5 JANUARY 1968, Page 22

France becomes an island


From Christopher Sykes, Richard O'Neill; Michael Witty, T. C. Skeffington-Lodge, Alastair Service, D. I. Fitzgerald; P. E. Mallon, Lord and Lady Strabolgi, Francis King, R. A. Oven- den, Alan Ross, 1. M. Purser.

Sir: With reference to Mr Radcliff's letter of 29 December, my keenness to join the army in 1939 may, as he indicates with his evident know- ledge of such things, have been influenced by patriotism, and may not have been a classic essay in logic and consistency. That is all beside the point. What I wish to emphasise is that the aforemen- tioned keenness was influenced by knowledge of Nazi atrocity, and that such knowledge was com- monplace in this country in 1939, and that it is gross jgnorance which allows British officials in Paris to say otherwise.

Christopher Sykes Khute House, Donhead St Mary, near Shaftesbury, borset