5 JANUARY 1839, Page 1




America-Slavery, 26. Disputed ts.rri- tory, 266, 290. Trial of }Slacken-Ate, 670. Seizure of British merclutudise, 868. United States Bank bills, 885, 895. Money-market, 995. Commer• eial and monetary difficulties. 981. Im- ports and exports, 1026. Suspension of specie payment by the banks, 1053, 1078, 1102, 1129, 1156. Baring Bro- thers and Co. on the value of State Stocks, 1227.

Belgium- Hollandolielgic question, 98; decision of the Belgian Chamber on. 266; of the Senate, 290. Troubled state of affitirs, 122. Disturbances at Cheat, 959.

Buenos Ayres -Murder of the President of the Hunse of Representatives, 934. China-Stoppage of the opium trade, 718, 752, 867, 909, 19.9, 1085. 1125; ruler- ble effects of, on British manufactures, 9861 opium "scrip." 1059; draft. 1199; Mr. Elliot's 2' public notices," 1059.

Cireassia-War in, 1036.

Colonies - Australia, South-Prosperous state of, 68. Stephen v. Macdougell, 989. Australia, Western-Condition of, 774. Bermuda-Hurricane, 1059. Caneda-Proceedings of the "Sym- pathizers." 2, 26, 122. Executions in Upper, 146. Court. rnertial at Mon- treal. 526. Prorogation of the Pro. viticial Parliament of Upper. 526. " Durham manirestations" in Upper, 868, 981. Mr. Thomson's appoint- ment, 9,0 981,1054. Trial or Jalbert, 940. Canadian prisoners in England- Despatch or the Marquis of Normanby to Sir G. Arthur, 990. Arch uul of 1%11., Thomson in Quebec, 107$; his first Pro- clamatiou, 11'85. Meeting and dis- turbance at Toronto, 1078, 1101, 1129. Addresses to Mr. Thomson, 1101. The Special Council of Lower Camila cen • vetted, 1156; Resolutions in 'Motur of the Union of the Provinces, 1202. Mr. Thomson at Toronto-Meeting of the Executive Council, 1222. Cape of Good Hope-The Kafirs, 775. Pro- ceedings or Diligent', 1006. Ionian Islands-Petitions for a /neater degree of liberty, 290. Mauritius-Quarrel

between a British vessel (11111 a Frenelt trausport, 1202. Now Brintswiek-Dis- pitted Territory, 242, 266, 1290, 406.

Nowfoundlatel-Quarrel of the Gover- nor with the Leg,ishtture, 550; proroga- tion of, 1107. New South Wales- Atrocious murder of thirty nails es, 582. ' West Indies Proceedings or the Ne• Woes, 98, 775. 869. Bad state of af- fairs, 429, 574. Free labour, 981.

(lMalta. British -Free biLeur, 988. Plantation Hibernia, 10 S6. Honduras -Management of Minim at. 869. Ja- maims -Bad prospects of the Planters, 314. "Threatened ussassinidion " of Sir Lionel Smith, 988. Damn:lion or produce. 988. Departure of Sir Lionel Smith, 1108. Opening of the Legisla- ture, 1149.

Egypt-Ilostilities with the Porte, 503, 598, 693. Surrender of the Turkish Fleet to, 701,718, 726.

Frauce-Gisquet and the Mesaper des Chambres, 2,26. The Address, 25,50, 57. Resignation of the Ministry, 73. 89 ,98; the Mole Ministry reinstated - dissolution of the Chambers, 121 ; Coalition triumph in the electious, 217; resignation of the Ministry, 249; at- tempts to form IL Ministry, 266.273,290, 313, 382, 4115, 429 ; a Ministry formed, 465. Conduct or the Prince de Join- villa, 199. Opening of the Chambers. 319. An " entente " in Paris, 954; trial of the prisoners, 606, 622, 6.15; sentences. 670. Affitirs of Turkey and Egypt, 502, 622, 741. Harvest : dis- contents, 886, 894. Anwrieatt bills, 885, 825. High mice of bread- ilis• turbanees, 909 915. Treaty witl1T0XILVD 917. Electoral reform, 9-10, 957. Eastern question, 957, 965. 1054. 1077. Slavery, 986, 1181. The colonization of New Zealand by the English, 1011, 1057. Attempt of a matt woman to Nero the Kiiig and Queen, 10 .1. Mea- sures for the protection of the King, 1106. The French in Algiers, 1107. In- fernal machines and conspiracies, II-19, 1157. Disasters in Africa. 1149, 1174. Imprisonment of M. Devoid, the editor of the Capitule,1174. The approaching French Session. 1197. Opening of the Chambers, 1221.

Hanover-Quarrels between Ernest and his subjects, 694, 742.

Holltual -Opening of the States-General, 1006.

India-War with Burnet', 73. Slate of affairs at Bombay, 223. Indian war.

293, 598, 622, 670, 718, 914; condition

of the Indian army on entering Afghan- istan, 773; death of Runjeet Siugh, 895,909; storming or Ghtiznee, 1029 ; the Indian army in Cabool, 1020, 1084, 1086. Proceeding against Nepal, 1125.

ENGLAND, Marchioness of Breadalleine appointed Ludy or the Betlehantber, 8. Rumour of the Quoeu's marriage, 81. Openiog of Parliament, I 1. 1.14 Flora Ilast • ings, 223, 293, 265. 582, 605; death of, 626, 051, 678. 796. 870, 915, 939, 939,

966, 1130. New Barons, -113. Tint Lords' Address on the National Educa- tion scheme, 651. Prorogation of Par- liatnent, 816. •• Progress" of the Queen Dowager, 1102, 1126. In- ended mar- riage of the Queen, 1109, Prince Al- bert laid his homily. 118.

The Canadian prisoners, 8, 51. 74.99, 386 934 • release of the, 629, 894. Death of L. H. L., 8, 31. Common Conneil-Royal Exchange, 50, 129, 250, 982,1031, 1126, 1179. Anti•Corn- law meetings, 50, 74. 98, 129. Chit- drum' Friend Society, 74. 266, 479. Libel -Sir John Conroy V. The Times- 6,1,!■•see, 99. Middlesex curonership, 129, 153, 178. 199. National Conven. tion, 129, 151, 178, 887. Aiiii•Corn-law Delegation, 132. 178,250, 272. I.ibel- Mr.Ilogg e. the Satirist, 151. 939. Con- duct of Mr. Frost, 152. Duel between Mr. Roebuck and Lord Puwerscourt, 201. City Pollee, 249, 934 ; the Queen's reply to the Corporatiun, 271, 29.1. et- lugs of Bank Proprietors, 252, 886 910; of East India Directors. 272, 1190; of Jamaica Prorrietors, 294. Correspon- dence between Mr. Stanley and Mr. Jervis. 337. British and Foreign Ant i• Slavery Society. 385. Colonization of No:kV 'i.ealantl. 409, 437; New Zea- land Lam' Cotnpany lottery, 727; din- ner to the Directors, 862; departure of the New Zealand Company, 887; ad- vertisement regarding emigration, '389; news of the expedition. 1084; de- parture of the Bolton, 1086. Chart- bt Arrests, 433. lieligiems Freednm Society, 961. Epsom Races. 462; Bloomsbury dispute, 484. National Education-Meetings, 507, 581, 676. Libel-Stuckdale v. Hansard. 507, 553, 1061,1079,1102,1199.1200. Correspon- dence between Mr. Grattan and I.ord Broughton, 533; duel between Mr. Gnittau end Lord Londonderry, 556. North American Colonial Association protest ngainst Mr. Thomson's appoint- mot, E121. Correspondence between Sir C. Forbes and the Bishop of Lon- don on the morality of the Hindoos, 831. Mr. Thornsou's appointinent : his secretary, 843 ; Mr. E. -Ellice and, 867. Suicides front the Monument, 862, 910, 982, 1007. Correspoudence between the Clergy of Ripon and the Marquis of Londonderry on duelling, 825. Death of Sir T. thinly-Governorship of Greenwich Hospital, 914, 939, 940, 963, 965. Exchequer job, 917, 940.

