5 JANUARY 1856, Page 2





Africa—Prince Adelbert of Prussia and the Riff pirates, 892. America—Interference with filibusters, 7, 42. Manilas. 7, 184. President's message, 65. Disputes with England, 122, 184, 258, 309, 334, 392; dismissal of Mr. Crampton, 603, 05,660. Speakership, 208. Neutrality-laws, 321. Central America, 551, 661. Recogni- tion of Walker, 580,605. Outrage by Brooks, 605, 633, 661, 790, 811. Civll war in Kan- sas, 636, 765, 811, 844, 939, 970, 997,1019, 1020, 1013,1074; return of tranquillity, 1344. Proidency, 662, 741, 790,844, 914,1019,1043, 1074, 1097, 1123, 1146, 1148, 1230, 1344. Din organization In California, 710, 741, 811, 868, 691, 970. Army appropriation bill. 843, 914, 938, 970, 995. Mr. Marcy on maritime law, 691. Mr. Corwine's report on the Panama outrage, 1074. Death of Mr. Clayton, 1254. Pierce's laat message, 1343. Austria—Peace propositions, 121, 123. Con- cordat, 20, 334. Birth of an Archduchess, 765.

Baltic, the—British squadron, 94, 232, 264, 287, 309, 334.

Belgium—The Press and France, 503,520, 604. Free-trade Congress, 841, 1018, 1021. Con- grim International de Blenfaisance, 993. Church and universities, 1076, 1096, 1278. French refugees, 1123. Legislature, 1108.

Central America—Defeat of Walker, 466, 522. English Government and Costa Rica, 622. Outbreak at Aspinwall, 322. President Rivas, 662. Walker's position, 939. Set- tlement of English question, 1019. Victory of Walker, 1183. Honduras and England, 1279. Walker's designs, 1312; battles, 1375.

China—Insurrection, 812. Attackon a Hong- kong vessel, 1343. Cowman—Australia—Victoria Legislature, .10.;*.saff:10tralritaution? 331.5 Death of Sir. Q.ptAsim "Gotetnophip qr.• • Iiisappae 466. • Spine, kalisant, 970, • 144. If; ISIS. Rape- tion to North Australia, 1124. Ministerial fliculties, 1254. Canada—Seat of govern- ment, 601. Judie ;weal, spe stir

765, 844. Complaintseq,c.pinif.Gdt

914. Crank Trunk railway,41179. •Cripe.oi Good Hope—Paritamanli 922. •Reatotillible government, 660. Apprehensions of Coffees, 710, 765, 1146, 1183, 1343. Military colonies. 914. Ceylon—Legislative Council, 995. In- dia—Religious war in Oude, 7; annexation, 184, 265, 310. Herat, 7. Sontala, 66. Colin Mackenzie affair, 310. Land tenure in Ma- . dram, 362. Lord Dalhousie's departure, 415. Public works, 710. Disturbances, 765. Education, 765. Mysore,812. Sir Jamsetjee Seejeebhoy, 812. Social reforms, 868. Expe- dition to Persia, 1098, 1146, 1148, 1279, 1343. Loan, 1098. Malta—Quarantine of troops, 633. New Zealand—Auckland Legislature, 66. Nelson, 522. Tasmania — Dispute between Governor and Legislative Council, 8, 310, 1098. West Indies—Religious tu- mult in Guiana, 210.

Crimea—State of affairs in camp, 6, 65, 94, 159,264, 281, 392,415. Skirmish near Kerteh, 41. Destruction of Sebastopol, 121, 159, 207, 232. Armistice, 183, 309, 362. Suffer- ings of the French, 333. Peace, 439. Eva- t ration, 466, 521, 550, 635, 684, 765, 790, 811.

De smark—The war, 41. Sound dues,684, 741. Resignation of Ministry, 1042, 1099.

Egypt—Prussia and the Nile, 938. Earth- quake, 1146.

France—Council of war, 40, 41, 65, 93. Fi- nance, 65. Peace conference, 120, 158, 183, 307, 232, 263, 287, 333, 391, 416, 438; treaty, 361,465; the Austrian treaty, 520. Legis- lature, 203; tariff, 683, 709. Illness of Prince Jerome, 287. Birth of a Prince, 308, 659. Voting bulletins, 465. Baron Hub. uer's speech, 550. De Bamuscourt's work, s50, 580. Secret societies, 579. Inunda- tions, 604, 634, 660, 789. Regency, 660, 60. " La Bourse," 683. Emperor at Plombleres, 709., Bounty to Orleans Princesses, 709, 741. Palissier,812, 867. Emperor atBiarritz, 689, 913, 992. Prisoners at Cayenne, 913, 1141. Rents at Paris, 937, 1017, 1073, 1145. Lamartine and Italy, 937. Monetary crisis, 1073. Free-trade tendencies of Emperor, 1099. Naples, 1122, 1146. Marshal Vail- lant's report, 1123. English press, 1125, 1207, 1229. Emperor at Compiegne, 1182. Russian question, 1182. Russian ambassa- dor, 1206. Dock company frauda, 1229. Se- pond Congress, 1253, 1278, 1281, 1310. Change of prefects, 1278, 1310. Railways, 1278. Swiss question. 1342. Emperor's " munificence," 1374.

Germany—Diet—Austrian propositions, 207. Duke of Saxe Coburg Gotha on constitu- tionalism, 265.

Greece—King Otho on his travels, 710. The Queen and the French Admiral, 970. Fi- nance Minister's circular, 1253.

Hamburg—Arrest of Mr. Campe, 6.

Holland—States-General, 993. Maritime law, 1253.

Italy—The Austrian concordat, 42, 63, 93. Austria and the refugees, 208. Amassina- lions in Parma, 334; Austrians, 415, 550, 635, 663, 709. Escape of Orsini, 580. The remonstrances of the Western Powers, 604. Outbreak at Massa Carrara, 811. Material and Mania, 811. Murder of Cieeruacchlo, 867, 890. Outbreak at Orbitello, 914. Par- ma, 993. Emperor's visit, 1278, 1311.

Japan—Earthquake, 336. Madeira—Cholera, 867, 914. Moluccas—Eruption and earthquake, 813. Naples—Political trials, 660, 684, 710. King

and Pope, 741. Mutiny, 765. Government appeal," 843. Reply to the 'Western Powers, 890, 938. Hubner, 914, 938, 992. Interference of Western Powers, 972, 996, 1018, 1021, 1041, 1074, 1096, 1145,1230 ; de- rorn"parture of English and French Ambassa- ,7 an

182 . Insurrection in Sielly,1278,1281, 1311. Attack on the King, 1311, 1843, 1375.

Persia—Rupture with England, 95, 122, 334; war, 1279, 1312, 1375. American treaty, 521. Fall of Herat, 1343.

Portugal—Change of Ministry, 635.

Prasaia—Austrian proposals, 94; peace, 361, 601. Manteuffel's constitutionalism, 287. Death of Hinckeldy, 287, 309. Prince Fre- derick William and the Princess Royal of England, 30. Visit of the Russian Emperor, 604. Parliament—Neuchatel, 1278.

40. Paskiewitch, 159. Nicolaieff, 334. Em- peror at Moscow, 439. Reduction of army, 485. Changes in the Government, 521. Po- land, 680. Sebastopol, 867. Coronation, 889, 913, 937, 969, 993, 1019, 1041,1074. Railways, 1019, 1147, 1207, 1254. Naples and Greece, 1042. Kokoreff's speech, 1096. Black Sea fleet scheme, 1097. Circular on the treaty of peace, 1311.

Sardinia—Foreign occupation of Italy, 501, 620, 660. Constitution festival, 550. Cri- mean army, 660. Rome and the Sardinian church, 969.

Spain—Don Enrique restored, 7. Mutiny of National Guards, 65. Insurrection in Va- lencia, 416. Plot against the Queen, 635. Disturbances, 710. O'Donnell's coup d'etat, 764, 789, 810, 843, 867, 914, 938, 90, 1042; constitution of 1845, 992, 1019. Ecclesiasti- cal property, 1019. Narvaez Ministry, 1096, 1123. Maim( at Malaga, 1254. Loan, 1312. Sweden—Russians in Norway, 843. Diet, 1145. Switzerland—Revolt in Neuchatel and dis- pute with Prussia, 938, 969, 993, 1042, 1123, 1145,1182, 1253, 1311, 1342,1374. Turkey—Fall of Kars, 6, 10, 41, 95. Omar Pasha's army, 41, 65. Principalities. 96 122, 169, 181, 232, 334, 580, 995, 1074. Con cessions to the Christians, 263. Banking, 287. Isle of Serpents, 843, 845. 867, 938, 1019, 1146, 1148, 1206. Evacuation of Kars, 970. Montenegrin troubles, 970, 1043. Change of Ministry,1182, 1253. The Sultan a KG., 1206. Bolgrad, 1206, 1178.


Confirmation of the Princess Royal, 306. King of the Belgians, 306, 330. Prince Frederick William of Prussia, 546. Investi- ture of the Bath, 681. A Yankee at the levee, 686. Queen's coast trip, 862. Queen's visit to Scotland, 910, 915, 937, 968, 992, .017, 1041,10721r;,, Death of Prince ejepsolute, 1341.

