5 JUNE 1886, Page 1


MDE FREYCINET has, it is stated, given way about the

• expulsion of the Orleans Princes. He finds that the Radicals will oppose his Bill taking power to expel the Princes, as too weak for the occasion, and has agreed, therefore, to accept amendments expelling the Comte de Paris and his son, and Prince Jerome Bonaparte and his son, peremptorily, but allow- ing all other Princes to apply for a written permit to remain in France, which may at any moment be withdrawn. The object of the concession is avowedly to retain office; but the French Premier has, it is said, alleged in the Bureau that the social prominence of the Princes disturbs the public mind, and induces Republicans to suspect that Ministers are keeping a political card in reserve. The voters fear, when they hear of such vast receptions, that the Bourbons may return to power. No one even pretends that the Government has any apprehension of plots against the Republic—the worst asserted being that the Comtesse de Paris talks Royalism—or denies that the Princes are expelled as proof that Ministers are more Radical than they are. The consent of the President will not elevate the European impres- sion of M. Grdvy's nobility of character. The Princes, it is believed, will return to England, and their properties have been mortgaged to great banks, which they hope the Chambers will hesitate to rob.