Mexico- Capture of St. Juan de Ulloa by the French. 26. Proceedings uut Vera Cruz. 122. Cessation of hostilities. 334. Intestine wart1tre. 598, 646. Persia-Russien influence, 98. The Shah accedes to the demands of the British Government, 1102.

Peru-Failure of the Chilian expedition, 9, 74, 266, 429. Defeat of the Peru- vians at Yungay, 526, 550. Potingid-Rerusni to ratify the slave•trado treaty, 218. Miserable state of the fi- nances, 290. Captain Tucker's Con- vention with the G eruunr of Angola, 986, 1154. New Ministry. 1174. Col- lision between a British and Portuguese shin off the coast of Africa, 1227. Prussia-Dispute betweeti the 2/oven'. meat ILO the Catholic clergy, 645. Russia-Disgrace of Count Nessolrode, 406. Illness of the Empress. 105. Singapore - Seizure of 'plum by the Siam• ese authorities. 819.

Spain - Butchery of Carlist officers by Maroto, 194, 218. Fight at Ranctles, 429. Centare of Guadamino, 464. Com • municatiou between Lord hay awl Ma- ruto, 753. Revolt agaiust Maroto, 789. Sneeesses of the Christinos. 819. De. sertion of Maroto to the Queen, 837. 861; proceedings of Don Carlos, 870; entry into France, 885. Opening or the Cortes, 8131; Address to the Qneen. 886. Entry of Eapartero into Pampelima, 917. Pursuit of Cabrera, 934. The Basque fumes, 958, 965, 981. Prom...d- ings of the Coutit D Espague, 1005, 1060. Prorogation of the Curb's, 1060. A Moderado Ministry, 1125. M. Perez de Castro and the Mission to Germany, 1222.

Sweden -Slate of, 838. Switzerland-Insurrection at Zurich, 852. ecl state of affairs, 826. Disturb- 4111CeS at Tesnin, 1174.

TI•1001 -Treaty with France, 917. Turkey- Hostilities with the Paella of Egy rt . 502, 598; w,dike preparations, 550. War declared against Egypt, 622. Death of Sultan M1111/1101111, 970. De- feat of the Turks by the Egyptians. 693. Thur. Ottoman fleet delivered to Mehe- met, 718. Meeting of '(lie Turkish troops. 776. Haiti Sheriff-intended reforms of the Suiten, 1129. Texas : Joseph Sturge to the Friends of the Abolition a the Slavo.trade and ' Slavery, 91/. Government Education Grant, 937. Captain Hobson's Instruc- tMns, 937. Memorial on Terns, 938. British ItIerlical Association, 960. Re- ported death of Lord Brougham, 1006, 1035. Correspondence between the Bishop of Exeter and Lunt John 1111SS011 011 1110 Education Scheme, 1009, 1057. Mr. Harvey elected Commissioner of the City Police, 1031. Candled Infer. mations-Sir Ommaney the United Serriee Gazette, 1051, 1126 ; Sir 13, Shaw v. the ManehesterChrmicle, 1054, 1126. Mayors banquet, 1078. Trea- sury Minute our Postage, .087. Lies bility to pay up shares -Southampton Duck Company v. Richards, 1t07. Ill. ness or the Duke or Welliogton, 1105. Letter from Mr, Webster to Baring Brothers and Compatiy, 1107. Coun- try Bank Bills, 1130. Proceedings against China, 1120. 1151. Reprimand of Colonel Thoents, 1132, 1153. Mr. Jandon's Circular respecting the U. S. Bank, 1154. The Sanatorium, 1175, Outrage on the Eastern Ceunties Rail. rely, 1176. Homoeopathic treatment, 11/7. 1204. Duel between Lord Loftus and Lord Harley, 1180. Mr. Harvey's farewell Address to the Electors of Southwark, 1199. Duel between Lord Paget, itud Mr. Fiske. 1227. Post-office regulations, 1224.

Proseention of the Reverend Mr. Ste- phens, for Setlitien, 3, 316, 604. 628. 771. Ihirricana, 31. Anti-Corn- law meetings, 52, 75, 109,130.224.99-1. Corn-law. meetings. 101. Arming of the Chartists, 179. 273, 316; meetings. 295, 316, 411, 481, 079 ; proceedings at Llanithoes, 411; arrests, 434; riots at

Lime End, 437; arrest of Delegates 464, 555; "simultaneous " meetings, 507; proceetliugs at Birmingham, 628, 631 ; riots, 653, 677, 699; at Newcastle-on. Tyne, 699, 724; Stockport, 729; Man- chester anti other places, 770, trials of Chartists, 699, 724. 743,771; reprieve of the Birmingham rioters. 769; Build ry lido the condiwt of the Magistrates. 889, 919, 1224; distarbanees at Sheffield, 889; arrest ear Couner,912; emigration of Chartists, 9,35; disturbatices 1,, South Wales, 1055, 1060, 1082, 1086, 1103, 1128. 1151, 1178, 1182. Sir W. Alules- wortlis Letter on his Anil- Miiiistenal vote, 434. Ascot races. 507, 511. Mr. Gibson's resignation. 6281 Ipswich elec- tion, 676. Lint of Bohm, 724. Mili• tary outrage neer Canterbury, 772, 796. 'The Duke or Wellington at Dover, 821. Doncaster races, 889. Canton-trade-- Bristol memorial, 986. Tlw Naval continent, at Portsmouth, 990, 1007. Mr. Bradslotw's speech at Cautterbnry, 1032. 1055. Colonel Wyndham's " au- dit " tut Pet in 'intl. 108 I. Repre- sentation of Newark, 1126, 1151. 1177, 21enchester Anti-Curn.law Association, 1:57, 1179. Representation of Bir- mingham. 1182, 1203, 1223. Address from the working men of Sheffield, 1201. State of trade, 1201. Dinner at Ashtou, 1229,


Hurricane, 31. Anti-Corn litw meetings, 56, 80, 317. Decision on the Atwitter- order ease, 412; General Assembly, .483, 509, 795. Scotch Chartists, 700, 725, 772, Eglintunn Tourimment, 654, 751, 819, 841. Dinner to Mr. Weir at Glasgow, 860. " Revivals of religion," 891, 913, '336.963.985. Mr. Macaulay's Address to the Electors of Edinburgh, 962. West or Scotland New Zealand Land Company, 1009. Breakfast to Sir John Campbell at Edinburgh, 1034. Meeting of the Commissiou or the Ge nerd' Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, 1202. Anti-Corn-law meeting at Glasgow, 1226.


Precursor Society, 7, 28. 55, 80, 102. 151, 200, 253, 295. 517. Murder of the Earl of Norbury, 7, 29, 54.79. Hurricane, 31. O'Connell's addresses. 435, 890. O'Connell in Dublin. 982, 818. Letter from O'Connell to the Trades' Union, 912, 1008; 1%4. Crawford's Letter, 984. Assembly of the Menai' Catholic hier- amity, 1008. Meeting at Longtime, 1034. Emigration to New Zealioul, 1956, 1084. O'Connell at Bandon, 1179.