Ytinft 208, 2, 08, 96, 157, 231, 306,

. „ 763;1498,4111, 1118, 1203,1250,

1255, 1306, 1338; proposed loan,1275 ; street names, 1315. Working men's college, 2. .Murders—Corrigan, 3, 157; Mr. Waugh, 62, '89, 157 ; Bousfleld, 158, 262 ; Mrs. Sommer, ;208, 391. Dulwich college, 8. Eastern

• • .Counties railway, 8, 43, 41, 63, 68, 95, 96, 118, 234, 285. Crystal Palace, II. Revenue, 13, 366, 714, 1046. Hyde Park riots, 38. Road across St. James's Park, 62. Royal Geographical Society, 182 ; Kane's Arctic travels, 62, 1204; Moldavian erases, 233; new Arctic expedition, 1307. Westminster ImproPement Commission, 90,118. Railway Association, 91. Palmer's bill-forgery case, 81. Archdeacon Denison, 91, 1251, 1281. Administrative Reform Association, 118, 331, 632, 682, 1039, 1255. Peace, 118, 358, 464. Dyer Sombre's will, 119. Nightingale fund, 122. Convocation, 124, 412. Victoria medal, 160. Order of the Bath, 160. Trial of Dr. Vaughan, 161, 182. Sir E. Lyons at Mansionhouse, 182. Sunday, 182, 206. St. Barnabas, 183 ; St. Paul's, 331,1870. Court of Common Council-205, 339, 1014, 1070, 1142. Police bill, 205, 261, 285. Law Amendment Society, 205, 230, 1178, 1226, 1338. Hume memorial, 206. John Sadleir, 206, 231, 235, 286. Crimean Commission In- quiry, 209, 233, 310, 334, 358, 392, 417, 440, 496, 501, 512, 531. Lord Mayor's banquet to American Minister, 230, 285. Jewish claims, 230. St. Pancras workhouse, 231. Burning of Covent Garden Theatre, 262, 286,288, 307 333. Royal Literary Fund, 285, 499. Sun- day League, 285. Poland, 306. Anniver- sary meetings of societies, 306, 359, 390,438, 500, 503, 547, 577, 658. The Wesleyans and Church of England, 306. Robbery of royal plate, 307. Abominable trade with Ham- burg, 307, 331. Adulteration of food, 310. Lord Mayor's dinner to Ministers, 330. Wine-duties, 359. Voluntary education, 359. Execution of Bousfield, 359. City re- form bill, 390, 894, 413, 437. Mr. Haw- thorne at the Mansionbouse, 390; Mr. Dal- las, 413. Local management act, 390. Postal communication with Australia, 413. Palmer the poisoner, 413, 464, 519, 524, 647, 553, 577, 633. Hampstead Heath, 437. Reformatories, 442. Lord Mayor's banquet to Law Amendment Society, 464. Reals111. school, 464. General thanksgiving, 466, 499. Ministers at the Manslonhouse, 499. The Sunday bands, 518, 523, 647, 553, 576, 602. The Carlton and " the Peelites," 622. Peace celebration, 676. National Society, 602. National Reformatory Union—M. De Metz, 622. Capital punishment, 633. In undations in France, 637. Crystal Palace fountains, 657. The Derby party at the Mansionhouse, 681. Society of Arts dinner, 682. General Williams, 757, 738, 763, 808. Dyce Sombre case, 708. Strahan case, 708. Entry of the Guards, 712,, 738; dinner, 910. Royal review at Woolloch, 763. Duke of Cambridge Commander-in-chief, 765. Lord Palmerston at the Fishmongers' dinner, 813. The Queen to the Army, 814. Mather v. Lord Maidstone—accommodation-bills, 862. Sanitary state of London, 886. Poor- law management in St. Pancras, 806. Pro- posed public offices, 910. Dinner to the Guards, 910. Marylebone workhouse, 911, 972, 1021,1045, 1077. Stoppage of Royal Bri- tish Bank,934,942,966, 1014, 1070,1090,1118, 1142, 1179,1226, 1231,1276, 1307, 1346, 1370. Reduction of army, 970. Frost and the Chartists, 890. New Bishops, 995, 1226, 1250, 1279. Monday evening concerts for the people, 1015. Frauds by a Crystal Pa- lace clerk, 1015, 1070, 1077,1094,1179. Bish- op of London's retirement, 1039, 1098. Er- nest Jones's political soirees, 1070, 1176. London City reforming itself, 1118. Murder of a jeweller's shopman, 1119, 1143, 1204, 1236, 1341. Disaster at the Surrey Gar- dens, 1119, 1125, 1250. Army reforms, 1124. Suspension of Fox and Co., 1142. Austra- lian Steam Clipper Company, 1143. Sir B. Hall and the Boards of Works, 1178, 1184, 1203,1228, 106,1370. Sir Charles Napier at Southwark, 1209. Great Northern Railway frauds, 1204, 1208, 1226, 1231, 1276, 1307, 1371. Great gold-robbery, 1204, 1227, 101, 1276, 1308, 1341, 1371. St. Paul's Knights- bridge pantomime, 1226. Lord E. V. Tem pest, 1228. Chief Justice Cockburn, 1130. Income-tax, 1250, 1307. NewAretic ex- pedition, 1260, 1275. Swynfen will case, 1351, 1276. Bishop of London enthroned, 1274. Recordership, 1275, me. Libel —Earl of Lucan e, Daily armee, 1275. Staff appointments, 1279. Islhigton church-

extension, 1306. Mr. Williams's address at :Lambeth, 1307. Cattle-show, 1307. Dr. Livingstone, 1313, 1339. Law courts, 1339. Swedish Railway and Sadleir, 1340. Libel on Lord Mostyn, 1340. Commercial Bank, 1347.


T TTTTT or Peace, and Peace documents, 439, 462, 603; Austrian treaty, 468. Reformatories, 3, 39, 120, 332, 391,1040, 1072, 1095,1227. Murders, 840, 1228 ; Palmer, 3, 39, 45, 63, 92 ; at Broadwindsor, 788, 885 ; Burnopfield, 809 ; at Dover, 041, 889 ; Leeds, 972; Bolton, 1309. Elections, 39, 63, 91, 120, 154,161, 183, 207, 231, 262, 391, 500, 549, 633, 708, 740, 763, 788, 809, 1016, 1228, 1252, 1277, 1308, 1341, 1371, 1376. Oxford City and University, 39. Agricultural statistics, 63. Income-tax Reform Association, 92. Sir J. Kay Shultleworth on medical science, 92. Bright and Gibson at Manchester, 119. Sir E. Lyons at Christchurch, 119. York Con- vocation, 158. Manchester Chamber of Commerce on American dispute, 158. Shipping bill, 158, 207, 332. Loss of the Josephine Willis, 158, 183, 207, 233, 266, 658. fianday, 207, 639, 788, 840. Marehiosess of Londonderry and her miners, 262. Poison- ing of Mrs. Dove, 366, 286, 308, 764, 768, 665. Duke of Buckingham at Aylesbury, 286. Potteries meeting on trade with France, 33L Bishop of Bangor and his clergy, 332. Suffolk shrievalty associa- tion, 332,360. Bristol trade school, 360. St. Alban's Abbey, 360. Education voluntaries at Halifax, 414. Mrs. Wooler's surgeon, 414. Lichfield bank, 465. Lord Stanley at King's Lynn, 520. Birmingham and Costa, 520. Manchester exhibition, 549, 741, 864. Yorkshire institutions, 550. Peace cele- brations, 579. Wellington college, 602. M. De Metz at Red Hill, 603. Oxford com- memoration, 603. Palmer's last days, 603, 638, 659. Colonel Lake and Captain Thomp- son at Hull, 633. Sir W. Wftliams at Dover, 653 ; Harrow, 683. Railway strike at Liver- pool, 658. Royal reviews at Aldershot, 740, 766, 808, 812 ; Woolwich, 763. Royal Agricultural Society, 763. Cyhmer ex- plosion, 764, 893. Mr. Meehi's gathering, 788. Proceedings against Archdeacon Denison, 788, 864, 1039; his deprivation, 1121. General Windham at Leamington, 809 ; at Norwich, 839. Reformatory Union conference, 809, 887, 892. British Associ- ation at Cheltenham, 838, 845, 863. Hamp- shire reformatory, 840. Railwayaccidents, 841, 1072, 1093, 1144, 1181. Agricultural dinners, 845, 915, 96',.991,.1016, 1021, 100, 1070, 1076, 1094, 1120, 1125, 1181, 1227, 1252, 1277. Mr. Frost, 664, 912. Newcastle Com- mercial Bank, 866, 912. Mine-explosion at Oldbury, 866, 912, 992. Return of Miss Nightingale, 868, 911. Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 911. Colonel Herbert at Ludlow, 912. Archaeological Association, 912. Queen of nude, 912. Sheffield Roe- buck testimonial, 935. Earl of Cardiganid Leeds, 936. 'Wellington statue at Man- chester, 936. Adderley park, 936. Rir- mingham music-hall, 936. Bradford festi- val, 936: Duke of Newcastle and Mr. Roe- buck at Sheffield, 941, 967. Crimean ban- quets, 967, 991. Manchester Mechanics' In- stitute, 968. Gloucester festival, 972. Old- ham Lyceum, 1015. Bishop of Exeter on the Protestant Association, 1017. Mr. Gladstone on the propagation of the gospel, 1039. Sir G. Lewis at Knighton, 1040. German legion, 1040. Hants and Wilts Adult Education Society, 1071. Manchester Free-trade Hall, 1072. Lord E. V. Tern pest, 1072,1099, 1100. Mr. Disraeli on agri- cultural statistics, 1120. Birmingham so- ciety to assist liberated prisoners, 1120. Bishop of Norwich's illness, 1125. Sir R. Peel on Russia and Napier, 1144, 1231. Lord Palmerston at Manchester and Liver- pool, 1179, 1184. Birkenhead college, 1181. Mr. Roebuck at Sheffield, 1204. Lord R. Cecil on education, 1205. Cambridge Coun- cil, 1205. Bishop of Oxfordonnational life, 1205. Kossutb at Manchester, 1205, 1228. Income-tax oppression,1205. Sir T.Paking- ton at Manchester—education, 1227, 1341. Railway management, 1228, 1251, 1177. Sir R. Bethell's election, 1252. Cobden and Marcy, 1251, 1313,.1345. St. Nicholas Col- lege, Shoreham, 1277, 1308. Birmingham cattle-show, 1277. Mr. Cardwell at Oxford, 1281. Income-tax repeal, 1308, 1341, 1371. Schools at Newark,1308. Haileybury, 1308. Tickets-of-leave, 1309. The ship Resolute, 1315, 1341, 1371. Judge Halliburton on America, 1341. Mr. Milnes on Education, 1372. Execution of Italian pirates, 1372.


