Tuesday, June 1.
Potter and Jarrett, South Melton Street. ironmongers-Morley and Co. Oxford, woollendmpers-Willsou and Kerr. Liverpool. priuters-Chell and West. Derby. che- mists-Taylor and Ellison, Doncaster. plumbers-Wright and Taplin. Back Lane. St. George's in the East, sugar-manufacturers-Watmough and Sanderson. Rochdale, card-makers-D, one and Orme, Great Knight Rider Street, proctors-Edwards and Evans. Newport. Monmouthshire, tailors-Selby and Chambers. Liverpool. wine- merchants-Buckingham and Co. Truro, surgeons-Pendrell and Nicholls. Birmiug- ham. silversmiths-Jeremy and Co. Regent Street. makers of child-bed-linen-Haigh and Atkinson. Bradford. Yorkshire. woolstaplers-Greenwood and Snowdon, We- therby. Yorkshire. corn dealers-Sterden and Co. Keighley. Yorkshire, wool comb. makers; as far as regards D. Sugden -Masters senior and Masters junior-Witney,
innbolders -T. and F. Bradley. Huddersfield. saddlers-Duggan and Holy- well Street, Strand. coffeehonse-keepers-Fenn and Davies Rushall, Wiltshire. sur- geons-Allison and Edwards, Regent Street, silk-mercers-Paul and Besant. Portsea, brewers-Wright and Co. Runcorn, Cheshire, stone-merchants-Maus and Robinson, Huddersfield. merchants -Stride and Mercer. Redbridge. brewers-Hodges and Hor- ton, Darlastou, Staffordshire, coal-masters-Bond and Walker, Lancaster. cotton-spin- ners-Lambert and Co. Salford, cotton-spinners; as far as regards J. Lambert-Charl- ton and Co. Haymarket, booksellers..
BOWLEY, RICHARD, Mincing Lane, broker. May 31. BRYANT. Lewis, Stamford Hill. coal-merchant, May 31. Commeo WILLIAM. Beeston, Bedfordshire. market-gardener, June 1.
DEMAISSE. EMILE MORINIERE and WOOLER, HENRY THOMAS, Bucklersbury, mer- chants. June 1.
RAYNER, SAMUEL. Derby, marble-mason, May 31.
Warm, Jons, Wednesbury, cement manufactnrer.
Bewerrr, GEORGE Joffe, York Street. Portman Square, lodging-house-keeper, to sur- render June 11, July V3 : solicitors, Messrs. Hodgson and ;Femme, Lincoln's Inn Fields; aide' assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings. Botrane. ROWLAND Carron, Birmingham. woolleudraper. June 11, July 13: solici- . tors, Mr. Phipps, Sise Lane; and Messrs. Partridge and Co. Birmingham. Barrow. WILLIAM and CHARLES. Digbetb, iron-bedstead-makers. June 15, July 13: solicitor. Mr. Whitelock. Aldermanbury.
CAMPION. Jens: and WILLIAM, Whitby, shipbuilders, June 18, July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Tyas. Beaufort Buildings. Strand ; and Messrs. Walker and Co. Whitby. CAMPION, ROBERT and Joint, Whitby, bankers. June 18. July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Tyas, Beaufort Buildings. Strand; and Messrs. Walker and Co. Whitby.
Hirrcimeson, Jew:. Darnel, Yorkshire, machine-maker, June 16. July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Co. Ely Place ; and Mr. Ivesou, Holmfirth. KNAITON, THOMAS, Barwick in Elmet. Yorkshire, innkeeper, June 11, July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Rutter and Troffer, Ely Place; and Mr. Soulby. Leeds.
KNIGFIT. SAMUEL and JAMES, Manchester, merchants, June 23, July 13: solicitors. Messrs. Adliugton and Co. Bedford Roe ; and Messrs. Owen and Gill, and Messrs. Claye and Thompson. Manchester.
PrieseoTr. JOHN, Upholland. Lancashire. innkeeper. June 16, July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Leigh. Wigan.
Rovs-rorr, WILLIAM. Manchester. commission-agent, June 21, July 13: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Oswald and Co. Manchester.
SARDINSON, EDMUND PALMER, and Co. Wood Street. warehousemen, June 11, July 13: solicitors, Messrs. H. W. and W. C. Sole, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. SKILLMAN, EDWARD, and KEELER, ASHLEY COOPER, Hythe, Kent, linendrapers, June 30, July 13: solicitor, Mr. Burt. Aldermanbury. THOSIPSON. Reimer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, butcher, June 29, July 23: solicitor, Mr. Compton, Church Court, Old Jewry. Testy. Renner. Bristol. pawnbroker, June 15, July 13: solicitors, Mr. Hartley. Bristol ; and Messrs. White and Whitmore, Bedford Row-. Wremems, BENJAMIN, Liverpool, tin plate-manufacturer, June 14, July 13: solici- tors. Messrs. Brown and Co. Mincing Lane; and Mr. Deane, Liverpool.