THE PARLIAMENT. Opening of the session, 122. Address. the, 123. Administration of justice in England. 147. Admiralty Court, 675, 722, 766. Africa. British trade in, 769, Anwricatt " Boundary Question," 292, 3a6. Armed associa- tions, 552. Atwitter:atter case, the, 792. Ballot, 576. Bank of England, 647; Ire. land. 695, 701, 722. 768776. 791. 799. Beer-houses, 529. 580, 603, 655. Bibles iii Scotland. 551. Birmingham Riots, 651, 671. 694; Magistrates mid Police, 718, 727, 769. Bohm Police, 790, Bradley's (Colonel) case, 793. Budget 629. Buenos Ayres, French blockade

of, 676. Bullion, exportation of, 506. Business of tire House, 603.

Canada,atTairs of: Lord Durham's Report, 122, 131, 146, 152; Mr. Turton's ap• nointment, 176; Lord Durhant's ex- penses, In; Canadian prisoners, 293, 532; message front the Queen-Union of the Provinces, 913, 433. C nduct of Colonel Prince, 505; Govern- ment of, 526, 530, 625, 649, 674, 701; Church ill. 551. Chancery. Court of, 532, Chartists, armed, 460. Church of England, 191; rates, imprisonment for, 408,720. Coloniallattils,600. Colo. nies, the Church in the. 698. Copy. right, 195, 407, 651. Corn-Inws, the. 129, 139, 147, 170. 243, 251, 266. Cus- tody of infants, 552, 676.

Danish duties on British merchandise. 408 ; claims, 580. Dillou's (Mr.) case, 408. Distress of the people, 790, Ecclesiastical benefices, appointment to, 292, 385; Courts, 384. Education,815; laird Brotigham's tears, 895; in the Navy, 150; National, 148,528.556,578, 598, 626, 630, 646, 670. Educational charities, 603. Electors removal bill, 552, 675. Elections, trial of contro- verted, 149, 338, 529. Eticlosure bills, 384. Estimates, 271, 274, 291. Ex- chequer bills, funding of, 792.

Factories, 198, 625; Scotch : Lord Ashley and Mr. Stuart, 221. Franchise, Par- liamentury , 196; extension of the, 527. French blockade of South American parts, 270. Fre:11 fruit importation.532. Glenelg (Lord), reeiguation of, 131. Go- vernment 111011SUIVR, 5.21.

Hanoverian duties on British commerce, 178. Hurvey's (Mr.) case, 152, 177. IIill Coolies, 698.

India, Idolatry in, 769. helmet, Lord- Lieutenancy of, 198; the Lord-Lieu- tenant and the Church or, 218; crime 220,678,722; state of,269, 273; ad- ministration of justice in, 726, 742, Irish corporations, 149. 201, 224, 626, 696, 726, 745, 753, 707; Cloven-anent, the, 334, 339, 358, 3u7; railways. 201, 222.

Jamaien. 334. 382, 913, 430, 503, 532, 550, 578,622, 630, 651. Judges in Par. litiment, 150.

Local (Newts, 198. Lon.lcm and Black- well Railway. 602, 651. Londonderry. (Lord), Lord lireugham, awl Mr. Grat- tan, 553.

Malta, the press in, 384, 406; appoint- ments its, 603. Menchester poliee,769, 790. Marriages, illicit, 222. Mauri- tius, slavery in, 551. Medea steam Munn', 506. Metropolis improvements, 698. Metropolitan Police (mints. 529, 678, 752, 766; Police, 504, 552, 582, 651. Mexico, Gulf of, insult to the British flag in the, 223,339; at Vera Cruz, 626. Military and uaval force f A' the country, 1.91. Ministry, con-

fidence in the Executive Adminis. tration in helmet, 358. 367; resigna• hit or the, 432 ; Ministerial expluna. thins, 455; pulley of the,510.

" National Petition, the," 557, 654. Navy, man JJ ll g of the, 383; state of the, 180, 218, 248. Newfoundland, 388. New South Wales, 747. New writs, 815. New Zealand, 604, Nor- Miry's (Lord) murder, 123.

Oyster fisheries, 793. Parliammit, neglect of duty, Mr. Dun •

conilw's resolutions, 753. Parlia- mentary papers, publication of, 299. Petitions. public, 128, 131. Police, City of Loudon, 675. Poor-law, 552; ballot, mid exteusion of bstitifll:ii6178., 606728! commission continuance

695, 718, 748. Poor.rates, lion of, 722. Popular meetings and elections, 722. Post•horse duty, 696. Post-, nice reform, 510; mite:Bon of postage, 630, 655, 696, 719, 795. Pri- sons, regulation of English, 407, 647, 676. Private bills, 196. Privilege,

Wised' of, by the Obverver, ; Stuck- dale v. Hansard, 511, 557, 574, 721. Provincial police, 695.

Railways, deposits on, 747; monopoly. 293; regulation of, 177. Rating of te- nements, 551. Representation of the people in Parliament, 267. Roman Catholic Bishops in Ireland, 530; Pre- lates, petitions of, 551. Royal Aca- demy, 720. Russian agents in the East. 335.

Scotch Judges, salaries and duties of, 625. Scottish Parliamentary electors, 335. Session, business transacted during the: Lord Lyndlutrat's motion, 797. Shan- non navigation, 626, 675, 722, 746. Slito, 221. Spain, war in, 697. Speaker, resignation of the, 933, 460; Speaker. ship, the, 502. Sugar-duties, 5o2, 606. Summary jurisdictton, 529. Supply. committee of, 726; increase of the Army ; state of the country .746.

Theatres in Lent, 177, 196, 221, 224, 248. Timber-duties, 648. Tonics election, 722. Treaties with Austria and Taw. key, 150. Turkey and Egypt, 793. Turnpike trusts, 150.

Unjust imprisonment, 793.

Vincent. petition of, 752. Wellington's (Duke of) estate, 271. Windsor stables, 530. Woollen goods,

duty on, 506. Wynn's (Mr.) seat, 197' The prorogation, 815.

Divisions, 129, 183, 276, 370, 439, 511, 583.


" Academie Ques1ions," 730.

Administration of the Law by Police Ma- gistrates and l'rivy Councillors, 1185. Albert (Prittee), Titles fur, 1185. Aristocratic Appointments. 5:3. Army (the), the AVIlies, Lord Ilill, and, 1132; Military Peliticiaes, 1125. Aestria, the Commercial Treaty with 36. Ballet, Ministerial Patronage of the. 559 ; Division, the, 585; The Great Opening, 585 Ilet•r. the Latest Bill on, 255; The Lords on, 536.

Iiiiths. Deaths, and Marriages. 610. Blenders of Modern Witigs and Tories, 992.

Berottelimmwerine, Liberal, 536. (it tilt - Lord !hide, m's Report on the Affitirs or British North America, 134; at in the Supplement to the Spulah,r of February Ill; %uvula Corre-

spondence : Lord Gle:le le's I issa 154; Lord Ibirluttu al.d Mr. Teuton, 182; Happy Canada! 534; NOWA i1.1", 891i; Gut erten. 'I'llent•eim in, 1111; Ca- mule between the Part ies at Ileme,1133.

Chi. rity and ninth ies, 1t1e3 ; The Ghls,4,,,, " Deasy. or Iterliee2' 1091 ; Bettevolence and Religion, 1160.

Chartism. What is ? 512; Hew to Deal with, 560; i'lle Progress of ese gress of I nsalreet ion ttmoug the Masses, 728.

Chart ist Recruits for the Army and Navy, Chien Truth', Stoppage of the, 728. 1041.