Lord Dufferin on schools of art, 4. Murders, 263, 308, 992, 1095. Tipperary Bank, 263, 287, 308, 333, 360, 391, 650, 579, 604, 634, 639, 663, 740, 764, 789, 842, 867, 1073, 1095, 1122, 1229, 1252. Elections, 286, 308, 391, 414, 866. Mr. S. O'Brien, 286, 740, 792, 810, 992. Mur- der of Mrs. Kelly, 391,414,501 ; Miss Hinds, 394, 414. Peace, 579. Militia mutiny at Nensgh, 740, 810, 937. Justice Keogh, 414. Maynooth, 438. Royal Agricultural Im- provement Society, 866. Knights of St. Patrick, 915. Crimean banquet, 968, 1121. Church Education Society, 968. Marchion- ess of Londonderry's address to her tenantry, 1017. Baron de Robeck, 1041, 1095. Lord Justice Blackburn, 1144. Endowed schools, 1205. Tenant League,1205. Murder of Mr. Little, 1229, 1231, 1252, 1315,1374. Railway accident at Dunkitt, 1229, 1253. The Lord- Lieutenancy, 1377. Dr. Cullen's pastoral, 1310. " Run " on banks. 1341,1374.


Edinburgh address to the King of Sardinia, 4. Aberdeen University, 4. Lord Elgin at Glasgow, 39. Retirement of Mr. Macaulay —election of Mr. Black, 93, 120, 158, 161, 183. Marriage with a deceased wife's sis- ter, 120, 160, 579. Elections, 183, 1253. Scotch appeals, 308. Mr. Layard Rector of Aberdeen, 308. Dinner to Mr. Mack, 333. Dundee exchange, 360. Convention of royal burghs, 414. Collier strike, 415, 43e, 501, 560, 634. Reformatories, 485. Death of Sir W. Hamilton,500. Church Assemblies, 650, 579. Peace, 579. Aberdeen Bank, 683. Sir C. Campbell at Glasgow, 708. Wallace memorial, 709, 1256. Edinburgh chair of Loris, 764. Mr. M'Laren's action against the gootnnam, 813, Sli, 680. Mr. Baxter at Montrose, 948. Lord Roman at Ednell, 1044. Mr. Laing's addrem, 1122. Edin- / 2 —

burgh municipal contest, 1122, 1181. Dt potism over the press, 1144. Crimean bar. quet, 1181. Lord Advocate atralkirk, 1181 Thackeray's lectures, 1205. Lord Rector- ship of Glasgow University, 1229. Kossuth at Edinburgh, 1277. Agricultural statistics, Duncan testimonial, 1373. Mr. 7finnaird at \ 1342. Dinner to Admiral Stewart, 1872. Perth, 1373. Trinity College church at I Edinburgh, 1374.


Opening of the Session, 114.

Agricultural statistics, 283, 364. Aldershot review, 762. American relations, 161, 185, 364, 410, 574, 607, 632, 637; Mr. Crampton's dismissal, 598, 654, 662, 681 ; enlistment affair, 702. Appellatejuriadidion, 581, 598, 607, 685, 734. Appropriation bill, 737. Ar- my chaplains in the East, 394 ; Compen- sations, 656; estimates, 636. Australia, steam communication with, 182, 389, 681. Austrian occupation of Italy, 462. Ballot, 545. Bank directors, 357. Bank of England, 136. Bible, the English, 784. Billeting system, 389. Bishop of New Zealand, 711. Bishops' retirement, 707, 737, 761, 783. Bleaching-works, 707. Bra- zilian slave-trade, 786. British. Museum, 435. Budget, 512. Cambridge University, 581, 631, 663, 711, 767. Canada, troops for, 410, 441. Capital pun- ishment, 631. Central America, 546. Chel- sea inquiry, 738, 742,766. Church discipline, 394, 434 ; management, 203. Church-rates, 156, 261, 546, 685. Civil service superannua- tion, 185, 767 ; appointments, 435, 737. Com- mander-in-chief, 760. Consecration of bit- !lel-grounds, 601, 631. Commits de Prud'- hommes, 205. Convict system, 229. Cor- rupt practices at elections, 762. County court fees, 168; judges, 356; courts, 743, 785. Currency, 230, 388. Cursitor baron, 762. Dalhousie's (Lord) pension, 499. Danubian Principalities, 574. Death-punishment , 503. Debates, proposed new rule for, 787. Dissenters' marriages, 601. Divorce, 545, 681, 706, 761.

Ecclesiastical judges, 545. Education, 185, 1 259, 283, 386, 394 ; estimates, 631; minister of, 761, 767, 784. Evan's (General) expla- nations, 259.

Factory machinery, 357, 546. Fermoy peer- age, 179, 707. Fire-insurance, 357, 646. Fo- reign legion, 632. Formation of parishes, . 784.

German Legion, 785. Government contract- ors, 229. Greece, 801. Guns, manufacture of, 268; contract mortars, 284.

Hampstead Heath, 767.

Income-tax, 388. India—Torture, 234, 358, 411; finance, 388, 417 ; government of, 546 ; accounts, 575; budget, 783. Ireland—Mili- tia, 785; ministers'-money 411 ; murderess of Miss Hinds, 503; national education, 655, 679 ; Pollok's (Mr.) care, 576; Talbot's. (Mr.) case, 229; tenant-right, 601, 737. Irish church, 575 ; judges, 181 ; law-reforms, 156, 204. Ismailand Remi, 782. Italy, 545, 601, 706, 758. Joint-stock companies, 123, 575, 601, 657; winding-up act, 607, 663. Judicial statis- tics, 260. Justices of the peace, 229. Kars papers, 294 ; fall of, 410, 459.

Law bills, 156; reforms, 283, 498. Loan, 210. London corporation, 335, 632. Lords, busi- ness of the, 205. Lucan (Lord) and Mr. Villiers, 786.

Marriage with deceased wife's sister, 441. Marriage law, 482. Married women's pro- perty, 631. Maritime law, 544. Maynooth endowment, 410, 680. Medical profession 161, 201, 357. Mercantile laws of the United Kingdom, 229, 762. Midnight legislation, 156. Military education, 600. Militia, 498, 582, 707. Ministers'-money, 204. Minis- try of justice, 180. Napier and Graham, 284, 364. National Gal- lery, 685, 738. Naval administration, 155; officers, 737; reserve, 761, 785; review grievances, 436, 441. Navy estimates, 179, 637. Nawab of Surat, 632, 657, 738. Oath of abjuration, 377, 552, 630, 657, 680, MO, 806. Oxford statutes, 261. Parma, 436. Parochial reform, 181. Part- nership, 123, 283, 675, 711, 761. Peace, 154, 258; the armistice, 179; conference, 284, 288; announcement of, 355; rejoicings, 436; effects of treaty, 468; treaty debates, 494; votes of thanks, 498; the " secret treaty," 515. Peers (the) and the Supreme Court of Appeal, 216. Persia, relations with, 258, 289. Poland, 742. Police, 156, 181, 282, 441, 468, 503, 551. Political amnesty, 503. Poor-law amendments, 357. Portrait- gallery, 260. Public accounts, 436. Public Health bill, 737. Purchase system, 259. Rajah of Coorg, 787. Reformatory schools, 546, 762. Registration of titles, 785. Re- view of the session, 791, 807. Sadleir case, 743, 761, 786. St. James's Park, road through, 230, 266, 389, 417, 837, 657. Sardinian loan, 632. Science, advancement of, 631. Scotch bankruptcy law, 284 ; edu- cation, 387, 637, 761; municipal law, 284; reformatories, 283; voters registration, 657. Secondary punishments, 356. Shipping dues, 155, 228, 289, 390. Spain, French in- tervention in, 782. Specialty and simple contract debts, 357. Staff appointments, 656. Standing orders, 787. Statues, 652. Statute-law COnaolidation,180, 784 ; revised edition of statutes, 204. Suffragan bishops, 552. Sunday hands, 468, 546. Sunday ob- servance, 204. Supply, 210, 289, 358, 364, 389, 412, 417, 399, 607. Talbot's divorce, 546. Testamentary juris- diction, 156. Thompson, Major, 656. Tithe- eommtation rent-charge, 499. Transporta- tion, 390, 416. Trial of offences,283. Truro's (Lord) library, 289. Trustees, 357, Unseaworthy vessels, 182. War—Report of Crimean commissioners, 181, 203, 227, 234; Russian blockade, 355. War Minister and the Horse Guards, 203. Waste- ful expenditure, 259. Wensleydale' life- . peerage, 117, 154, 161, 178, 202, 210, 233, 792. Williams, General, 503. Wills, 680, 706. Wine-duties, 762. Women, assaults on, 284, 499.

Close of the session, 808.

State of Parliamentary business at Easter, 291; Business after Easter, 816; at Whit- suntide, 504; after Whitsuntide, 526. Parliamentary Statistics: Session 1856, 813. DiVisions—Billeting in Scotland—Lord J. Ritiasell's Educational Ilesolutions—May- th Endowment, 418; Fall of Kars, 470; L lot, 563; Irish Education, 686; American

Enlistment, nit; Appellate Jurisdiction, 743.

Kara Blue-Book, 268.-RelatiOns with Ame- rica, 4613.-Appellate Jurisdiction, 551-Fo- reign Occupation of Italy, 636.-Episcopal Resignation Correspondence, 767. - The Chelsea Report, 907.-Report on Adultera- tion, 894.-TransportatiOn Committee's Re- solutions, 942, 971.


Administration of Improvements, French and Administrative Reform Association Reorgan- ized, 640. Admiralty (the) and the Coast Guard, 1189. A Great Man, 190. Agricultural Statistics-The Scarecrow, 293. Agriculture in Prance and England, 397. "Albert, Prince : Why is he Unpopular ? "


Alleyn's Charity and Actors, 127. America-The Central American Question, 99; Our False Position with, 293; The Masten Warrant, 420; Relations with the United States, 610; The Civil War in Kan- sas, 640; The American Proposal, 665; The United States, 714; Yankeeism going too far North, 918; The Last Vote in the Ame- rican Congress, 999; Slavery-Extension in the United States, 1049; The American Union, 1,02.

American Post-office, Humours of the, 17. An Englishman's Castle, 189. An Overlooked Legislative Difficulty, 746. "An Unlearned People" made Learned in " Common Things," 1080.

Arctic Expedition, the New, 1260; The Next Arctic Voyage, 1285.

Army, How to Grow an English, 100; The Military Want, 866; No Hidden Army, 689; Soldier-Training, 819 ; Army Reform from Above, .1128 ; Future Military Arrange- ments, 1317.

Australia, Communication with, 339.

Balaklava Charge, 979.

Balance Sheet of 1855, 14.

Bakers' and other Bills, 872 Bank (the) and its Charter, 1103; Bank Char- ter Act, 1379.

Bankruptcy Business, Decline of, 1001.

