5 NOVEMBER 1853, Page 7



Various reports, by telegraph, from the seat of war, arrive by way of Paris and Vienna. One purports to be an "official communication," sent, undated, from Bucharest, and forwarded from Vienna yesterday. It states that 2000 Turks appeared at Giurgevo, and fired into the town ; that in a conflict near "Dam," the Russians had compelled the Turks to retreat up the river; and that there were daily skirmishes at Kalafat. Another despatch asserts that the left wing of the Turks at Kalafat, and 8000 of the reserve from Sophia, had been thrown forward; and that "the vanguard, under Namik Pacha and General Prim had a serious con- ffiet with 2500 Russian cavalry, between Kalafat and Krajowa. The affair lasted two hours, when the Russians retreated towards Siatina." All the accounts agree in stating that Prince Gortschakoff has pro- claimed martial law throughout the Principalities. One says that Prince 8lirbey, the Hospodar of Wallachia, has been deposed, and that he has retired into Transylvania.

A telegraphic despatch from Belgrade dated 21st October, reports that "the war with Russia has been proclaimed by Izzet Pacha, in presence of the Servian ministers and dignitaries."

The news, from Constantinople extends to the 24th October. The Vienna Prase seems to confirm the report that the Turkish Government had accepted the new note drawn up by Lord Stratford, based "on the admissions of the Czar at Olmiitz." Redschid Pacha is said to have given his consent after a series of " stormy " conferences.

The combined fleets were on the move towards the Bosphorus.