Churelt, Discipline in the, :15; Cl--.. pion of the, and the ()twee's Ministers, 1160.

City Pollee liill-The " City " in Arms against 111,• Home Oflice. 254; The City end the New Police Bills, 301.

Clerk impel] . tile Clerical Contest 111,897.

Colonies-False Alarm of tlw COlonial BIllIthill'eatieraey. 17:5 ; The New Colo. niat .Minister, 182; The Statt of the Colonial 0113cc, mutt of the Canada Ques'ion, ;1'28 ; I low to Settle " The Bolinder), Question," 278; Colonizatien

and the " Crott•lietly 108; The Coleniel Office versus Coloaizaltri, 657; The New Colonial Minister, 847.

reial . Relations of England and France, 779. Cop) BBL Sergeant l'alfourtrs, 322 Tim. In its Newel" Aspect, 916. Corn-Laws. the--Corn, Wages, and Liar-

runny. 10; Landlortli' Scapegoats, 60; Cormlaw Agitation, 134 ; Mr. Vil- liers's Preliminary 5101II)11 WI, 151; Arai-Cern-law Ilelegates--N;liat next ? 181; Dear Breml and Out-Door Al IOW- Mee, 203; The Curet Qttestion, 227 State of, 278; The Corn Crisis over, 300; Some Censequences or the. 586; Cotton and Corn, 633; Cent and Money, 848; Corti and Wages, 896; Polish and American Corn, 971; The Anti-Cern- law Movement, 1042 ; Tried in 1839, 1208.

Crime : How to be Sympathized with, 1113.

Debates in Parliameut, 59.

Destitur in Loudon, 897, Dissenters, Difficulties of tIte, 61. Dull Times, 416.

Duncombe's (Mr.) Motion to Amend the lielbrm Act, the Division on. 133. " Durham (Lord) and the Iten.riners," 10; Popular Lendershipot jilt relerence to, 33; Lord Ilerhanfs Br-port, 134. Ediublirgh Whig • Radicals, Desperate 1)oings of the, 1207.

1i:due:Men in Church Prit.riples, 108 ; of the People, 486; Surrender of the Education Measure 533; Bottle:Ilion Despair, 560; The Pfdllpottian lo39.

Eglitenun Patent Emasculated Mopstiek Middle Age Reemery Society, 848. Egy.:p1 and Melienwt All ; Prmeiples of Foreign Peliey, 1090; Europeau Di. plontacy, attil 111101.0 especially Blitish Diplomat.). in the East, 1158.

Itlection Prospects, 41:6. :Elephant (the) and his keeper, 1229, Encl. site 11111 Ametelment, the, 393. Euglatel n1.1 Ann•rica, 1186.

Exchequer Job, the, 942; 'rhe Exchequer and its Jobs, 969.

FaCIOrieS, Children iii, 203. Favoutibt, the-Don't that Him, K5; A o Power behind the Throne," 442. Prince, Represent :give System in, 322. Gobentoneherie, 1090. Greenwich Hospital, Governorship of- Wide mid Tory Corruption, 969. Gurtel (Baron) at Chester, 780.

Ihmrvsl respect, of the, 8111.

lIarvey (Mr.) Out of Office; 108. Hastings, Lady Flora-Court &andel, 8; The V halication of, 299; The Ilastings Correspondence, 369; Sir Junta's Clark's Explanation. 993 ; Court l'hysicians and Treasury Ilacks, 1016. Help Yourselves, 986. History, Preparations for, 253. Honest Cenlession, an, 824. Humbug -Wholesale aud Itetail, 405. Independence of an M.P., 800. India, the War in, 705; The Wise Men of the Estst : the Anglo-Indian Cu' vernment, 1203. Iu lie Snooks, 801 reland. Railways in, 229 ; The Normanby Administration in, 756; in l'eaeo, England and the Colonies in Peri1,779. Jamaica Bill, Petition from a Convert to the, 942.

Jildges, Juries, and Prisoners,515. Kirk (the) in Danger, 1063; in its Cantrips, 1230. Lansdowne's (the Marquis OT) Jobs, 824, Large C.•nstituencies, " Jobbed," 730. Law-English. Beauties of : Monmouth- shire to Wit, 1206.

Light Sovereigns. 874. Local Courts, '391, 1014.

Londoush•rry's Idea. 872: Lents, Progress or lutidelity amongst the, 920.

Love and Learning, 611.

Loyalty and Logic, 1184. • Lunacy, the all .. g ,, d Case of. 109; C4804, 156; Defective Tests of Madness, 204; Necessity of Popular Kimpledge in the Prevention of Insanity, 342. Magistracy, State of the, 629. Melte, Lord Brougham and the Press in, 391.

Melbourne Ministry, the-Easler 1836 und Easter 183e,• 293 ; Let the l'wo Feet ions tight it out Atom., '341; Patro• nnge of the Goverinnent, 343; The "

Finality'' Division on " Further Reform,' 390 ' • Hew to Ito Nuthiii2

Elaborately, 415; The V.te et Con- fidence " Peers, 415; Dreadful Wreck of a Coelt.boat. 49; The Whig:, the

'furies, ;mil the Peor 4-10; Last Week's Lie, 441; The('cutting Struggle : More Delusi tn., 406. State of the Ge- venni' 'lit as shoWil IV 1110 LIS 1' vt V DiViSil41. 534; WWI the At Misters Eli, 632; How to St renethen ii Governmet,t, 755; Two Govern !omits in (lie, 770; The Government Strengthened, 1-22 ; More Strength to the Government. 010; Meeting of 'Ministers. 1088; symptoms el 1 misseliition, 1089.

Mechanical 1 menthe's, 1092.

Mercantile Morality: High Taxes. 873. Si inor;tv, Represtmlation md the, 802. Money .(bisis, the. 819; How to slop the

drain of Bullion, 942.

Motiteagle's (Lord) " Crowning'' Job, 920.

Municipal Eleetions, the. 1089. Nat y, NViisto in the, 85; The Needed Reform it the, 2,4; Naval Crews and pincers, :02.

" Neu. Zealand. First Colony of," 535;

Si influence uf, on the Aus- tral:um Ctiletties, 921 ; Colonization of: Official Announcement, 943,

Nimrod on Pliny, after Peel, 633. Numemby (Lord). How to Serve, 369. Party Prospects, 107. Patienee tent Perry, 657.

Peel (Sir Itobert) aud the Large Towns, 993- Petitions, the P. eple's, 60.

" Play's (the) tiic 'riling." 609.

Police Act the New, 801; Social Legisla- tion, 872.

Minkel Conversions, 823, Portuguese Slave.Tralle, the. 705; Lord Palmer:1ml and, 1064.

Posterity, a Suggestion for the benefit of, 255.

Pestage-The Spectator's Supploment - Parliamentary Report on, 226 ; The Third Report from the Select Com. mittee tm, Simplernted to the Spertator of March 9; Miiiisterial Neglect of the Post-011ice Quest ion, 370; Mr. Ilill's Plan for securing the Delivery of Paid Letters, 393; The " Boun " ef Cheap, 488; The Duke of Richmond en, 537; Cheap Postage, at Houle and Abroad, 607; The Postage Bill, 656; Tory Op- position to Postage Helium, 681; A New Year's Gift, 1229.

Poet-I time, the-Legal Sablettarians, 86. Privilege-The House of Commons and the Law or Libel. 561; of Parliament Tested, 1089 ; The Law and the Cum- 1110115, 1159.

