The Shah goes to France to-day, if he does not
change his mind. He has seen Liverpool, where they showed him more ships ; and Manchester, where in a work-room 900 feet long all the girls jumped on the looms, waved banners, and sang "God Save the Queen," to his great delight. He has seen Madame Tussaud's, where he poked the figures to see what they were made of ; has seen a boxing match at Buckingham Palace, an exhibition which, though high ton at Teheran and every native capital in India, is said to have given great offence at Windsor ; has paid a visit by himself to the Crystal Palace, walking among the people and playing with the children ; has bought forty pictures, presumably bad, at the Albert Hall ; and has been made to understand that a picture previously sold could not be resold to him, a real bit of instruction, and highly advantageous to Baron Reuter. So next week there will be only the Claimant to make the daily papers unreadable.