Banks, the Unsafety of, 1024. Belgium, Freedom of the Press in, 472; Boundary-Line between the Church and University, 1104.

Bible, Revised Translation of the, 921.

Bickersteth, Mr.-The New Bishop of Ripon, 1281.

Bills of Mortality, the, 215.

Blenheim, Admission Fees to, 1154.

Books for the Million, 1163.

Brazil Nut (a) to Crack, 214.

Bridges of London, 849 ; The New Bridges of Westminster and Charing Cross, 895.

Brutal Executions, 869.

Budget (a) for 1857, by a Patriotic Projector, 946, 1002; Malt-Paper-Tariff Reform, 1025; Customs Reform, 1081; a Projector's Budget for 1957,1103.

Cambridge UniversitT, Candidates for, 98. Cambridge University Reform Bill, 368; Council Election, 1210.

Carlton Question, the, 628; Carlton Test, 586.

Cayenne, 949.

Christmas 1836, 1378.

Church Discipline and Church Decline,-446. City Frauds, the Great, 689, 711.• Civil List and Pension Difficulties, 47.

Civil Servants, Superannuation to, 771.

Civil Service Examinations, 914.

Clearing-Rouses, 922.

Clerical Destitution, 974; Maintenance of the Clergy, 998. Cobden-Marcy Proposal, the, 1251. CohdenIs (Mr.) New Pamphlet, 46.

Colonies, the Nexus of the, 1105.

Commander-in-chief, the, 769. Commercial Storm in Europe, Coming, 1235. Common Things, 691. Common Things in Religion, 16. Comparisons not Odious, 772. . Conferences, the Game of, 1348. Consecration Sermon, the, 1260. Conservative Leadership- What is it all About ? 917.

Constantine on Diction, 295. Cort-English Injustice, 874. County Court Expenses, 606. Covent Garden Theatre, 271- Criminal Appeal Court, a, 873. Criminal Population, the, 894. Deer-Stalking and Anti-Deer-Stalking, 1189. De Metz (M.) at the Reformatory Union, 641. Denison's (Archdeacon) Case, 1128. Diplomatic Mysteries, 527; The Arts of Di- plomacy, 665. Discharged Officers, 557. Eastern Counties Railway, State of the, 47- Edinburgh Politics : the Law of Libel, 650 ; Ethics of the Press, 920 ; Responsibilities of the Press, 942.

plineation, Minister of, 188. tertaining Partner, the, 1212. piscopal Resignations, 769. Etiquette of Public Questions, 814. Etrennes, Christmas-boxes, and Gratuities,


Executive Encroachment, 848. Expositions of 1821, '65, and '59, 339. }Imlay, 505. Fire-insurance Duty, 898. Foreign Troubles, the Root of Our, 1317. Fortress Colonies, 612.

Fox, Henderson, and Co., Suspension of, 1154.

Prance-tine Idle Napoleonienne, 639; The Empress Regent, 691; The French ifoniteur and the English Press, .1151; France in Russia, 11877. Imperial Meditations, 1234 ; Suicide of, by her Own Journals, 1236; French Imperialism and Revolution, 1258. Frauds in the " Haut Commerce," 1129. Fraud System, the, 1225. Free-trade Moral, How to Point the, 1081. French Alliance, the, 556. French Prince, the-The Horoscope, 313. Gladstone's (Mr.) Manifesto, 338.

In the Vale of Riekleigh, 1352. Government, the Position of the, 238.

Greene, Mr.-Bookkeeping by Double-Entry. 716.

Harmony out of Discord, 629. Hinckeldey, 316. House of Commons-by " One of Ourselves," 164.

House of Common, Testa of the Present, 1165. How to Govern, 642.

How to Spend Eighty Millions, 586. Illuminations and Fireworks, the, 444. Income-tax, Reduction of the, 1268. India-Why does not India Produce more Cotton ? 1286. Indian Railways and English Administration, 948.

Insurance, the Perils of, 100; Insurance Office Repudiation, 607. Irish Cease*, 976.

Irish National Education-Protestant Allies of Ultramontanism, 688.

Italy, 367 ; Piedmont Memorial on, 396 ; Italy, 606; What are we Doing in ? 665; The De- bate on, 770.

Kars and its Destroyers, 316.

Labour-market in Scotland, 852.

" La Bourse," 718.

Law Amendment Meeting fthe) of Last Sa- turday, 238 ; at the Maredonhouse, 473. Law Language, 126.

Lay Schools, 1210.

Livingstone and Pierce on the Negro Ques- tion, 1349.

London Amusements, 1001.

London City-The Aldermen's Appeal, 446; Political Services of, 658.

Loyalty to Order, 897.

Lucan's Last, 794.

Maine Boundary and Oregon Disputes, 732. Manchester Exhibition-Historical Exhibi- tions:if Art, 746; Art Exhibition of 1957, 976, 1237 ; Manchester at School, 12844. Marcy (Mr.) on Prriateering,896. Marriage-Law Reform, 657.

Medical Officers, Advancement of, 72; Mili- tary Treatment of Medical Men, 795. Metropolitan Buildings, Parliamentary Sur- vey of, 976.

Metropolitan Improvements, 399; A Hey to, 420; The City of Omnibuses, 872; The River and the Highways, 975 Direction of, 1000; The Designs for Official Westminster and the Bridges, 1048; The Administration of Works, 1128; Metropolitan Drainage and the German Ocean,1284 ; Ministry of Public Works, 1350.

Militia-School for Grown Children, 941. Minister of Drains, the, 586.

Money-Market Prospects, 1047.

Moon Controveray, 399.

Movements in Art, 628.

Murchison, Sir R.-A Live Principle dis- covered in the Silurian Stratum, 447. Napier-Is Sir Charles Napier a British Ad- miral? 1259; The Grand Duke Constantine's Admiral, 1818.

Naples-The Equilibrium, 1023.

National Gallery, the, 398; Management of, 421 ; Commission, 713.

Nationalities, 1212.

National Portralt-Gallery, 236.

Naval Review, the, 444.

New Tory Principle, 687.

" No News," 944.

Official Swamping of Geology, 746. Palmer-Circumstantial Evidence, all ; The Pure Result of Circumstantial Evidence, ail ; Palmer's Last Words, 667.

Palmerston Ministry-After the Peace, 269; Palmerston on the Functions of Govern- ment, 610; Lord Pahnerston's Policy, 745; Paimenston's Position Abroad,1209. Paris Fashions, New, 1381. Parliament and the Peace Negotiations, 98; and, Foreign Affairs, 793; Obstruction of Business in, 794 ; Prorogation of 1856. 816. Parliamentary Inquiries, 9079; Returns, 717 ; Inefficiency, 1186.

Party Politics, 471; Resurrection of Party, 716 ; Parties and Statesmen, 745.

Passport System, Last Days of the, 1105. Peace-The Promised, 126; The Conference Next Week, 163 ; The Conference and Free- trade, 213; The Treaty of, 366; The New Holy Alliance, 472; The Right of Seizure Surrendered, 505; Balance-Sheet of the War, 507; The New Congress, 1283. Peace Establishment, Our New, 973. Peace Rejoicings-The Night of the Twenty- ninth, 554; The Illumination. and Fire- works, 584.

Penal Servitude and Transportation, 396. Persia-De Bello,Persico, 1881. Plea for an Unlearned People, 1026. Poison Cases, the, 49; Medical Misprision of Poisoning, 73; POISOBE and Poisoning, 166 ; Check upon Poisoning, 294; The Trial of Palmer the Poisoner, 1184; Moral of the Verdict on the Poisoner Dore, 795. Poland, the Demise of, 611.

Police of England, 164.

Police ! Police ! 1134.

Political Prospects, 419; Confessions, 1127. Post-office Reforms, Coming, 369.

Prince Imperial, the, 342. Principalities, the What to Do First, 367. Profit and Loss, 15.

Prussian Exposure of the Spy System, 341 ; Outrage on International Law, 1318. Public Buildings in Westminster, 819. Public Debt, Note on the, 655. Public Money for Science and Art, 920 ; Name ! Name 3 945.

Punishment not Reformation, 72; Reform- ation in Punishment, 101 ; Reformatory Discipline, 270 ; Solution of the Convict Difficulty, 474 ; The Forgotten Element in Politics 1130.

Raglan, Lord : a Retrospect, 649. Railway-Extensions of the World, 1285. Railways-Fighting Trains Again, 188; Rail- way Enormities, 240 ; Fraud and Bank- ruptcy of Railway Companies, 1319. Reconstruction of Public Departments!, 1188. Records-The Wastepaper Office, 875. Reform Bill, the Next, 11152.

Royal British Bank, 976.

Russell-" Lord John," 1078, 1234. Russia-The Moscow Coronation, 918; Impe- rial Splendour., 945 ; The Russian Circular, 1047; Political Arithmetic-a "Gigantic Imposture," 1352.

Russian Miscalculation, 127; New Russian Policy, 445.

Sadleir, Mr., 237.

Sadieir's (James) Case, 771.

Sadleirism in Banking, 292.

Saturday and Sunday, 556.

School (the) and the Workshop, 1152. Scientific Men, Position of, 1049. Sewing-Machine- Painless Extinction of Semnstresses, 898.

Silver Coin,.1080.

Simony Comme B Faut, 1079. Slave-trade, Self-Extinction of the, 831. Social Progress, 627. Spain-The Spanish Msnifesto in the Irani- tear, 818; Spain, 1101. Spessus a Free Port, 1 II.

Street Preacher Nuisance. the, 809. Streets, How to Name the, 1351.

Successful Party, the, 292. Sultan (the) and the Garter, 944.

Tempest (Vane). Illegality of the Judgment, 1236.

Theatrical Moralities, 820; "La Traviata " and its Defenders, 597.

Theatric Vicissitude, 018.

The Redeeming Spirit, 875.

The Three Coming °engrosses, 848. Thompson's (Major) Mother, 666. Ticket-of-Leave System, 1351.

Titles and Orders, 204.

Tory Leader, the, 817. Transportation Bine-books-Ticket-of-leave System as it Is, 519; Can Transportation- Puniahment be Revived ? 947 ; Evidence on the Imprisonment Stage, 977; Ticket-of- Leave - Reformed Transportation, 1026 ; Conclusion: the Report that might have been Written, 1060; Motion for a New Trial, 1211; The Transportation Fallacy, 1918 ; The Convict Controversy, 1380. Tulloch, Colonel-How to be Rid of a Com- missioner, 507.