Prornsiou and Poverty in the City, 11. Progress of the Political Seasons, 1015. Protestantism and Catholicism, Expan- sive Pewers of, 873.

Provincial Constabulary, 755. Public Spreelt, Due hat it ttile of, 301. Queen's Husband, the. 11111; Marriage- Regular Conjugations, 1134. Radicals, Policy uf the, 320; llf the New School, 968.

Railways, Regulation of. 9-."5.

Rampaut Disloyalty : Sticeunr from Ire- land, 1112.

Relbrm in Pnrli.11111`11t , 10; The Deserters from " Further Ronan]," 442; Reform -Mere or Less, 778.

Registration, the, 1041; The Ministerial Statement of the last, 1112. Representative, Duty of a, 488. It ;els al .t1 Railways, 204. Royal Euciu;tmt3u'-Si r. Spri_ .,ne Rice and the Gresham Committee, 83.

Royal hippies, 1111. Russell, Lord .1ohn-Preparalions for the Drama, 342.

Schoolmaster (the) at Fault, 823. School Reliant and Tory Parsons, 514. Scottish Courts of Jmtiee, Need of Im- proving the, 156. Scottish Revivals, 971.

Secretary of State, the : Lord John Rus- sell's seat fir Stroud. 1159.

Shannon Job, Revival of the, 562; Ma- nagement of Irish Jobs in the House of Commons, 387; Again, 632; Irish Jobbing, 682. Simpson's (Mr.) Lectures on Education, 407.

Suite, the Free Port of, 230.

Social Distractions, the Present, 704; Moral Political Economy, 756. Sugar and (3uffee. Dtities on, 561. Suicide, 944; and Social Lies, 972. Thomson's (Mr. Poulett'a) Apology,84. Throne, the, 680.

Tories. the Triumphant, 441; Out of Temper, 513; The "No Popery," 1184. Traitors. Who are the ? 34.

United States, Risk of War with the, 253; Bank, the, and the Bank of England, 1153.

Wanted, a Deliverer 277, Waterloo, Model or. Thoughts on the,780. Whig Notion the New) on " Great Con. slit utional Questions," 1512 ; A Whig- Tory Cabinet. 536; Whig Notions of Disolent Presumption : A.13.18.39, 897. 'Whig, Wanted a Prieciple for the, 1014; Tories, the Court, and tlw Public, 1064.

11.NCLASSIFIE13 PArtrts.

The Er •n/ hie/. and Speriotor. 83. l'apers in the .11,releg Chnoliele ori the failure ul the Reform At 1.97. ' The Crisis," 3.8, 3;18. 'flit. Friends of the QIIVOICS 4115. (:. lenial Churelt, 844. English and Catiadhin Polities, 1062. The Auti-eurn.la IV CliTIlltir and the

cleter, 1083. " Letter to the Queen bout ii Couneillor of the Crown." 1086. Content fur the Colonial Office 1131.


Afriea, Southern. Captain Harris's Expe- dition itito, 207.

Algiers. Mr. Broughton's Six Years' Ile- sidener i,m . 447.

Alison's Ilistory of Europe. 39-1. Amernel, 1017.

Andalueia , a Summer in, 515.

Anson, Ihim.w's Life of. 86.

Ali:doer:ley in America, 974.

Arts amid Artisans Ahmed and a' Home,

Mr. Symons on, 469.

Austr.tliati law:incest. the. 879.

Australia, Western, Mr. (321e.s, 996. Bannister's (Jack) Life, by Adolphus, 110.

Bart •er of Paris. De li.tek's.519. Blessington's ( I.ady) Belle of a Season, 1140; Get-ernes:, 1164.

Ilugebi. Mr. Stennt's, 802.

Hooke (the) of tlic Ibtiversall Kirk of Scotland. 925.

Brady (P. F.), Memoirs of, 327. Brougham's (hurl) Dissertations out sub- jects er scienee temneettel with Na- tural Theolely, 136; Slat 'sawn of the Times F ( eurge III,, 326; Second Series, 538; Pamphlets, 926.

Buenos /tyres. Sir W. Parish's, 589. Bunts, the " People's Edition" of, 162. ilmixton's (Mr.) Afriean Slit-Trade, 231, Cali toruia. Mr. Forbes's, 256.

Canada, the Bubbles ,•1. 64.

Chanilals's Centiliental Tour, 565. Chnucery, (Nowt or Unsatisfactory State of the, 396.

Chatham, Cutrespontlence of the Earl of, 39.

Chattt•tion's (Lady) Itsunbles in the South of Irelatill. 373; Tales, 1188.

Connaueld Tour its, 734.

Cooper's History of the American Navy, 563.

Cosmopolite (the) in Engine& 3-19. (bleeping's (Dr.) Notes of 4 Wanderer in Search of Health, 304. Curreitcy-The Troubles of the Reverend Richard Cruttwell, Currency Doctor, 940.

Owl's Reflections on West India Affairs, 109.3.

De La Beche's Geological Report, 374. D' Israeli's Literary Character, 327. Dogs, Colonel Smith s History of. 1180. Duke (the) and the Consin. 9.1; Note on Mrs. Grey's Plagiarism, 977.

Dumas (t bane Mathieu), Memoirs of,976. East Indies, Guides to the, 733.

Education by tin. CI torch or the Stele, Mr. Maurice ott, 1067.

Educattor, the, 659.

Emigration Melds, Mr. Matlwwtes, 12, Essays, Critical ;eel Miseellaneons, 927. Euclid, Day's Expusitiult of. 562. Eye (the) and the Look, Dr. Franz on, 1069.

Farduronglia the Miser, 661.

Fellows' (Mr.) Excursion in Asia Minor, 611.

Florest on , 539.

Franvia's Reign of Terror, 62.

Geraldine, 877.

Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Mr. Gleie s.37,

Gibbon s Life and Correspondence, 326. Gte,ditimes (Bishop) Court of James the First, 417.

Gore s1 51 rs.) Cabinet Minister, 210 ; Comfier, and other Tales. 997. Granville (DO, Note on, 41. Grattan. Memoirs of the Life stud Times ut', 682.

Gresham (Sir T.), Bitrgon's Life and Times of. 875.

riallalo's int foloetioli to tile Literature te' Europe, 731.

I bouillon King, 708.

(the) Mr Northern Europe, 540.

Hammer's (Sir 3.) Poems, 993. Head's (Sir E) Narrative, 206. Hematite' (Mrs.) Works and Life, 517; Note on Mr. Chorley and the family of the late, 806.

Ilerriek's Poems.Selecl ions from. 397. Heldies, Sir William Muleswortles Edi- tion of, 347.

Iluffmatt's (Mr.) Wild Scenes in the Forest and Vrairie. 184.

Holland's (Dr.) Medical Notes and Be &elite's, 445.

Holy Week, Dr. Wiseman's Lectures on the Ceremonies of, 613.

Hood's Comic Attnual, 138 ; 1.1p tho Iltietki'llselilrths., Deaths, and Marriages, 304.

Humanity to Brutes, Yottatt on, 789. Humory and Transylvania, Mr. Paget's, 1232.

India, Bevan's Thirty l'ears in, 919 ; Western. 1115 ; Mr.Theruton's Modern British. 1163.

Ireland, M. De Beaumont's, 900.

Jack Sheppard, 1020,

Jatmaica Plantership, McMahon's, 159. James's (Mr.) Charles Tyrrell, '374; Gentleman of the Ohl School, 492; Ilenry or Guise. 1117.

Janet, or Glances at Human Nature, 87, Japan, Notes upon Voyages to, and in the Malayan Archipelago, 302. Jesse's Memel's of the Cottrt under the Smarts, 1212.

