The Daily Telegraph published on Friday an extraordinary telegram from
Cairo, dated the same day. The writer—their regular correspondent—declares that letters have been received, apparently by the native teachers in the University of El Azhar, announcing that in the last days of May, owing to disaffection among the garrison, the Mandi's troops were admitted into Khar- toum. Most of the Europeans turned Mussulmans, but General Gordon refused to do this, and was, nevertheless, spared. He is quite safe and well, and allowed to move freely about the camp. Similar letters have been received from merchants announcing that the siege is over, and that goods may be sent forward. The story is still unconfirmed, and conflicts with the stories taken to Suakim by pilgrims ; but we must recollect that the latter are going to Mecca, and have no inclination to irritate the British till they are across the sea. The extra- ordinary feature about the rumour is that it must be genuine. No forger would have invented that detail about General Gordon. He would have said he had died fighting, or bad fled in a steamer up stream.