Turkey-The Matti-Scheriff, 269.

Vacancy in the Law, 399. , Verification of Cannon joy the Public Service, 840.

Victoria Cross, the, 163.

• Voices from our Supplement. 237.

Voluntaryism," What is ? 370.

War, the-" As in a glass, darkly," 13; Ran, Lord Stratford, and General Guyon, 1S; Russia's Vis Inertia, 70 • The Austrian Points compared With Treaty of Adrianople, 70; Why our Army Suffered In 1661-'56, 165; The New Commission of Crimean In- quiry, 214.

Warren on Labour, 48.

Weeds, 1061.

Wensleydale's (Lord) Life-Peerage, 71; How to Make a Baron : Patent Language, 167; The House of Peers, ley; The Further Question of Life-Peerages, 213; Ate Life Peers Removeabte by the Crown ? 642. Wesleyan Reconcilement, the, 315.

West-end Defaults, the, 690.

Woman's Rights in the Civil Service, 128; Woman's Wrongs in the Civil Service, ; The New Starting-Point, 271; Woman's Rights, 507.


" Inside Sebastopol," 8,48; Obituary, 9, 67, 95, 160, 209, 335, 362, 416, 467, 606, 684, 710, 742, 868, 869, 1020, 1231, 1254, 1280, 1313; Goulburn, 67; Lamm 121; Duke of Norfolk,' 209 ; Sir H. Pettinger, 335 ; Sir W. Wynn -Sir W. Symonds, 388; Lord A. Fitzela- wore, 551; Bishop Monk, 606; Sir A. Crichton, 636; Earl of Shrewsbury, 892; Sir W. Temple, 915; Mr. A'Beckett-Sir J. Ross-Sir R. Westmacott, 940; Lord Hard- Inge, 1019; Mr. John Wood, 1098; General Guyon, 1147 ; Sir J. Jervis-Delaroche, 1183; Dr. Paris, 1375; Mr. R. Miller, 1376; The Navy, 10; War casualties, 10 ; Political Gleanings, 17, 559 ; Cobden on Russia, 42; Napier and the Times, 42, 44 ; Traces of Franklin, 43; Treaty with Japan, 67; Grievances, 95 ; Late Sir W. Molesworth, 95; George Bidder, 212, 236 ; Mr. Gladstone on the progress of free trade, 208; Peace prospects in Russia, 313 ; Reformatories, 338 ; The Central American Question Mos- quitia v. Nicaragua, 383 ; Reisinger on the Second Empire, 393 ; Curious boat-voyage, 602; Lord Wodebouse, 503; Institute of Civil Engineers, 558; The public. offices, 812; Sound-dues, 812; Crimean chaplain., 844; Gleanings, 951; The Sultan a K.G., 939 ; Night reading room at the British Museum, 1021 ; Earl of Cardigan and his assailanta, 1043, 1075, 1124 ; The telegraph to America, 1078; German agricultural meetings, 1076; Railways and revolvers in Georgia, 1099, 1124, 1251, 1315, 1345; Re- formatory Union prizes,1231 ; Iron-Produc- tion in India, 1232; Railway audits, 1237; Maurice on the Denison case, 1256; The ltesolute and the Catholic candle, 1282 ; Na- pier and Cronstadt, 1313; Tickets-of-leave, 1345; Law courts, 1346; Dr. S. Smith, 13443.


Addison's Works, Bolui's Edition of, 27. Alison's History of Europe, 217.

American Expedition to the China Seas and Japan, 748.

Rains of Time, 510.

Andersson's Four Years' Wanderings In South-Western Africa, 566.

Andrews's Eighteenth Century, 1158. Australian Settler's Diary of Travels, 272. Aytoun'a (Professor) Bothwell, 834. Bacon's Essays, edited by Archbishop Whate- ly, 643. Baskie's Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Kw6m and Baste, 892.

Bailey's Records of Longevity, 1134. Baily's Tour in North America In 1796 and 1787,1029.

Baird's Modern Greece, 1288.

Beaumarchais, De Lomenie's, 1155. Beaumont (the Rev. Joseph), Life of, 531. Beckwourth'sLife and Adventures, 879. Biew's Translation of the Agamemnon of ,Esehylus, 140.

Border lands of Spain and France, 483. Brougham on Oratory, 1064. Browning's (Mrs.) Aurora Leigh, 1239. Bruce's Scenes and Sights in the East, 959. liunbury's (Selina) Summer in Northern Europe, 588. Burton's Mecca, 104 ; Exploration of Harm, 32.

Bu8tle r's Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy, 483.

California and its Inhabitants, 644. Cambridge Essays, 1330. Carlyon's Early Years and Late Reflection, 1086.

Cayley's European Revolutions of DM, 980. Chapman's History of Gustavus Adolphe, 796. Chester ton's Revelations of Prison Life, 693. Cockburn's Memorials of his Time, 621. Coley's Journal of the Suttej Campaign in 1845-'6, 192. Collier (Payne), Coleridge, Shakspere, 1157. Cornwall's (Barry) Dramatic Scenes, 1332. Creasy's Ottoman Turks, 878. Crimea, Our Tent in the, 138. De Bmancourt's Crimean Expedition, 727. De Tocquerille's Society in France before the Revolution, 919.

Dodd's Food of London, Irs.

Donaldson on Classical Scholarship, 344. Doran's Knights and their Days, 402. Doubleday's Political Life of Peel, 3713. Eastern Hospitals and English Nurses, 401. Emerson's English Traits, 981. England in Time of War, 776.

Englishwoman (the) in America, 81. Ewbank's Life in Brazil, 1107.

Ferrier's Caravan Journeys, 715. Finlay's History of Greece under Othoman and Venetian Domination, 773.

Fischer (Dr. Kano) on Lord Bacon, 1030. Fitzherbert's (Mrs.) Memoirs, 345. Forbes's Sight-seeing in Germany, 924. Freeman's Conquests of the Saracens, 726. Froude's History of England, 481.

Galt's Camp and Cutter, 878. Gleanings after " Grand Tour "-iris, 920. Golovin'a Stars and Stripes, 1063.

Grote's History of Greece, 249. Guizot's History of Richard Cromwell and the Reiteration, 400; Peel, 1382.

Hamilton's (I.) Thoughts on Truth and MOW 1062.

Hiaffiltop's Wanderings in North Africa, 668. liardwick's Christian Church during the Re- formation, 296.

Haithausen's Russian Empire, 642. Hayti:Science of Beauty, 856. HillX1Edwin) Uniformity of Value and Ade- quacy of Supply, 199.

Hill's (S. 8.) Sandwich Islands, 1106. Jones's (Ernest) Poems on the War, 20. Kaye‘s idte of Sir John Malcolm, 1329. Keepsake, the, 1264.

Kennedy's International Law, 140. Kennedy's (C. R.) Demosthenes, 961. Kinzie's (Mrs.) Wau-bun, 854.

Kitto (Dr.), Ryland's Memoirs of, 567. Ladies of the Reformation, 1332. Lake's Kars and Captivity in Russia, &II. ' - Layeock on Medical Observation and _Re- search, 1109.

Layman's (a) Inquiry into Monti Evil, 902.'2 Lord of the Isles, 1333.

Lucan's (Lord) Divisional Orders and Corre- spondence, 924.

Mackay's Lump of Gold, 142. ht'Cusli's Advice to Officers in India, 1084. liacleod's Theory and Practice of Banking, 317.

Madeira, 8c., Sketchesin, 1107.

Mansfield's Brazil and Paraguay, 797.

Market and Scoffern on the Composition and Adulteration of Food, 1004.

Markham's Cuzco and Lima, 297. Marsden's History of Christian Churches and Sects, 82.

Massey's Cralgcrook Castle, 1157. Merivale's Romans under the Empire, 447. Milner's Russia, 103.

Modern Society in Rome, 454. Money's Twelve Months with the Bashi- Basouks, 1283. Montalambert on England, 342.

Monteith's Kars and Erzeroum, 298. Moore's Memoirs, 531. Morehead's (Dr.) Clinical Researches on Dis- ease in India, 624.

Morley's Cornelius Agrippa, 1240. Motley's Rise of the Dutch Republic, 957. Murray'. (Miss) Letters from the United States, Canada, and Cuba, 52. Naples: Political, Social, and Religious, 1214. Napoleon Bonaparte's Correspondence with his Brother Joseph, 25.

Newman (J. H.) on Universities, 1297. Newman's Translation of Homer's Iliad, 272. New Novara-Claude de Vesci-Lady of Fash- ion, 105; White Chief, 106; Amberbill- The Moncton-Nonpareil House, 170; Our Cousin Veronica--After Dark, 252; The Coldstreams and the Musqueteers, 253 ; Maurice Elvington-Clara-Daisy Chain- Margaret and her Bridesmaids-Kennee- Voo, 348; Old Vicarage-Ileyruinstre, 425; Diamonds and Dust, 426; John Halifax- Heirs of Blackridge Manor, 449 ; The Ring and the Vcil-Sibert's Vold-Glenniorven, 450; Elsie Seymour, 632; Old Grey Church -Henry Lyle, 533; Perversion, 5613; Sor- rows of Gentility, 569; Merlins, 644 ; Ran- dal Vaughan-Stories of an Old Maid, 646; Evelyn Marston, 669; The Linesman-Ag- nes Waring, 670; Ellesmere-Young Com- mander, 694 ; De Creasy, 695; Young Lord -Sunshine and Shadow-Tame and Leo- nora, 774; Young Singleton-Eveleen, 960; The Letter and the Spirit, 761; Arthur Brandon,1005; Hills of the Shateume, 1006; Old Memories-Double Ooronet,1065; Life's Chances, 1066; Out on the World-Tender and True, 1085; Stories by an Arelticologist -Self and Self-Sacrifice-Edgar Burden, 1135; Kathie Braude, 1192; Mr. Axle- Jonathan Oldaker, 1193; Rosa Grey, 1299 ; A Life's Lessons-The Mildinayes-Deve- roll, 1300 ; The City Banker, 1301; Isabel,. 1383 ; Sisters of Soleure-Good Old Times- Florence Templar-Jessie Cameron, 1364; The Spendthrift, 1365; Sydney Fielding, 13144 ; Giulio Branchi-Fair Oaks-Very Successful, 1385.

