5 NOVEMBER 1948, Page 35


IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week November 76th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.SA. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


1. The general feeling in the Lower House ? (11.)

9. Perhaps they support Mr. Mantalini's view of life. (7.)

" Infinite riches in a little room " (-). (7.)

11. Ten matters for reconstruction. (10.)

12. Like an afterthought. (4.) 14. A good street to move out of. (5.)

15. Gilpin's horse " was not a whit in- clined to tarry there." (8.)

17. This weapon might be made square at the ends. (8.)

19. Awkward fellows to have on one's hands. (5.)

22. Get her back to eat. (4.)

23. The corporation band should master this at a stretch. (10.) 26. A French military affair. (7.)

27. A lettuce in sticky surroundings. (7.) 28. Alas, it's a run they make-probably hundreds 1 (11.)


1. " Like a -, I was wondered at " (Shakespeare). (5.)

2. More about falsehood. (7.) 3. Revo. (10.)

4.Swinburne's was a swallow. (6.) 5. Meet a don (anag.). (8.)

6. They occurred in the Thirty Years War. (4.) 7. " The dews of heaven fall thick in - on her ! " (Shakespeare). (9.) B. Strode into the county. (6.) 13. The confusion of a cut pal occurs about once. (10.) 14. Darn 14 ac. this apple might be. (9.)

16.They lack factual support. (8.)

18. Another name for arrowroot / (6.)

20. An ounce turns up with a changed air. (7.)

21. A run on this bank may well lead to shipwreck. (6.) 24. " I have just found a wanton-scented -s- " (Meredith). (5.)

25. Old king-of the Football Associa- tion ? (4.)