5 MAY 1849, Page 9


STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. the market by Continental politics, and the prices of the English Funds have ad- vanced nearly 1 per cent. Business, though not remarkably extensive, has been of a general character; and the public seem to be investing. The rate of dis- count is still from 1 to 11 per cent per annum. The only monetary incident worthy of remark is the decline of the amount of bullion in store in the Bank of ceived from India, has entirely counteracted the gloom occasionally thrown over England. Since the 24th March the decrease is rather more than 800,0001. It The abundance of money, in conjunction with the favourable intelligence re- is understood that this amount has been almost entirely sent to the United States, where a great demand for silver bullion has been caused by the Californian en- thusiasm; the silver thus sent being exchanged for the gold produced in that dis- trict. Recent advices from New South Wales state that a considerable demand has arisen at Sydney for goods, in consequence of several vessels having arrived to obtain cargoes for the Californian market. We have in these two circumstances remarkable instances of the intimate connexion established between communities by the relations of commerce: we have now before us the fact that a demand for commodities arising upon the coast of South America affects both ends of the earth at the same time, causing a demand for bullion in England and for goods in New South Wales. The exchange upon New York is in a course of decline, and there seems every probability that the shipments of silver bullion to the United States will continues By the last two or three packets some large remittances of State and local Stocks were received; a much greater disposition to investment in them being now observable than at any period since 1837. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been unimportant Mexican Bonds are without material change; the fluctuation since last week having hardly exceeded per cent. Portuguese and Spanish Bonds are nearly at our last prices. There seems a disposition to speculation in the latter; but it has not yet produced its usual fruits, increase of business and improved quotations. The Northern European and Dutch Stocks are if anything slightly firmer, in conse- quence of the firmness of the English Funds. The Santis American Bonds are generally in rather more limited demand than recently. The conversion of the Peruvian Debt is in progress: the capital of the existing stock is converted rate- ably into a stock bearing at present 4 per cent interest, and to increase annually 1 per cent until it reach 6 per cent, and at that rate to continue. The 14 per cent of over-due dividends represented by the unpaid coupons upon the present bond is to be capitalized, at the rate of 75 per cent, into a stock bearing interest from let April 18.52 at 1 per cent per annum; which interest shall in- crease annually at the rate of 1 per cent until it reach 3 per cent, and at that rate to continue. The price of the Four per Cent Stock is 48, and that of the Deferred Stock about 15; making together the value of Peruvian Bonds of the old loan about 64.

Tbe Share Market is rather heavy today; most of the shares of the leading lines being lower than they have been during the last few days. Midland, which bad recovered about 61. upon the decline of Saturday, are today about 21. lower. EasternCounties have also given way, and from 81 are today 8 per share. The transactions have not been extensive; and until yesterday a disposition to pur- chase may be said to have preponderated, though since then and today the re-

verse is observable. SILTVIDAT. TWELTH O'CLOCK. The English Stock Market is without any change, the price of Cowls both for Money and Account being 921 1. We cannot notice the occurrence of any large transactions. The Foreign Stocks are generally at yesterday's prices. In the Railway Market the resignation by Mr. Hudson of the Chairmanship of the York, Newcastle' and Berwick Railway is the principal topic of conversation. There appears to be a disposition to sell the Shares in question, which are offered an yesterday. The transactions n this department at 20, being rather lower titan have not been extensive; prices being nearly the same; the appearance is, how- ever, heavy. The following are the only bargains recorded: Eastern Counties,

8; Great Northern, 161 ; Great Western, Half-shares, 43i; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 18/1; Ditto, New, 171., 12; Brighton, 38i; North-western, 129i; Midland, 67;

Danish 3 per Cents 66 8 Dutch 21 per Cents 50 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 77 8 Mexican 5 per Cents

391 301

New Grenada . 171 181 Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 28 9 Portuguese Old 1824. 76 8 Russian 5 per Cents 103 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 171 181 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 331 41 Venezuela 24 27

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 28th April exhibit, when compired with those of the preceding week, the following results-

BANE1NO DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest Fludie Deposits Other DeNsits Seven-day and other Bills Government Securities, including Dead-weight Other Securities Notes unissued Actual Circulation


Notes issued Bullion Total Bullion in both Departments Actual Circulation


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 213th day of April 1849.

Issue DEPASTMENT• Notea Issued £27,602,285 I Government Debt . f11,015,110

Other Securities 2,984 900

Gold Coin and Bullion 13,278,716 1 Sliver Bullion 323,569 £27,602,285 i £27,602,285


Government Securities, (in- eluding Dead WeightAnnuityl£13,957 .269

Other Securities 10,095.826

Notes 8,533.925 Gold and Silver Coln 783,274 £33,370,294 • Including Exchequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.

Great North of England, Purchase, 0.

3 per Cent. Consols 92f

Ditto for Account 921 I

3 per Cent Reduced 901 91

31 per Cents 911 1

Long Annuities 8111-16 Bank Stock 194 195

Exchequer Bills 44 47 pm.

India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents 78 80 Belgian 41 per Cents 80 2

Buenos AyreS

ChIllan 6 per Cents 91 3 £2,683



2,737 5,028




This +reek.

14,385,559 19,068,360 167,340


Last amt.

14,509,888 19,077,945

Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest 3,127,170 Public Deposits* 2,752,190 Other Deposits 11,778,002 Seven Day and other Bills . 1,129,332

£33,370,291 I