O'Brien's (8.) Principles of Government, 51. Oliphant's Transcaucasian Campaign, 378. Oaborn's Narrative of lil'Clure's Discovery •-• the North-west Passage, 1131.

Oxford Essays, 1856, 424.

Oxonian (the) in Norway, 901.

Peel's (Sir R.) Memoirs, 585. Periodical*, 29, 143, 253, 580, 487, 624, 633, 9620. 1066, 1301.

Perthes'e Memoirs, 852.

Pinney'. Duration of Human Life, 1030. Pinocchi, 195.

Peace--Camela's-Pember's' 83; Whits:110re- Jones's - Parkinson's - Chadwick's, EN Pneuma, 320 ; Poems by Loa-Capern's,821 ; Holdreth's, 322; Lamp of Life-Grace and Remembrance - Arden-Sonnets - Carma- gnola-The Parricide-Song of the Bell, 580.. Polish's Course of Time, 1333.

Portugal, Here and There in, 250. ltalkee (Thomas), Journal of, 295. Reade's Man in Paradise, Ite. 218.

Reade's (C.) Never too Late to Mend, 877. Regency, Memoirs of the, 508. Registrar-Cienerad's Reports, 380, 1217- 11eld's Young Tigers, 1264. Rhymes and Roundelays, 1264. Roberts's Social History of the Southern Counties, 899. Robinson's (Dr.) Diary of the Crimean War, 423.

Robinson's (E.) Later Biblical Researches, 1216.

Robinson, Matthew, 1108. Robinson's (Mrs.) Kansas, 1262.

Rogers (Samuel), Table-Talk of, 193, 323. Romanist Fictions-Adelaide, Queen of Italy ;

Ailey Moore ; Beleaguered Hearth, 1031. Rosa's Red River Settlement, 609.

Rouman Anthology, 1191. St.. David's, History and Antiquities of, 589. St. John's Subalpine Kingdom, 728. Sturdwith's (Dr.) Siege of Kars,167. Scott's Danes and Swedes, 218.

Sebastopol (Inside) and Experiences in Camp, 50; A Voice from Within, 798.

Shakspere's England, 869.

Shell's (Lady) Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia, 622.

Sims's Manual for the Historical and Anti- quarian Inquirer, 1061. Smyrna and its British Hospital, 587. Southey'. Unpublished Letters, 379, 719. Speir's (Mrs.) Life in Ancient India, 1100. Staff-Officer's (a) Letters from Head-Quaei tors, 1361. Stanley's (Canon) Sinai and Palestine, 191. Steere on the Existence and ittributei of God, 1134.

Stewart's (Dugald) Works, 251.

TrOlloPe's altihood of Catherine de' Medici, 1215.

Tyrisa's International I.aw, 140. 17bleini's letters on Turkey, 530. Vaughan's Hours with the Mystics, 11311. Weld's Vacation in Brittany, 923. Weatrop's (Mrs.) Summer Experiences of

Rome, Perugia, and Siena, 1362. White's On Foot through Tyrol, 924.

Whittingham's Notes on the late Expedition to Japan and Eastern Siberia, 137. Rilberforee's Brazil, 28.

Wills's 'Wanderings in the High Alps, 1113. NV ilmott's Poets of Nineteenth Century, 1192. Wilson's (Professor) Essays, 1007. Wither's Hymns and Songs of the Church, 926.

Wortabet's Syria and the Syrians, 486.


Africa, Southern, 903. Aide's Poems, 730. Airey's Address, 895. Alton.c St. Paul, 431. Aidershottana, 1303. Alfieri and Goldoni, 1385. Almanacks, 32 299, 347, 1169, 1263. American Bible Union Scriptures, 569. American Literature, 299. American Sla- very, 903. Annals of England, 511. Apo- calypse of St. John, 403. Aquavirarium, I las. Areda Enterprise, 403. Arnold's Griselda, 298. Arthur Vaughan, 489. As- surance, 933. Audubon, 275. Australia, 1333. Bacon's Essays, 1304; Novum Organon,1088. Barber's Shop, 984. Barrow's Tour., 730. Barry's Old Testament, 880. Bell's Poets, 963, 1302. Beranger's Songs, 1087. Bills, 1333. Blair's Tables, till. Blunt's Parish Priest, 671. Bohn's publications, 299, 512, 626. Bosanquet's Fourth Seal, 144. Bota- nical Terms, 645. Boy's Voyage, 1088. Brewster's Stereoscope, 751. British Em- pire, 84 ; Year-book, 53. Brougham's Works, 1265. Bryce's Geography, 427. Burns, 826. Bush-Boys, 32. Caleulous Disease, 570. Calderon's Life's a Dream, 489. Calisthenics, 928. Campbell's Chancellors, 1365. Carpenter, John, 646. Caucasus, 1667. Chambers's Educational Course, n6. Chambers's (R.) Iceland, 856. Chess-player's Annual, 63. Church and the People, 750. Churchman's Year-book, 219. Cicero'ce, Clover Cottage, 1333. s 0 tions, 903. Clay's Corre- spondence,

Cluveril Tra turgies, 591. Clyde's Greek Syntax, 1030. Comer on Education, 1303, Colonial Constitutions, 382. Costelloe's (Miss) Lay of the Stork, 428. Crown Ward, 591,

Dallas's Animal Kingdom, 533. Danish Bal- lads, 730. David, 1386. Denison's Church- building, 570. Dialogues on Divine Provi- dence' 1833. Dickens, Immortelles from, 1386. Drawing, Malan's Aphorisms on, 880. Eagles's Sketcher, 761. Eastern Empire. Our, 1285. Ecclesiastes, 219. Edinburgh, 106. Edwards's Zoology, 194. Egypt, 1193. Electoral Representation, 196. Elton's Tracts, 489 ; Poems 1088, Encyclopedia Britannica, 251, 880, 1333. Enigma, the, 834. Espousals, the, 730. Evening Recre- ations 31.

Fairbainn's Information for Engineers, 106, Far and Near, 299. Ferny Combos, 834, Flemish Interiors, 646. Foster's Essays, 2088. Foxglove Bells, 171. Franklin Ex- pedition, 299. Eraser's Essays in Philo sophy, 693. Frithjof Saga, 1067,

Gainsborough, Life of, 751. Garden Botany, 63. Genesis of Earth and Man, 450, Ger- man Lyrist, 253. Gibraltar, 1303. Gilder- dale's Discipline Rediviva, 671. Golden A, ' B' C, 1333. Clonsaga di Cappon1,534. Gosse's Marine Zoology, 1159. Greek Drama, 730. Guide-books, 53, 591, 628, 046,1313.

Harnerton's Poems, 298. Hardwick's Peer- age, 85 ; Biography, 646. Harmony of Di vine Dispensations, 871. Hartleigh's Poems, 1167. Hay's Science of Beauty, 426. He- brew Orthography, 848. Heine's Book of Songs, 403. Help in Time of Need, 1303. Iliffernan's Sketches, 144, Hints to Hus- bands, 14,; to Horsemen, 274; Soldiers, ---- 1.634. History of Jean-Paul Chopped, 775.

• Hollingsworth's Poems, 880. Home's In- troduction to the Scriptures, 1153. Hood's Pen and Pencil Pictures, 1303. Hours of Sun and Shade, 1139. Howard's Genesis, &o., 1110, 1586. Howitt's Visits, 1265. Hughes's Summer Cruises, 219. Hum- phreys's Moral Philosophy, 347. Hygienic / Hints, 1242. Independonte, Ecclesiastical System of the, 027. Indian Islands, 831. Influence of Christianity on Civilization, 835. In Ho- norem; 591. Inkerman, 634. Inspiration, 451; and Reality, 1218. Instinct, 633. In- vasion of Ireland by Angio-Normans, 426, Investing Money, 32. Ireland, Sporting Capabilities of, 903. Irwin's Vehicles, 193. Israel, 489. Italy, Sketches on, 170.

Janfry the Knight, 779. Joseph, 84. June, 533. Kennedy's Essays, 254. Kidd's Reasoning, 382. King of Root Valley, 85. Knight's England, 64.

Lamartine's Memoirs, 53. Lardner'a Museum and Optics, 274, 963, 1303; Natural Philo- sophy, 836. Latham's Logic, 1218. Latin Quotations, 512. Lawbooks, 68; Larceny, 84. Letters-Patent, 751. Lichens, 695. Li- Ban's Golden Hours, 1303. Liquor Traffic, 1087. Londesborough Collection, 299. Long, long ago, 1396.

M'Cuiloch's Commercial Dictionary, 32. Ma- hometan Dates, 591. Manchester Papers, 170, 984. Maps, 234, 883, 751. Masson's Essays, 512. Matter 1303. Mayllew's Lon- don, 275. Medirer al History, 1194; Preach- ers, 730. Medical Gymnastics, 219. Micro- graphic Dictionary, 193. Middleton's Voy- age, 570. Military Engineering, 903; Or- ganization of France, 322. Mines, 86. Mont Blanc, 511. Moon's Rotation, 880. Mooren Works, 626. Movement Cure, 171. Municipal Directory, 591. Murray's Wilts, lee. no. Murray's Works, 171. Nautical Astronomy, 034. Naval and Mili- tary Resources of European Nations, 170. Nicolas's Peerage, 1386. Bumps, 591. Nortbmen in Cumberland, 983. North Wales, 836. Obstructives and the Man, 871. Ocular Spectres, 145. Old Times, 383. Old Truths and Modern Progress, 322. Omnium (Ja- cob) on Military Education, 321. One of More, 1159. Organ, 628. Orr's Circle of the Sciences, 776, 983; Industrial Arts, 1265. Orsini% Narrative, 858. Ossoli's At Home and Abroad, 426. Our Miscellany, 106'.

