5 MAY 1984, Page 18


Libyan horrors

Sir: I well understand Auberon Waugh's reluctance (Another voice, 28 April) to believe that the Libyans actually sent the horrifying instructions to the 'People's Bureau' in London which the Sunday Telegraph reported on 22 April; but I can assure him that there is no doubt about the accuracy of our report. It was not based upon Whitehall 'disinformation', as he conjectures; nor was our source the Home Office, where, I gather, publication of the details caused some displeasure.

Mr Waugh's conclusion that the episode in St James's Square was 'a ghastly, hooligan mistake' may indeed be correct, but if so the sending of the bloodcurdling message from Tripoli (not necessarily by Colonel Gaddafi himself) was part of the mistake.

J. W.M. Thompson

Editor, Sunday Telegraph, 135 Fleet Street, London EC4