Hugonis Grotii, .De Jure Belli, Libri Tres. Accompanied by an Abridged Translation by William Whewell, D.D., Master of Trinity College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. With the Notes of the Author, Barbeyrac, and others. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. The Last Fruit of an Old Tree. By_ Walter Savage Lander. Asiatic Cholera : its Symptoms, Pathology, and Treatment ; with which is embodied its Morbid Anatomy, General and Minute. Trans- lated from a Paper by Drs. Reinhardt and Leubusoher, by Richard Harwell, Fellow (by Examination) of the Royal College of Surgeons, late House-Surgeon and Demonstrator of Anatomy at St. Thomas's Hospital, Walter Evelyn ; or the Long Minority. In three volumes. Palm Trees of the Amazon and their Uses. By Alfred Russel Wallace. With forty-eight Plates.
The Russian Shores of the Rktek Sea in the Autumn of 1862; with a Voyage down the Volga, and a Tour through the Country of the Don Cossacks. By Laurence Oliphant, Author of " A Journey to Nepaul." On Civil liberty and Self-Government. By Francis Lieber, LL.D., CM. French Institute, Sw.; Author of "Political Ethics," &c. The Roses. By the Author of "The History of a Flirt," &a. In three volumes.
.Post-ojice London Directory, 1854. Comprising, amongst other informa- tion, Official Directory ; Street Directory ; Commercial Directory ; Trades' Directory; Law Directory ; Court Directory ; Parliamentary Directory; PostalDirectory ; City Directory ; Conveyance Directory ; Banking Directory, &c. 1 he fifty-fifth annual publication. [As London grows and trade progresses, so does their reflex the Post-of/es London Directory increase. The edition of this wonderful book, has, to speak commercially, been enlarged some ten or fifteen per cent; in fact, like the city whose inhabitants it brings into a focus, it has got very unwieldly. As an example of how matters march in these days something like sixty new trade-headings are introduced, several of these being connected with railways, and for seemingly trifling articles too. The clerical body has re- ceived especial attention. "An entire new list has been added containing the beneficed and officiating clergymen and Dissenting ministers, with their churches and chapels, and their residences in all cases where it could be ascertained." Great changes have been made in the conveyance portion— another consequence of railways. Even the titles of societies are now affixed to the names of the distinguished sort, who "shine in the dignity of F.R.S.," &e.] Lights and Shadows of Artist Life and Character. By James Smith, Author of "Wilton and its Associations," &e.
[An extensive storehouse of anecdotes of artists, arranged under different heads. At the beginning, there is a chapter showing by example how early many great artists, and for that matter many little artists too, displayed a love of art : then there is a collection of stories illustrating the jealousy of the pictorial race, and anon a chapter on their liberality ; the same persona occasionally figuring in each : one chapter is devoted to tipplers and loose livers; one to those in whose career romance or sometimes misery was mingled ; and so on. The book would have been improved by a more rigid judgment in the selection of the anecdotes, so as to confine them more closely to great masters: but the volume is copious in its matter, and from its na- ture readable.]
The Traveller's Vade Mecum; or Instantaneous Letter-writer, by Mail or Telegraph, for the convenience of persons travelling on business or for pleasure, and for others, whereby a vast amount of time, labour, and trouble is saved. By A. C. Baldwin.
[A. clever enough book, but belonging less to the class of" useful inventions" than to that of "new games." The object is to furnish the hasty or un- practised correspondent with a method of writing letters by means of num- bers. A series of numbers, from 1 to 8466, represents as many full senten- ces, on topics which are classified under their respective heads. For ex- ample, the " commercial gent" writes down 3365; his principal turns to the number, and finds "driving business with all despatch." By means of fix- ing upon a number to be added or subtracted, you may write in cipher. Thus, it is agreed to add ten : you order 748—" I wish you to attach pro- perty without delay." The unlucky debtor reads if he gets at the corre-
spondence, 738—" They assemble at o'clock." There are some almost needless directions for its use, except the first—"Be sure that your corre- spondent has a copy (of my work) Ste. If necessary, send him one." That is, buy two or more.] Temperance Memorials of the late Robert Kettle, Esg. Consisting of Selections from his Writings on the Temperance Question. With a Memoir of his Life, by the Reverend William Reid.
[The late Robert Kettle was a commercial man of Glasgow, who having, after some hesitation, taken the Total-Abstinence pledge' became an active member of the Temperance cause at public meetings, and edited the Scottish Temperance Journal. This volume, emanating from personal regard, con- tains a memoir of Mr. Kettle, and extracts from published or manuscript papers. The memoir is as much an account of the Temperance movement in Glasgow as a life : the papers are often smart, and always well-written, "leaders" or "articles."] The Genius- and Mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. By the Reverend Calvin Colton, LLD., Professor of Public Economy, Trinity College; Author of "Reasons for Episcopacy," &o. With a Preface by the Reverend Pierce Con- nelly, M. A., sometime Domestic Chaplain to the late Earl of Shrews- bury at Alton Towers.