Page's Geology, 1110. Palma, 53. Paragreens, the, 1242. Parbdan Sights, 254. Parkes's Gabriel, 428. Passing Thoughts, 1218. Peace in War, 106. Peebles, 170. Peel's Memoir, 533. Penn, 195. Pepperreli, 144, Periodicals, 85, 171, 219, 634, 646, 880,1068, 1212, 1303. Perspective, 489. Philosophy,

Vocabulary of, 1191. Phraseological Eng- lish-Greek Lexicon, 322. Physicians and Physic, 511. Pierce's Household Manager, 1388. Pills= on Education. 403. Plants, 63. Plunkett's Speeches, 646. Pneumato- logy, 983. Poems, 32,219, 254, 274, 299, 403, 426, 512, 534, 618, 671, 928, 984, 1212, 1902, 1365, 1388 ; Leigh's, 254 ; . Ballantine's, 254 ; Combe's, 426; Written in a Workhouse, 1285. Postal Guide, 1 88. Post-office Di- reetory,1302 ; Gloucestershire, 570. Preach- ing of Christ, 63. Prelatico-Presbyterian- ism, 625. Principles of Ethics, 219. Pros- tate Gland, 1865. Public Opinion, 750. Pyrenees, 1263. Pyrrhus, 322.

Queen 1..mta, 1386.

Read's House by the Sea, 144. Reformatories, 534. Refugee, the,31. Rifle Projectile., 265. Roland, 1191. Routledge's Shakspere, 1303. Russia, 273, 1219; England and, 1333. Russian Popular Tales, 1518.

Sacred Chronology, 451. Sacriflee,1218. Specula Trice, 1386. St. Paul and Modern Thought, 410. Salad for the Social, 730. Salomon and Absal, 426. Salt Water, 1386. Sang's Arithmetic, 778. Santroord's Discourses, 929. Sarum Breviary, 219. Scandinavia, 671. Schoolbook.' 32, 106, 143, 195, 427, 570, 693, 776, 834, 963, 984, 1067,1098, 1334. Schwegier's Philosophy, Ill. Seinde Rail- way, 670. Scott, a Few Hours with, 1088. Scripture Studies, 489. Sea-Anemones, 1110. Sebastopol, a Visit to, 219 ; Life in the Trenches 511. Sermons, 32, 195, 219, 1212 ; Perry's.'274 ; Hervey's, 274 ;Iteichers, 1265; •Blunt's, 1363. Sermons in Stones, 218. Seven Kings of Rome, 903. Shadows of the Past, 693. Shakspere, English of, 1333. Shilling Book of Beauty, 83. Shoe- pac Recollections, 426. Sidney Grey, 1365. Singer's Shakspere, 54, 963. Sir Edwin Gilderoy, 1302. Smith (S.) on Epidemics, 347. Solar System of Ancients, 778. Song in Prose, 1218. Spirit of Travel, 1365. Spirits and Water, 254. State Medicine, 611. Stenographer, 222. Stomach Dis- orders, 834.

Tales, 531,591,626, 730,751, t131, 8.56,1067, 1333. Tegobocaki's Russia, 382. Thlers'a Consu- late and Empire, 1110. Things not gene- rally Known, 254. Thom's Irish Almanack, 85. Thorpe's European Literature, 1067. Traveller's Library, 234, 404, 626. Trea- sure of Geography, 1139. Trees, 645. Tricks of Tradc,383. Turnerelli's Peace, 382. Types and Antitypes of Old and New Testament, 730.

United States, a Child's History of, 53 ; Eliot's History, 1212. Universal Writing, 383. Van der Hoeven's Zotilogy, 1110. Vera's Phi- losophy, 383. Verdant Green, 1265. Ves• tigla,928. Voices from the Greenwood, 1365. Wade's England's Greatness, 1365. Wallls's Clotilde, 426. Walpole's Letters, 1386. Walsh's Domestic Economy, 1242. War and the Newspapers, 254. Waters of Cora- fort, 695, Wedgwood's Geometry, 322. Whist-Player, 383. Wife, the, 751. Wil- key's Peninsula, 856. It'1U Divine and Hu- man, 646. Wilson's Five Gateways of Knowledge, 1194. Winnie and I, 106. Wo- man's Call to Women, 403; Mission, 1263. Wordsworth,927. Worlds not B.ealized, 427. Xenophon's Cyropredia, 834.

Yonge's Epithets, 85; Latin Dictionary, 856. Tense's (N. 11.) Poems, 928. Young's Mys- tery, 403.

Zuriel's Grandchild, 1134.

LlInit■III" GLEANINGS, 145, 490, 626. Powror.-Return of the Guards, 730,


American Bread-stuffs, 1068. Australian Sta- tistics, 256. Banks-Private and Joint- Stock Banks of London, 33; London Joint- Stock, 149, 838. Canada, Progress of, 15o. Corn-trade of Southern Russia, 160. Cot- ton Production of the United States, Joss. Effect of the War uponRussian Exports to England, 35. Emigration, 731. House of Commons, 147; Change. since the last Ge- neral Election, 148; Analysis-Party Votes, &c. 149. India, Finances of, 628; Salt-tax in, 628. Insurance Companies, Modern, 983. Insurance-offices, 150. Marriages, Births, and Deaths, 731. Money, Produce, Manu- factures, and Trade, 33. Political Statistics- Ministerial and Parliamentary Changes, 38. Poor-law Expenditure, 628. Railway Pro- perty in 1859, 38; Railways, 264, 627 ; Share- holders, 731, Scotch Banks, 36. Scotland, Agricultural Statistics of, 150. Specula tion, Progress of, 835. Trade and Naviga- tion Accounts, 34, 254, 384, 491,627, 731, 835, 983, 1 e88, 1148, 1238, 1290. Victoria, Banks in, 149. West India Fibres, 1303. What our Colonies Cost us, 256. Wrecks, 1303.


Adelphi-Pantomime, 12 ; Urgent Private Affairs, 46; Holly-tree Inn, 162; That Blessed Baby, 187; Like and. Unlike, 393; Bottle of Smoke, 534; Flying Dutchman, 809; Mrs. Williams, 713, 870; Ireland as it Is, 893; Lucifer Matches, 1022; Les Blies, 1233: Janet Pride, 1316.

Amateur Pantomime, 609.

Astley's-Horse of the Cavern, 525; Richard the Third, 847; Deed, 1233.

Covent Garden-Rub Roy, 69; The Wizards, 125; Bohemian Girl, 211 ; burning of, 267. Drury Lane-Great Gun Trick, 12; Mrs. Flo- rence, 469; Mrs. E. Waller, 898; Pizarro, 1022; The Adventurer, 1101.

Easter, 337.

" Entertainments," 1233,1347.

Haymarket -Beaux' Stratagem, 45; ETD Genius, 290; 131 Gambusino, 337 ; Postman's Knock, 393 ; Tom Thumb, 525; Chevalier des Dames, 683; Buckstone's benefit, 713; Second Love, 814 ; Mr. Murdoch, 1022, 1128, 1150; School for Scandal, 1208; A Family Falling, 1233, Levassor's Entertainment, 687.

Lyceum-Ristori, 609, 638, 666, 886, 712, 744, 768; opening by Mr. Dillon-Belphegor- Winter's Tale, 998. King's Musketeers, 1101; The Cavalier, 1165; Fabian, 1208; Othello, 1283; The Cagot, 1316.

Mathews (Mrs.), Death of, 870,

Olympic-Discreet Princess, 11; Stay at Home, 187; Retribution, 525; Tragedy Queen, 683 ; A Fascinating Individual, 638; Medea, 768; Wives as they Were and Maids as they Are-Jones the Avenger, 1257 ; Cri- noline, 1347.

Parisian Theatricals, 12, 46, 69, 97, 125, 162, 285, 267, 290, 312, 395, 419, 443, 469, 504, 626, 554, 609, 639, 664, 687, 744, 768, 894, 913, 973, 1048, 1077, 1101, 1150, 1233, 1316; Le Pars- die Perdu, 337; Donqez-moi Is Palm, 363; La Bourse, 326; Les Fanfarons de Vice-La Comtesse de Novelties, 583; death of Ached, 894; L'Amteau de Fer, 998; Fais ee que dais, 1022; Hiphe Or Occur, 1046; Rachel, 1977 ; L'Avocat des Pauvrrs, 1134; Les Faux Bon-hommes-La Race de Flo- rence-Madame do Monterey, 1209 ; Les Paurres &Esprit, 1283; Maitre Pathelin, 1348 ; Chateau des Ambrieres, 1377. Passion -Week, 312.

Princess's-Jealous Wife, 97; First Printer, 267 ; A Prince for an Hour, 337 ; The Victor Vanquiahed, 337; Winter's Tale, 469; A Conjugal Lesson, 744; Pizarro, 943; Mid- summer Night's Dream, 1100; Our Wife, 1233.

Sadler's Wells-Mr. Dillon,443 ; Merry Wives of Windsor, 1022; Timon of Athens, 1100; Taming of the Shrew, 1233.

Smith's (Albert) Entertainment, 1257. Surrey-Half-Caste, 973; Flower-Girl, 1077; Dred, 1126.

Westminster Play, 1347.

Young, Mr. Charles, 713.


Bradford Festival, 918.

Braham, Death of 212.

Ilrousil Family, 609.

Concerts, 526; Amateur Musical Society, 125; Mullah's, 212 ; Madame Rudersdorff's, 469 ; Benedict's, 531 • Madame razors, 531 ; Mrs.'Anderson's, '864 ; Madame Viar- dot's, 768 ; Miss Dolby's, 1257.

Costa's New Oratorio, 187, 212.

Crystal Palace Concerts, 687, 1257. Drury Lane-English operas, 337 ; Italian operas, 1149, 1209, 1232, 1257; Fidelio, 1282. Handel Commemoration, 1209, 1348; 'Works of, in Germany, 1266. Her Majesty's Theatre, 337, 365, 395, 419, 412, 504; opening, 525; Sonnambula, 531 ; bal- let, 534 ; Le Corsaire, 744 ; Piecolomini, 5E2, 697, 712, 815, 1347, 1126 ; Albertini, 609, 639 ; Wegner, 664, 769, 793.

Ilsdlah's Orchestral Concerts, 365,413 ; Sacred Concerts, 1233.

Jullien's Concerts, 1185,1209, 1203.

Leslie's (Henry) Choir, 1348.

Lind In the Messiah, 12 ; The Swedish Night- ingale, 46 ; Nightingale Fund Concert, 267, 290 ; farewell, 583, 639, 687 ; The last of, 713.

Where Joseph at Windsor Castle, 12. Musical Gossip, 395.

