br Country.
The agricultural dinner at Liverpool, was held last Monday week; Lord Stanley in the chair. There were 750 present, and the whole uf}itirwvent off very pleasantly. Time Duke of Richmond, Mr. Stanley, and Lord Molyncux, were present. It was given in Lucas's Rooms, Great Charlotte Street. Shortly after the guests had sat down to din- ner, a person named John Griffith Evans presented himself fee .ohnit- tance at the side-door, which leads from the yard to the Bel(esitory, and was then open, almost opposite where Mr. Stanley sat, mounded by a number of distinguished persons. Mr. Derbyshire stood at the door ; and Evans inquired of hint where were 111r. Stanley and the Duke of Richmond, as lie wanted to see them. Derbyshire very pro- perly refused to admit him, and Evans became resolute in his deter- mination to enter. Some slight contusion arose ; on which Mr. Wilson, the constable, caine up, searched Evans, and was about carrying him off to Bridewell. Evans resisted, and pulled out a loaded horse-pistol. Of this weapon he was instantly deprived ; on which he put his hand into his pocket, and produced two knives rudely formed from " super- annuated" razors. These were also taken from him, and be was con- veyed to Duncan Street Bridewell. It appeared, on inquiry, that Evans bad repeatedly called at the Golden Lion Inn, and the cattle show-yard, during the early part of the day, inquiring for Mr. Stanley, and the Duke of Richmond. This, coupled with his conduct, and the filet of his carrying deadly weapons about his person, naturally led to suspicions of the worst kind. On the Tuesday following, he was brought up for private examination before the Magistrates, and remanded until the next day. He then stated, in defence, that his sole object was to pre- sent a letter to Mr. Stanley, as Colonial Secretary, respecting some claims to the amount of some hundred thousand pounds ; which sum he alleged was due to his late father by Government. He attempted ere explain the fact of carrying a loaded pistol with him', by stating, tIeze was in the habit of practising at the Shooting--gallery; which we belieese- he was. tinder all the circumstamtes, the Magistrates felt theueeeleee: justified in holding Evans to bail (himself in WO/. and two suret.itoein 230/. each), in default thereof to be committed for twelve months eJt.b the borough gaol. Bail was not forthcoming, and he was relates:ed.:to prison, where he is likely to continue. Evans is a Welchman ; he is trthe'.1 kilOW11 1.11)0/1 WWII by the length of his beard and his eccentric His father was a legal officer abroad; and at his death is said to lev.F:..1.7!ili all his property. to a woman with whom he lived. It is said dint since!: event, wlrich so materially changed his prospects, the prisoner has !auks mentally deranged. halved, we have heard that he has !moo colei;_neIt in Air. Squires's lunatic asylum at Walton.—Liecip,e1 The registration of voters now in progress loudly proclaims fi-.! cessity of some alteration in the mechanism of the lieforin :Net, polls the publication of the lists in the several country parishes. omissions and inaceuracies on time part of Overseers Lve been vei.; :.,ii- inerous. To a certain extent, those errors have been co:Tected ,Etere Barristers ; and if there be no general election in the mining y2,v-„xra mischief will probably ensue; but if such an election ,-insult! tab.' It-(, we fear that great and serious inconveniences will be expet•ieno.ed, which are not alt present generally contemplated. If the naive seer were It permanent one, those officers ivoidd become fin:lilies eras the duty Of registration' and perform it correctly ; butt in !dealtt the Overseer acts but for One year, and the information gained ie. fate Barrister's Court is by a person to \Omni it is then of little or ne eau. But while the Act remains unamended, there are two or three fluffs thrown out by Mr. Reynolds in his Court at Chelmsford, if attended to, would remove some of the existing difficulties. learned gentleman said, that the Overseers of every parish have a copy of the Reform Act, and a copy of the Register, irddis',.yife. by the Clerk of the Peace according to the directions or the _A fe:. Mr. Reynolds further expressed an opinion, that if professional ass..i.E.t„ anee were required by Overseers on points of difficulty wilicia.!"::ift arise in the performance of their duty, they would be justified in rtt- taining that assistance. The expense of all this would be comparaLi!--ee.:?. trifling-; and even if the strict letter of the Act did not sanctiou cuffing of such expenses, we cannot conceive that in any case the habitants of a parish %you'd object to the payment of so small a RAM 1.10 effect so desirable an object ; but the Act is very explicit on la, jeet.-Chebnyiwd Chronicle.