Keightley'e History of England, 1099. Kocles Revolutions of Europe. 1097. Koordistann, Captain Mignates Winter Journey to. 233. Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Re- medy, 251. Laittg's Tour in Sweden, 231.

Landor's Andrea of Hutmary and Giovanni of Naples. 567,

Law, Mn, Miller on the Unsettled Con- dition of the, 395.

Legend MO Romance, 64.

Leigh's (Mr.) Reconnoitering Voyages and 'fiat els. 491.

Lieber's Manuel of Political Elides, 280. Lire-Buok of it Labourer 493.

Lorkliart's Reply to the Trustees of Names Ballantyne, 33.4; The Ballantyne Re- ply to Mr. Lockhart, 853. Logie, Mr. Itesanquei s New System of, 186; Letter front a Logician on, 210. Love's Exchange, III.

Mabitiogion, tlw, 760. Maegillivray's History of Britislt Birds, 709, Mullmoments, Mr Henry Ellison's, 258. Man (the) in the Moon, 1096.

Marilee-emelt (Dutchess of), Mrs. Thomp- son's Lire .,1* the. 489.

Marnumt s (Marshal) State of the Turk- ish Empire, 757. hlarryat s (Captain) America, 635, 1210; Poor Jack, 1235.

hint-tine:ill's (Miss) Deerbrook. 350. Martin s Statistics of the ritish Colonies, 186.

Mathews (Charles), Memoirs of, 946;

Mr. Arnold's Explanation. 1139. Memoirs of a Field Officer in the Indian

Army. 234; oft Cadet, 685. Miller's (Thomas) Rural Sketches. 420. Moluecau Archipelago, KollY's Voyages in the, 1136.

Moore's Alciphron-The Epicurean, We Note, 1021.

Morrison (Dr.) 'Memoirs of. 781. Morton of Merton's Hope. 830.

Musa mbique. senor Texttgo on the Slave- Trade at, 949.

Mudie's Denesticated Animals, 1165. Murchison's Silurian System, 375, Murray's Travels in America and Cuba,


Music and Friends, 160.

Nervous System, Modern Discoveries in the, 901; Note on Mr. Mayo, and the Controversy on Discoveries hi the, 928. New Zealand in 18.39, Dr, Lang's, 684. Oriental Outlines, Mr. Knight's, 998. Pathology of the Human Mind, Dr.

Mate's, 14, Penal' System (the) of Australasia, 903. Persia. and Caucasus, Captain Wilbm- hatn's 'I'r;ts'els In, 469.

Peru As It Is, 209.

Peter Pilgrim, 113. Physic and Physicians, 734. Polaud, Guowrowski's Insurrection of, 282.

Prince (111e) mid the Pedlar, 138. Puerperal Fever. Dr. Fergusson on, 112. Reatle's (Mr.) Deluge, 112. Real Pearls in a False Setting. 1045. Religious Parties its Eugland, Dr. Vaughan's, 160. Reynolds's Modern Literature of France, 851.

Rob of the Bowl, 90.

Rock, the. 1190.

Russia, Mr. Venables' Domestic Scenes in, 158.

Russell (Lord John) on the Principles of the Reform Act. 420.

Schlegel's Lectures on the Drama, 1161. Scotland. the Law of, Bernet's Manual of,1017.

Shelley's Poetical works, 89, 1118; Post- humous Prose, 1186.

Smith's (Sydney) Works, 638. Snowe's htlmiiie.761.

Soldiers, 'Marshall on, 662.

Solomon seesaw, 590.

Sommer, the New Edition of, 1187. Spindler's Jesuit, 1095. Stories of Torres Ventres, 614.

Thug, Captain Taylor's Confessions of a, 804.

Tud's (the lale,Colonel) Travels it> West- ern India. 5713. '

Trials of the Heart, 257.

Trollope's (Mrs.) Widow Darnall. 15; One Fault, 1138.

Tytler's (Mr.) Illustrations of the Reigns of Reward VI. and Mary, 372. Unit's (Dr.) Dictionatry of Arts, 518. Vail Diemen's Land, Mr. Dixon's State and Prospects of, 1070.

Victories (the) orate British Armies, 850, Vital Principle, the Discovery of the, 65. Wede's British History, 684. Watt's (James), Aragu's Life of, 947. Wellington, Lives of, 444.

Western Lire, Mrs. Clavers's Glimpses of, 1048.

, Wizard of Windshaw, the, 566. Wood-Engraving, History of, 825.


Acconchenr, the, 542. Accouuts, 471, 880, Adanms Extd, the, 1119. Adrian. 375, Age of Chivalry. 305. Agnes, 520. A. Moreland, 187. Almatuicks, 1047, 1096, 1120,1141, 1215, 1236. America, Discover, of, by the Northmen, 1119; Poets of, 1214. American Literature, Standard, /071. Analecta Latina. 494. Analysis (an') of one hundred Voyages to India, 735. Augler's Manual, 542. Animal Kingdom, General Outline of the, 212; Cuvier's,951. A als, 999, 1021. Andpoperwiestiao, 889. Arabian Nights, 16. Arnold's (Dr.) Lecture, 1001. Astronomy, Lectures on, 471. Austin (Mrs.) on National Education, 615. Author's Assistant, ::84. Authors of France. 663. Azrael, Song of, 1214.

Bailments, 89. Ballot, 663. Ball's Gra- phic Library, 114. Barry's Studies and Examples, 614. Beaufort (Mar- gnret), Life of, 614. Beetunent tool Fletcher, 1236, Bent's Catalogue, 735. Bentley's Modern Geography, 615; (R.), Standard Library. 421, 640,1166; Standard Novels. 327,686, 855. Biogra- phieal Dictionnry, 640, 855, 1167. Birmingham Railway, 284. 542. Bitu- men, 398. Black's Tourists, 039, 761, 807. Blindness, 831. Book of Bon. Accord, 397. Book of the United King- dom, 1166. Bouquet, the. 187. Boy's Country.Book,65. Bridges, 284. British Coleoptera, 1071. Brother James. 835. Buried Bride, 1141. Burnes' Narrative, 735. Burns, Aldine Edition of, 397.

Cabinet Culloquies, 1214. Cmsaris (C. Julii) Commentarii de Bello Galileo, 211. Campbell's Works, 1141. Ca- tonne. Juvenalis, Perseus. Expurgati, 235. Champ de Roses, 1119. Chancery, Court of, Spence on the, 542; Johnes on the, 1021. Character and Costume id Turkey, 952. Charlie's Discoveries, 520. Chemistry no Mystery, 1000. Chemist's Pocket Guide, 1119. Child (the) of the Atlantic, 284. Child's Pic' tonal Bible, 736. Christian Library Edition, 211 • Literature, /215; Phi- lanthropy. Claims of, 327. Christian's Book of Gems, 1214. Chronicles ulthe Lan Officers of Ireland, 5,0. Cicerone of Rank, 139. Civil Enginveriug, 375. Claridge's Guide, 807. Clarksou's


tory of the Slave Trade, 471, Club- Foot. 471. Colonial Policy of the British Empire, 471. Compact. the, 1022. anstantinople, P52. Conver,. al ions on .lie Physiology. 305. Cooley's Elements, 1048. Corn-Law Fallacies, 16. Costonza of Mistral, 615. Court Favourite, 1214. Ceusin Eliza- beth, 258. Crawfurd'sAppeal from the Inhabitants of British India. 735. Davenport's Historical Class Book. 615. Davy (Sir H.), Works of, 639. 855, Deadness, the Sorrows of, 306. Debates of the House of Commons in 1774, 710. Decanteron of the West, 1214. Defoe's Complete English Tradesman, 520. Democrats of Marylebone, 1214. De- sultory Thoughts. 542. Difficulties ui English Gnimmar, 541. Dou hum in Search of a Wife, 42. Dundee Royal Asylum, 807.