June 22, HoggIlli, Fenchurch Street, wholeseleeadler-June 24. Bretton, Rupert Street. printer-June 24, Cusel, Liverpool. merchant -June 25. Fry and Co. St. Mil- dred's Coart, Poultry. bankers--June 25, Gill, Manchester, merchant-June 26, Wal- lace. Manchester. wiue.mercliant -Jim° 22. Miles, Tongwinglaes. Glamorganshire, cordwainer-Jnue 22, Robinson. Leeds, cloth-merchant-June 22, New, St. Helen, Worcestershire. grocer-July 10, Brown, East Stour, Dorsetahire. miller-June 25, W. H. and J. T. Sigston, Leeds-June 24. Wood. Barnsley-, linen-manufacturer-June 24, Smith. Stratford-on-Avon, mercer-June 25, Sharp and Pearson, Bradford, ma- chine-makers-June 25, J. and B. Treuor. Bradford. bacon-factors -Briant, Whit- church, builder-June 24, Caton, Preston. cotton-spinner-June 26, Jackson, Bury. grocer-June 22. Walker, Maucheeter, fustian-manufacturer.
CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before June Willis junior. Salford, printer - Grose, Birmingham, malleable ironfounder-Holden, Bread Street, warehouseman-Battiscombe, Bristol, money-scrivener -Poynbm, Ox- ford Street, money-scrivener. scorch srcensmierrows.
GRANT, DUNCAN, and SILLARS. JAMES SHAW, Glasgow, merchants, June 7, 29.
1ZAT. ALEXANDER. Mains, farmer, Jnne 8. 30.
PATERSON, dorm Gourock, quarry-master. June 7. 28.
Friday, June 4.
PARTNERSHIPS nrssor.vine
Harvey and Darton, Gracechurch Street-Steadman and Ellen, Greeuwich, coal- merelaants-Reavelev and Seater. Queenhithe, wholesale stationers-Papillon and Hainsworth, Leeds, .wine-merchants-W. and W. Drayson. Sandwich, linendrapers- Bebbington and Krauss, Manchester, size-makers-Hack and Britton, Gloucester, iron- merchants-Paget and Co. Bleasley. Derbyshire, cotton-yarn-spinners; as far as re- gards H. Hollins mid H. Hollins junior-anterior and Canon. Liverpool, provision- merchants -Grimshaw and Co. Liverpool, merchants -Avery and Co. Friday Street, warehousemen; as far ns regards W. Harkness-Sharshaw and Smith. Stratford.upon- Avon. Ineebers-Nevill and Co. Maiden Laue, Wood Street, wholesale hosiers-Dixon and Ridgway, Newton Heath, Lancashire. pill-box-makers-Dugan and M.Bryan, Portsmouth. painters - Lineker and Duke, Newark-upon-Trent, brick-makers- Tankard and Atkinson, Bradford, Yorkshire, woalstaplers.
STONHAM. DAVID HILARY. Liverpool. copper merchant, June 3.
Warrwoaen, WILLIAM, Wakefield, innkeeper, June 4.
Bonen, Jona, AMORY. Sheffield, razor-manufacturer, to surrender Jane 12. July 16: solicitors, Mr. Tattershall, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; and Mr. Pallieyman, Sheffield.
GUEST, WILLIAM SELLER, Chester. tanner, June 14. July 16: solicitor, Mr. Bowers, Chester.
MACKIE, JAMES. Liverpool. tailor, June 12. July 16 : solicitors. Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Frod.sham, Liverpool. MARSHALL, JOHN, Wednesbury. iron•inerchant, June 15. July 16: solicitors, Messrs. Taylor and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Lewndes and Co. Liverpool. PRICE. WILLIAM BIRCH, Una EDWARDS. JOHN. Shrewsbury, bankers, Jame 23. July 16 : solicitors, Mr. Dean, Essex Street, Strand ; and Messrs. Lougueville and Williams, Oswestry. Salem. THOMAS, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer. July 2, 16: solicitors, Messrs. Blake and Tamplin, King's Road, Bedford Row; and Mr. Ingledew, Newcastle upou-Tyne. 415 DIVIDENDS.
June 25, Gould, Cheapeide, stay-maker-June 25, Williams. Lambeth Walk, draper -Juue 25, AVNicol and Davidson, Liverpool. merchants-June 14, Lee, Guildford, banker-June 28. Reynolds, Connaught Terrace, Edgware Road. horse dealer-June 28. Stringer, Houndsditele wholesale-clothier-June 26, Forster. Philpot Lane, tea- dealer-June 25. Alston, Pull Mall, tailor-June 25. Banks, Wisbeach, ship-builder- July 5. Perks junior, Stourbridge, batter-July 3. Wainright, Bridgewater, builder- June 26, R. and J. Melling. Chorlton upon-Medlock, coach-makers-July 2. W. and S: Meer, Norwich, carpenters-June 30, Staudley, Birmingham. brass eon:liter-June 28, Howell, Gloucester, merchant-June 25, Wood, Loughborough, wharlinger-July
Tube granted, unless rause be shown to the contrary, on or before June 25. Bedingfield, Needham Market. Suffolk, yarn.manufacturer-Jones. Lis erpool, block- maker-Wontuer, Cloth Fair, woollendraper-Veidgery, Bristol, leatherseller. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
DEUCHAR. ALEXANDER. seal-engraver, June 11, July 2. Gluier. GEORGE, Dundee. manufacturer, June 9. July 7. Mora. JOHN. Edinburgh, victual-dealer, June 11. July 9.