We believe we may trust the following sketch of Pi
y Margall's subordinates :—Aurich, Minister of Marine, a young officer dili- gent in suppressing the Admiralty. Maisonave (Foreign Affairs) is a young barrister through whom Castelar will act. Gil Berges (Justice) is a barrister of Saragossa, strongly Conservative. Gonzalez (War) was an insurgent of 1866, a great favourite of Prim, who made him Governor of Saragossa, where he displayed both pluck and prudence ; he is ready to put down the Intransigentes, if needful. -Costales (Public Works) is a physi- cian, and Spain is not building much just now. Suner (Colonies) is supposed to have been selected to conciliate the anti-religious party, being a maniac on that head ; and Carvajal (Finance) is an ex-journalist of Malaga, where he acquired, however, considerable business powers. The Ministry is known to have decided that on the next threat the Irreconeilables must be suppressed by force, and in fact, have said so in their journal, the Discus ion.