• Egypt, 735. Elementary Drawilig Book, 1215. E1izabethanArchitecture,4V. En-

• cycloptedia Blitannica, 211; Treatises from, 1096. England and its People, 187. English St.ries of the Olden Times, 305. Epidemic Diseases, 710, Essays or Elia, 1214. Every Lady her own Flower Gardener, 880. Exercises On Ltoin Prose Composition, 1214. Extracts for Schools, 139; from Holy Writ, 214.

Fables, 114, 951. Family !Army, 1000. Fellenberg's Educntion, 1119. Fennell's Zoology, ,048. Fielding on Painting,

619. Fitelen's Tableaux, 1021. Fill- 1,1y'S Remarks on .0ropia, 1000. Fire-

print Buildings, 3913. Fireside Eduea-

Con, 7313. Forester, the, 614. Flow et, Basket, the, 615. Forest Planter's As-

sistant, 615. Fox (Gemwe), Memoir of, 880. French Master for the Nursery, 880.

Outliner Grefbel, 639. Gardener's Ma- 609. astzetteer of the Old ;nal New T„,,aments, 284. Geological

SI. e a4,o,,s.,Tr Geology. Roberts's Die- t' 3,9aulex ; Mautell's Wonders of,

t.,.; ite • tattoos in. 807. Geraldine,

''r,eiall Self-Teacher, 951. Gift ((he) for a:t Seasons, 211; of Fluency in French Con Isation, 541; (a) from Fairy Land, 1096. Gisela, 1096. Gla- morgan, the Vale of, 614. Gleanings from Germany, 41; from Many Fields, 735. Goethe's Correspondence with a Child, 113. Grind Junction Itnilway, 258. Gray's El! a, 567. Gregg aud Maguire's Disc, • ion, 542. GreeknLexi- con, 663. Greenlaw's Latin Subjunc- tive Mood, 376. Guides to Trade, 393, 1071; Service,520. Gulliver'sTravels, 952, 1071, 1141. Gwyneddion, the, 1048.

Hades, 113. Ilalleybury Observer, 1071. Band•Book, the, 710. Hand-Books, 139, 421, 471, 880. Ilnunibal in Bithytlia, 351. Hay's Laws of nor. mamma Colouring, 187. Hay's (Sir A. L.) Peuinatilar War, 351. Heads of the People, 422, 1141. Hebrew Grammar, 1022. Humans' (Mrs.) Works, 736. Henry's First Win Book, 567. Herefordshire Glossary, 1096. Betherington's Rome, 951. Hints to Mothers, 306; on Horsemanship, 421. Homosopathy, Dontestle, 806. Howitt's (Mary) Hymns, 211. Ignatia, 65, Immortality, 567, Indian Hours, 807. Infants Custody Bill, 90. Inquiry concerning the origin of Chris-

tianity. 284. Ireland, Sketches 880; Crime 10, 1047. Italian Pocket Dictiounry, 807.

James's (Mr.) Blanche of Navarre, 615. Jersey, Guide to, 807. John Smith's Letters, 663. Jotting-Book, 686. Juba!, 327. Juvenile Naturalist, 493. Lady (the) and the Saints. 89. Laths Rookii, 234. Landgrove, the, 541. Iainguage, a Short Inquiry into the

Nature of. 11196. Lortliter's Crlo- media, 16, 113, 211, 327. 421 639, 735, 855, 1166. Lest Man, the. 567. Last (the) of time Platitagenets, 89. Leigh's (Lord) Poems, 663. Leila, 640. Letter on the relmildiug of the Royal Ex- change, 187; to Lord Brougham from the Marquis of Lansdowne, and Lord Blettgltant's Reply, 710; to Mine Pro- prietors, 831; to Antonio Esq., 1215. 1. taters of 1111 Egyptian Kafir, 211; of Eminent Persons, 471. Lights and Shadows or Seoltish Lire, 89, Lister's Answer to the r truly Review, 66. Literary World, 422. Little Der- went's Breakfast, 851. Little Pople's

Portrait, the, 639. Local Legends, 1047. Logic, a New System of, 162; Old and New emit ne.ted, 567. Loathes, Auden it Moderne, 951. Lord Bate- man, 568. Lover's Songs tool Ballads, 305. lamer Observations, 1214; Soiree, the, 305.

M'etilloch's Statistical Account of the British Empire, 139, 422. Magazines, 16, 66, 912, 422, 855, Magistrate's Pocket Companion, 1000; Pocket•Book, 1000. Maiden Monarch, 1236. MIMI- nut and Mary, 1167. Man, Mottle's, 1214. Manchester Poetry, 16. Matter of Gh•ttniore, 614. Mangle Wench, 89, Maps, 542, 710, 95l, 1096, 1215, 1236. Marianne, 1021. Massinger's Plays, 398. Means and Ends, 640. Merimist's Art or Painting, 215. Mi- chael Armstrong, 211. Military Law Authoxities, 710. M man's Gibbon, 113, 211. Minor Morals, 806, Min- strel Melodies, 65, Mirror, 90, 639. Miser's Daughter, 541. Modern Art and Living Artists, 327. Monstrelers Chronicles, 1000. Montagn's Lim of Parliamentary Elections' 615, Moral Class-Book, 951. More (Sir T.), Lite and Tinies of, 1166. Mother's (a) Re- miniscences, 1022.

Napoleon. Lives f.21d, 520, 640. Na-

tural ist's Library, 90, 1000. Nature Displayed, 162. Nautical Steinmen. gin', 376. Naval Biography, 590. Nem•le's Lectures on English Poetry, 65. Nelson, 1.ife of, 1000. Nettropathy, 424, New Excitement, 951. New Navy List, 952. Noble Science, the, 520, Normandy, the Dukes of, 567. Nothings, 1119. Oracle of Rural Life, 1022. Ornament, Etwyelopredia of, 1215. Outline (an) of Ancient and Modern Rome, 139. out• hoes of Analogical Philosophy, 686. Palmeri,, 11147. - Paper (a)-iI1Tolateco, 710. Pirent's Friend, the, 806. Par- ley's I leography of the Bible, 807. Petwillings by the Way, 327. Penny Cyclo1a8lia, 615. Petit:time:It, Guide hi the ..dtuly of the, 854. People's Edi- tions, 471, 663, 8.1,151, 108. Pei cy's lieliqms. 351, 308, 1000. Persia awl - An Analytieal Narnttive, 567. PI Practical Treatise on Drawiog, 10110, philosophy in Slit, :259. Drawing. 951. Phre• nologists, a Challenge to the, 051. Pk. tot ill History of Eugland, 139, 855 ; of Palestine, 520. Pictores of the French. 520. Mattock's Elements of Latin la-

miliarized, 113. Plait: AlOritets. 1071. Pi.dter (Thomas), Autobiography 1000. Pocket tth,ry, 736. Poor-law Commissioners., First Annual Report, 735. Pont -0111e, Directory, 1141. Pont- try-ytit , the. 051, Practical Illustra- tions of the Virtues, 541 Praxis (a) oil the Lalin Potential Mood, 421. Pre- sence of Mind, 831. Prince Edward 1,1and, 284. Pritteipia Sloan:WI, 211, 1'rodimints,C19. Progressive Edite.,Cou, '235. Provincial. Dialects. 5•29.