[This American work contains a review of the Primitive, Roman, and Eng- lish Churches, and of the American Episcopal Church. The review is partly historical, partly relating to doctrine and discipline. The account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America is the fullest. The apparent object of Dr. Colton is to claim for his own church the superiority over the other churches in America, although he admits that it is inferior in numbers. He rests its superiority over Rome on the Anti-Scriptural character of that church; and over the sectarian denominations on apostolical succession, "catholic" character, and the steadiness given to doctrine by the Prayer- book : some of the sectarian churches, he intimates, are frequently changing their confession. The preface by the English editor is strongly Anti-Papal.] 27e Evidence of Scripture against the Claims of the Roman Church. By the Reverend Sanderson Robins, M.A. [A well and closely reasoned essay against the claims of the Papacy to su- premacy, infallibility, &c. The fundamental proposition is, that the claim must rest upon Scripture ; and the arguments show, that not only are the claims not supported by Scripture, but that some of the Romania writers admit they are not.] Sermons. By the Reverend Frederick Jackson, Incumbent of Parson Drove, Isle of Ely. Second series.
Savile House ; an Historical Romance of the Time of George the First. By Addlestone Hill. In two volumes.
[The politics and principal persona of the time of George the First are brought together in this novel after the regular conventional mode. The style is of the same cast as the plot, persons, and treatment; but it has vigorous fluency, or at least glibness.] 271e Redeemed Rose; or Willie's Rest. By a Lady. [The story of a little boy in a worldly family, who is turned to vital religion by the accidental death of an uncle and the exertions of an aunt.] Ocean and her Rulers ; a Narrative of the Nations who have from the earliest ages held Dominion over the Sea : comprising a brief History of Navigation, from the remotest periods up to the present time. By Alfred Elwes.
[The Ocean and her Rulers is a summary compendium of naval history, from ancient times to the battle of Trafalgar. It is an acknowledged com- pilation' and without much critical acumen but it gives a good deal of mat- ter in asmall compass, mingling national With nautical history in the ac- count of the Italian maritime republics.]
Letters from Spain, to his Nephews at Home. By Arthur Kenyon. [These letters descriptive of a residence in Spain, with a passing visit to Por- tugal and Africa, are doubtless what they profess to be—epistles written by a travelling uncle to his nephews. They give a plain narrative of what was observed or undergone, but are not removed from the class of common.] Handbook to the Pictures in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. [A companion to the pictures, drawings, &c., of the Fitzwilliam Museum. It is a catalogue raisonne, in. which notices of the life and characteristics of the master greatly predominate over criticism on the particular work. This renders the handbook more generally informing, but as a guide to the Museum hardly so useful as a catalogue which should address itself di- rectly to the business in hand.] The Human Hair Popularly and Physiologically Considered, with special reference to its Preservation, Improvement, and Adornment, and the various modes of its Decoration in all countries. By Alex- ander Rowland. With seven Illustrations.
[This volume from the celebrated Rowland of the "incomparable oil Ma- cassar" is leas taken up with the physiology of the hair than with the various modes of dressing it among different peoples and ages. It is an olla pochida pleasant enough to read. For the treatment of the hair, vegetable oil is recommended in preference to animal fat.] The Scottish Review; a Quarterly Journal of Social Progress and Gene- ral Literature. Volume I.
[The collection into a volume of a quarterly periodical chiefly devoted to the Temperance cause. A notice appeared on the first of the four numbers, in the Spectator of the 8th January last.]
The sixth volume of Lord Mahon's new edition of his "History of Eng- land" is the most remarkable book in the following list : the newest matter ia in the appendix, which contains the Sparks controversy relating to the alleged inaccuracy with which Mr. Sparks printed Washington's letters in his Life of Washington. As notable in its way is Mr. Grant's "Records of a Run" on the Continent, reprinted from the columns of the Morning Advertiser; though the Run has hardly perhaps the freshness that attended his "Random Recollections" and the thirty volumes of his earlier years. If "Time has not thinn'd his flowing locks " it has somewhat sobered Mr. Grant's vivacity. lie is leas given, we think, to notice external trifles, such as costumes: his mind is turned to the solidities of history, or to the more immediate business of hotel treatment and charges, or the vexatious of the passport system and its bearing upon liberty.
History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Ver- sailles, 1713-1783. By Lord Mahon. In seven volumes. Volume VI. 1774-1780. Third edition, revised. Records of a Run through Continental Countries : embracing Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Savoy, and France. By James Grant, Author of "Random Recollections of the Lords and Com- mons," &c. In two volumes.
Waverley Novels. Volume XIX. "The Betrothed." "The Highland Widow." (Library Edition.) A Love Story : a Fragment from" The Doctor," &c. By the late Robert Southey, LLD., &e. Edited by John Wood Warter, B.D., his Son-in-law, Vicar of West Tarring,. Sussex. (Traveller's Li- brary.)
17u: Magazine of Art Almanack, 1854,
The Irish Exhibition Almanack, for 1854. A Memento of the Great Industrial Exhibition of Ireland.
The Emigrant's Almanack, and Guide to the Gold-Fields; for 1854. Glenny's Garden Almanack and Florist's Directory, for the year of Our Lord 1854. By George Glenny, F.H.B., Author of "The Proper. ties of Flowers and Plants," &e.
[Besides the usual business information, these alraanacks have matter re- lating more or less to the leading subject of their titles. The most remark. able feature in the first three is the number of wood-cuts.]