5 JANUARY 1962, Page 26


SIR,—It seems to me that Margaret Knight is being; less than fair to herself, her beliefs, Nansen and? the BBC. I neither heard the broadcast nor know much about Nansen, apart from the fact that he showed in his daily life those high Christian prin- ciples which most of us can never attain.

It does not matter that Nansen did not believe in God, for he showed by his actions What it was to be a true Christian. Whilst the 'Christian' poli- ticians were busy sowing the seeds of the Second World War, Nansen was acting positively to repair the damage done by the First. •

'God moves in a mysterious way.' Let us rather remember the good that Nansen did, than indulge in sterile arguments about such minor points as formal belief.

Si Coleridge Road, N8 PS: If Mrs. Knight were more like Nansen, she might get more converts to humanism.