Musical Publications-Waley's Romance, 85; Glover's Tam o' Shanter, 146; H Trovatore for the Pianoforte-Dr. Crotch's Elements of Musical Composition, 147 ; 11 Tasso di Dante-Cornet Miscellany-Operas for the Violin, 171; Chopin's Posthumous Works- Polyhymnia, 835 ; Fitz william's Dramatic Songs, 856; Waley's Concerto, &c. 1242. Musical Union, 365, 469, 525.

New Philharmonic Society, 365, 443, 525, 684. Opera Season, the, 817.

Philharmonic Society, 419, 469, 825, 583, 639, 887.

rice), 290.

Reinthaler's Zephtha, 419. Royal Italian Opera, 365, 395; opening, 418; Elisir d'Amore, 413; Norma, 489; Tamber- lik, 504; Mario, 525; Bosh., 554; ; Trovatore, 639; Don Giovanni, 664; II Barbiere di Siviglia, 887.

Sacred Harmonic Society, 1257, Sunderland, Mrs. • Sacred Music, 1377. Surrey-Italian opera, 639.

Surrey Gardens, 768.

Willie's New Organ in Si, Martin's Hall, 1348.


Art-Manufacture-Edinburgh, 1288.

Arundel Society, 614.

Automata, Exhibition of, 365.

Barker's (Mr.) Allied Generals, 614. British Institution, 195; Old Masters, 646.

Burford's Panoramas, 212, 470.

Close of the Season, 799.

Crimean Exhibition, 299.

Crowquill's Reproof of the Brutes, 1266.

Crystal Palace-Peace fete, 603; Sydenham Picture-Gallery, 614, 800, 1008.

Department of Science and Art, 347.

Durer's (Albert) Passion Prints, 984. Paed's Illustrated Tam o' Shanter, 85.

Fergusson's Handbook of Architecture, 32.

Fox's (General) Greek Coins, 1194, 1219, 1233, 1286.

Flemish Art Exhibition, 1334.

Flemish School, 1366.

French43chool of Fine Arts, 512, 800.

Glasgow Art Union in London, 866.

Great Globe, 502 ; Diorama, 1386, Getsenberg, Works by, 198.

limner's Raphael, 171.

Illustrated Books, 1195.

Kars and its Defenders, 1289.

Leech's Punch Design, 387. Lirerpool Academy, 1008.

Lockhart's Spanish Ballads, 54.

Moiesworth (Sir William), Portrait of, 299. Napoleon at Basaano, 404.

National Gallery, 146, 171, 427, 512, 671, 751, 903.

Natemal Institution, 323, Nursery Art, 1387.

Paton's (Mr. Noel) " Home," 404.

Photo Galvanographic Engraving, 1366.

Photographic Exhibition, 54, 800.

Photographic Portraits, 1194. Photographic Society, 1366.

Photography Books, 1088.

Polytechnic Institution-Raffaele's School of Athens, 800.

Picture Sales, 571.

Rogers Sale, the, 490.

Royal Academy Exhibition, 489, 534, 570, 591, 799, Royal Portraits by Winterhaiter, 365.

Ruskin's Modern Painters, 143, 535.

Sebastopol, 814.

Seddon's Paintings, 571 ; Death of Mr. Sed- don, 1388.

Sheepshanks Gallery, 1334.

Siberian and Tartaric Views, 1088.

Society of British-Artists, 347.

Soulages Collection, 1160, 1287.

Stereoscopic Gallery, 85.

Stereoscopy in Art, 800.

Turner Bequest, 1159, 1219, 1266, 1366.

Water-Colour Societies, 489. Wood-Carving, 1101.


A. Case for the Ecclesiastical Commission, by - W. P. W., 12.

American Neutrality the Enlistment Ques- tion, by C., 338.

American "Slaughter of the Innocents," by W. B. Adams, 846.

American Union, Is the, in Danger ? by 0. P. Q., 1025.

Army (the) and the T. Gs.," by G. H. S., 73. Army Improvement, by One of the Crimean

Light Division, 1027; False Military No-

tions, 1120. Army, Our National, by W. B. Adams, 971. " Battle of Worcester," by George Arthur Williams, 359.

Bavaria, Gossip from, 1188, 1377.

Bills in the House of Commons, by C. B. Ad- derley, 1213.

Bishops, Pensions for the, by P., 772. Bishops Langley and Jackson, by a High Churchman, 1320.

Brazil and the Slave-trade, by Edward Wil- berforce, 239.

Bread, the High Price of, by It. I., 894; Ba- kers, Millers, and Corn-Merchants, by A. S., 950.

British Museum Library, 1150.

Cambridge University Election, by a Member

of Mr. Denman's Committee, 102. Charity-Circular Nuisance, by Viator, 583. Church, Practical Improvements in the, by C.

310002 ; Curates ; their Patrons, Friends, and Helpers, by J. H. G., 1009.

Church Difficulties, by B., 1061.

Church-rates; by H., 290.

Cobden's (Mr.) Exaltation of Russia, by an Old Leaguer, 73.

Competitive Examinations, theResults of, by W. It. M., 894.

Convict Colonists, a Voice from New Zealand Against, by E. W. H. Bellaire, 1003. Convicts, Treatment of, by W. B. C., 422. Convocation, by Clericus, 162. Crimean Chaplains, by a Chaplain, R. N., 871. Decimal Coinage the United States System, by John Edward Gray, 86 ; by A. D. M., 113; and Accounts, by H., 239.

Dulwich College, by M., 129.

Dancedom, by a Cheshire Parson, 443 ; A De- fence of, by H. E. Watts, 529; A Word for Lord John, by Arthur H. Elton, 539 ; Sir Arthur Elton and Education, by H. E. Watts, 683 ; Repose of Olympus, by a Cheshire Parson, 614.

Egypt, by J. S. S., 1261.

English Commerce and the Holy- See, by Philip H. Howard, 772. Female Einployment, by a Constant Reader and not one of the Unfair Sex, 190.

French Alliance, the, by James Aytoun, 870; French and English Alliance, by Philip H. Howard, 629. Geology Holding its Ground, by Roderick I. Murchison, 772.

Greece-Two Sides to a Greek Story, by BM- Aiethes, 1082 ; Justice to, by George Fin- lay, 1166 ; The Greek Apology, by B. A. F., 1319.

Gruwds and the Line, 613. Hill's (Edwin) Principles of Currency, by E. Hill, 190.

India North-west Provinces of, by an Old Indian, 951. .

Industrial Education, by a Cheshire Parson 317 ; Schools, by J. Symons, 317 ; John Oates, 337.

Inundations in France-Cause and Remedy, by W. Bridges Adams, 668 ; by X., 687 ; The Rhone Floods, by W. Bridges Adams, 719. Irish Education Board, by I. J. M., 1261. Italian Question, by Arthur H. Elton, 821. Johnson (Dr.) and Macaulay, by Philip IL Howard, 559.

Jurist to the Spectator, 930. Laity, a Mission for the, by H., 1213 ; Secular Education in Scotland, by James Sinclair, 1320 ; Progress Backwards, by H.,1377. Life-Peerages Perishing by Precedent, by One who Wants to be Governed, MO. Local Management of Local Business, by J. J. M., 1213.

Loom (the) rersue the Stitching-machine, by W. B. Adams, 917; The Loom superseding the Needle, by J. J. M., 950.

Medical Men at Fault, by One of your earliest Subscribers, 128; Medical Jurisprudence, by H. M., 182. Mettray Boys in Action, by J. G. Perry, 688. Mositeur and the English Press, by a Holder of French Railway Shares, 1188.

Moon Controversy, by J. I. M.-Astolfo, 422; J. Symons-G.-Herbert C. Berries-Philo- sophy in Sport-A. B. B.-Astolfo, 443. National Education, by John Oates, 291, National Gallery the LarrtPurcharse, by Wil- liam Coningham, 215; The New Purchase, by F. Y. Hurlstone, 291 ; "Adoration of the Magi," by Alfred Stevens, 338; by W. M. R., 422; and the New " Bel- lint," by Morris Moore, 747.

National Names, by a British Subject, 1233. Partin or Statesmen, by E. A. F., 129, 747. Patriots and Hucksters, by R. T., 162. Peace, Terms of, by Cosmos, 103 ; by E. A. F., B62.9, 191. ;Peace upon Mongrel Principles, by Peel (Sir R.) as a. Type of Statesmanship, by J. Symons, 1261. Poor-rate, Frauds on the, by Alfred H111,1028.. Public School Flogging, by G. W., 1261, Prinialunent and Reformation-French and English Systems, by M. D. Hill, 719. Queen's Visit to Canada, by W. B. C., 290. Rageley Poisoning Case and Horse racing, by H., 12.

Russell, "Lord John," by M.A., Oxonlensie, 1130.

Ruial1o8n7.the Antoor, by F. Marx, 268; Rus- sia, Habit of Falsehood, by J. J. M., 12. Scandinavian Alliance, the, by B. A. F.,24. Scientific -Men, Salaries of, by I. E. Gray,


Secret Treaties, by J. J. M., 686; Secret Di- plomacy, 1024; Parliamentary Sanctien of Treaties. 1031.

Sewage Question, by W. B. Adams-J. J. M., 1320.

Spain, Death of English Influence in, 1063; A Word for, by Fills Hispania, 1131; The Poets and Painters of, 1150; The People of, by W. B. Adams, 1213; A New /Era for, by F111118 Hispania, 1287.

Spectator's Testing Division-List, by John George Phlllimore, 1185.

Street-Preaching, by W. H. Fremantle, 917. Sugar-duties, Rational Settlement of the, by John Davy,1028.

Surgeons at Sebastopol, the Neglected, by John Davy, 86; More Disparagement of Medical Officers, 103. Taste of Public Bodies, by a Hermit in Lon- don, 771. Taxation, New System of Imperial, by W. Bryan Cooke, 1052.

Thames Embankment and Quays: a Proposal, by J. 5'. M., 1130. Ticket-of-leave System, by E. A. I., 102; by Jurist, 1233, United States of America, 820.

War, Gains of the, and Future Physical Con- nexion of England with France, by W. B. Adams, 813. Woman's Mission, by CL E. I., 215; by B., 239 ; by One who does not aspire to a Post in the State Paper Office, 240; Woman'S Rights, by a Cheshire Parson, 268; by O. M. L., 291.