The Corporation of Leicester, acting tinder the advice of thoir corder, Mr. Sergeant GoulburnAave refused to supply the CPTZ:VN- ti011 CifintnissiotterS With doemnents which the latter required re;riletss to the money concerns of their body—especially a copy of a e.ecoalat mortgage of corporation property, to the amount of lo.ot ill/. The .7*; poration met in common hall on Wednesday week, and resolved tatr, mously, "That this corporation feels towards his Majesty's Coatut;ssion the greatest istsrilitiz deference and respect, and desires to ;arid ol.edienee to it but that they do 120. ....19.- sider that it can form any part of the object of that commission to assemble &tile law: meetings of the town, and to require the disclosure, before them, of all the private Mary affairs of the Corporation, and of the titles by with& they hold their Intl tr.:;: That therefore this Corporation. in COMM= hall assembled, is of opinion that tIK.Ths.--n- clerk should not deliver up to the Commissioners the further books, papers, documestF, and:Accounts which they have now reiptired."
The money raised by the mortgage alluded to is supposed to -Leese: been expended in the election of 1826. It is not vet known what sann will be taken to compel obedience from the refractory corporators_ At a meeting of the Corporation of Winchester last week, F.:- "...2.1 purpose of swearing in the persons, a hundred and seventy in on whom the freedom of that ancient city has been conferred, :ea attended for the purpose.
.A meeting of the nobility, gentry, mind clergy, resident in err ri netted with the county of lurk, was held in the Aim-de-Ilan at on Thursday week, in order to consider the best ino,ie of paying coming tribute to the memory of the late Air. I Brougham, Earl Eitzwilliam, the Earl of Carlisle, 1.,:;21 Alorpeth, Lord Stourtun, the Archbishop of York, Mr. sr(;, and Air. Gully Knight, were present ; and the Archbishop was in the chair. The meeting was ad,iressefl by all :1, whose names are mentioned above; and the fulhe.ving reselatier.• passed. 0 That the great ahilk los of the late- Willuu t i..•• till' latest hour of his life. in the genuinespirit of Chri..■ ,un Teets of the nest enlarged benevolence. have netptired his !idiots ci!iz■ms.
" That the conn,xion so long sghsisting bokreen Mr. Wilbeif i -
which he represented in six :meet's:sive rariiaments during a pu of
years• calls ova, us to transmit to our posterity none! I! 0: a ■•I mraetcr of the imitat Mn or those who engage in public life. Teal while this meeting highly appoive of the plan ultich ;i.e.. erecting a c.,lonitt to the 1111•1110rV of Mr. withetforee, at :NH, his r:vsi-,-.• of opinion that there should also he a memorial of him placed it s.• which the inhabitants of the several disiriets of this gout cout,!■. interest.
" That the nature iirsuelt memorial must. in some. 111.11 antonnt of the sulveriptions which tally be !,,A it is a•h sum raked lie adequate', to fund,/ 110111•N 01010 county. and to put np a tablet to ill,. metuor of scription be insutlici,m to:lc:midi:Ai such au object, that they shull • erection of a monument."
The last resolution was proposed by Lord 13rougham ; wt l2 pressed Lis wish that an institution, bearing the name of Wilbct.f;. should he established, whose object should be the general difFfe education—" the extirpation of ignorance, winos(. bitter fruits tasting and should c011tirino to taste ; and he truoted diet \\dee, ranee WaS conquered, the execrable but legal Matt' oit,p1 I tu',.; ranee would also be triumphed over—he in cant (I o.ord, intolerma
A public meeting has been held, and the yam ession of feeling in his &roue wits very strong. The Tories seem to fuer that their man wil not submit to a second contest. At (me place, \\Imre their requisition was laid, there were but two signatures, tic one the keeper of the shop, the other the gravedigger of the perish. Air. :Mortimer Ilayetun, the brother of the deceased member, Las issued a long address to the electors, declaring himself a candidia r ; end it is said that he a ill come down to canvass the electors after his It brother's interment.
In Consequence of the operation of schedule A, the l Mk() of New- castle is going to bring the properly I leo he has in both the defunct boroughs of Aldborough and Bosom:hi:rides. to the hammer, he being determined " to do what he will with his own." A surveyor is busy in haying out the property' in lota—Leeds Mercury.
The inhabitants of Sheffield have presented Lord Fitzwilliam with a handsome piece of plate, to be used as a centre OfIlatilellt of a din- ner-table, in testimony of their gratitude for his services during the period he \vas Member for Yorkshire.