninsula with views of conquest! History proves that from France Spain !las nothing to fear! Louts PHILI2PE is at Fontainebleau, with his family, and a br&- :lent assemblage of courtiers and statesmen. Much intrigue is thought to be on foot, the King's dissatisfaction with his present Ministers being readily surmised. Louts PHILIPPE, it is man blames his Ministers for the team-riots, his own unpopularity, and the perplexity of the Eastern question. His Majesty sighs for the.. obsequious Count Heel: : who has been invited t's Fontainebleau to assist, as rumour states, in thrilling new Ministerial combinations:- Moen, it i3 said. whuld make it fast fidend Of 3IE11EMET Ax.z by acknowledging his independence, and act a bold part against Rum- sia, in accordance with LOUIS PILILIPPR'S existing inclination- Such is the Fontainebleau gossip on politics. Admiral Itoessix is recalled from Constantinople having had a. tart correspondence with Sauer, who charged him with inactivity-- M. Poserots is named as his successor. Admiral BAI:DIN is to su- persede Admiral Ler-se:De in the cenenand of the Levant fleet.