The English Funds havo been very slightly affected during the week : the tentleney to derline which we noticed in our last Number has, however. disap- peared, and the little business that has been done has been at higher prices than last week. This improvement is attributable to the dispersion of the late am- bulatory Congress.
In spite of a report ft om Amsterdam, that the King of Ilolland lets deter- mined to decline anv further negotiation, 1/ittell Stork has maintained its price, and closes this afternoon at 4!) ion. In the Russian Ponds, seveml purchases have been eth•eted, and the price is to-day at 103. Brazilian Bonds are quoted higher : the recent ititelligenco from Rio Janeiro being favourable, the exchange having
experienced a still farther improvement to and the stock being inuch in de- ma/A,—the prier of the goods here Portuguese Scrip has been as lligh
_tie; the in■elli;4ence of the ■h• of the 711 le:indite:, and resignation of l ; moN"r having" caused a rice to that priee froth 19.1i. The arceunts received to- day do not speak so confidently of the succass of Don 1'i:ono (although Nye do 11,t Sine any reason to doubt the accuracy of the previous ;tee:mots 1 ; and the Scrip has been as low as and closes at '21;; Spankh Stock 114, boon as high as and closes rather lower, viz. '221; Soine largo purchases (to say nothing of the revived report of the death of the King of Spain) have caused t he present implovement. Intelligence leis this morniou. been received floni the Real Del Montt! ; the protium, daring the 111010 I t`i Of June and July had reached 5:I,o0o dollars ; but as the antiaipations of the speculators have far out- run even this success, the price of the Shares has not risen, and is to-day quoted at 57h 58&. SATURDAY, TWELVE o'ci.orit.
Little worthy of remark lots occurred this morning- The English Funds are generally at the quotations of yesterday. The arrival of the Savage from Lisbon, which place she left on the 18th ult., has caused some activity in the mat kets for Portuguese securities. Although the intelligenre brought bv this vessel has been anticipated by the African, which left Lisbon four days later: the more cir- cumstantial act-omits now received are interesting as confirmatory (litho success of the cause of the young ()liven. The Regency Scrip has been as high as 22:;, and is now 2217 11... As is usually the ease, Spanish Rands have sligl I tly shared in the improvement of Portuguese Stock, and are :22'; The letters from Ainst,•rdatif recently received, I eport that it was rumoutial in that city that another Iirr arm Loan had been contracted for by the house of Hope—a surtniee triricb probably originated in the Loge quantity of specie lately transmitted from Hamburg io St. Petersburg. Some discussion having ;nisei' this morning as to the pciel nee of the Del INIonte Alines, we give the following account of the workings with
which we have been favoured.
Proilure fir Five Weeks previous to 19th June
l'roduee for Four Weeks ending 16111 July 313,000
Produce in Nine Weeks
55,029 :1 per Cent. Consols. . Ditto for Account...
New3l p. cent. Ann
Bank Smek India Stilt Exeliegner Bills
Belgian 5 per Cents. 951 ;1 Prazilian 5 p. ('cut;.1,;.<
96; Banish 3 per Ceuls. 7ll 1 I
2121 ; /loch 21 per Conts.4S: -- • l'retwb 31>er
45 -16 Greek (11115.)5p.Cts.. —
Nlexivan 6 per Cent s.35 Pertu;mese 5 p. (*As I 'to.ltegoney 5p.0 Is 22; .1 Prussina(1SIS)5p.Ct. — Russ. (1,22)5 p.Cts.10.21 Spanisli(1:42115p.t.l1. 221