Quarauthie Laws, 114. Queen He', the, 567. Queens of Et:gland, 12(4.

Religion, First Pritwiples of, 1,111„ Rey - toll's 1,A:vise:4w (I31.11.‘niwg, 1)10, 853. Retrospect of Sets: lea Literature. 663. Rhituts Zoology, lq6. Rhymes for the Nursery, 541.- Riddle's Lane- English Dictionary, 375. fugue) Is Stories, 640. Roads :Ind Railroads, 086. Rogers's Pleasures of Memory, 10e0. Romance or H istory, 736. Itomancist, the, 493, 1071. Rose Unique,' the, 831. Row- bottom's Spelling-Buok, 8131. Rural Sports, atm El elopastia of, 0811

Sacred Poems, Sir R. Grant's, 686.

Seta-all, 235. School Botany, 1305. Schoolmistress, Delp to the, 1167. Sehool.room (the) at Home, 640. Scott, Genius and Wisdom of, 16; Life of, 284, 951, 1141, 1236. Seripture History, 1191. Seriptund Hymns, 258. Select British Biography, 162; Poetry, 951. Self.Ctilture, 162. Shakspere, the 11- lustrnted, 422; Pictorial, 640. Shall we overturn the Coach? 351. Shelley'a Works, 211, 327, 493. Short-Hand for the People, 65. Shoold lord Melbourne Resign 114. Sinclair's (Sir G.) Speech, 421. Sketches of Married Life, 6631 of Moray. 735; and Souvenirs, 1119.

Sleep, Pinkerton on, 663. Smith's Ancient History, 1071. Smith's (W.) Standard Library, 422, 855, Smith's (the Reverend Sydney) Works, 1214. Sons of the Soil, the, 1166. South. ampton Railway Guide, 541. Spanish Successitm, 1096. Spencer's Experi- ments, 1000. Spemmer's Works, 855. St. Stephen's. 639. Stanley, 41. Stranger's Intellectual Guide, 807. Stocklart's Songs, 284. Sultan (the) and Mehemet Ali, 761. Sunyassee, the, 327.

Tales of Many Lands, 831. Tea, Sig- mond on, 663, Teeth. Robertson on the, 663; y, 663. Theoeritus, Idyl Is of, 162. Theological Lectures, 16. Third Preface (a) to " A Treatise on Wood-Engraving," 736. Thoughts on the Sensibility of the Imagination, 686; on Parliamentary Independence, 710. 'Tis no Old Tale, and often Told, 284.

Translationsby a Lady. 541. Travelling Sketches in Egypt, 494. Travels of Minna mot Godfrey, 139. Tram m•rsti Tables, 807. Treves, Turner's Roman Antigun it.s of, 639. Trials of Strength, 351. Trip to the Far West, 1236. Twelve Sermons, 761. Two Ways of Dying fur a Ilashatel. 761. Unions' mind Parish Officers' Year-Book, 66. Vileeination, 952, l'egetable Cul- tivator, the, 471. Village Sell, ol, the, 806. V ision (a) of Death's Destruction, 710. Visionary. the. 855.

Waking Dreams, 187. Wales, 306. Walker's MalllyElwreises, 1214. Ward's

Library of Standard Divinity, 535. Wea- ther Guide, 66. Wellington, Lives of, 520, 615. 640, 663, 855. Westminster, 91k Whately ou Shakspere, 1096. Whistle-Binkie 89. Wiseman's Reply to Dr. Turton's " Roman Catholic Doc- trine 1.4 On, Eucharist considered," 639.

Womao's M ksion, 542. Women ((lie) ol' Englaml. 398, Wooden Block Pave meta, 398. Wordsworth's Greece, 114. Wortley's (Lady) Sonnets, 1096. Wrongs of the Animal World, 471, Yin rell's Fishes. Supplement to, 567. Year-Book of Facts, 235. Ystradffin, 761.


" Aeting, Natural," and Conventional Acting," 1088.

Adelphi-Giatit of Palestine, 9; Jane lamtax, 133; Oliver Twist., 205 ; Mott- kit's, 225; Opening, 942; Mount St. Bernard, 942; Itip Van Winkle, 967; Van AnilnitIt's Elephant, '.95; .1ack Sheppard, 1039; The Knight of the Dragon, 1111; 1113., 1183.

Bal Mt, the, 639, 703.

Covent Garden-The King and the Duke, 1-17; Richelieu, 295; Alacready's re- tirement front the Alanagement, 340; Ilenry the Filth, 558; Closing- Dinner to Mr. .Macreatly, 702: Opening, 018; Love': 1Amur's Lost, 941; Alive and Merry, 042; School for &nada], 967; Rule it Wire and I lave a Wife, 995; Love, 1066, 1037; Don't be Fright- ened, 11W; Rivals, 1131.

Dramatic .Nrt and Literature, the Past and Present State ol • 5,7.

Drury Lane-Sudden closing of, 340; Opening of, 1038; Woman's Trials, 1132; Romeo and Juliet, 1158; A Night in the Bastile, 1158.

English Opera-house - Opening, 703; Snap-Apple Night-Stage Tableaux,


IIaymarket-Amalem perfiwmance, 106; Opening-A Wife for a Day, 270; 'rho Law or the Ki,s, :170; Appearanee of Miss 'Maywood, 484 ; 485; Tili. i hippy Mau, 485 ; Mr. Kvait's Daudet, 517; The Way to Keep Ill,,,, 587; The Oreemovett Monster, 5117; Mr. Kelm's Othello, 634; School Mr Scandal, 6:31; Slagle Life, 703; The Villago DI .etor, 703; Twelfth Night w the Ransom-retortion' Eno, Trve, 019 j 1tIletea 942, 046 ; Ills Last Legs, 995; The Sea Captain, 1037, 1088; Rivals, 1132.

Lyceum - Openiug-Latly Wortley Mon- tague, 323.

New Sir:mil-14.411ml the Scenes, 918.

Olympic --Return of N'estris-Bittelward, 9; Our Cousin Getman, 157; Faint ITeart never won Fair Lady. 206; lAa.d; Walton, 324; The Garrick Fever, 1121; Dr. Dilworth, 37u; Cloning, 537. l'ailtomimes. the, 1231.

Queen's Theatre-Miss Cooke, 587. St. James's-Opening-The Ilea:As. 132 ; The Young Sculptor, 157; Friends and Neighbours, 157; The Troublesome Imager, 157; The llunkies aud Dogs, 324; Lucille, 985.

Sea Captain, the; Sir Edward Lytton Bolwer's l'reface to the fourth edition, 1114.

Westminster School, l'erformance of the Scholars of, 1205.


Illagrove's Quartet Concerts, 133. Chapel Royal, the, 323. Covent Garden-Heurlque. 416; Arta- xerxes, 994; Beggars' Opera, 1114. Drury Lane-Farittelli, 183; Cinderella --Miss Delcy, 1087; Beggars' Opera, 1114 ; Der Freischutz, 1205.

English Opera-house-The Love-Spell, 754; Sea ramuccia, 825.

Greshum Music Lectures, the, 443. Hamlet's " Joshutt."-Exeter Hall Choral Society, 588. Italian Opera - Arrangements for the Season, 206; present degraded state of the, 389; appearance of Pauline

Garcia, 443; Lueresia Borgia, 537;

Guglielmo Tell, 658. Madrigal Society, the, 58. Melodists' Club. the, 390.

Mori and Litalley's Quartet Concerts, 157.

Moseheles' " Matinees Musicales," 157, 205, 233.

Musical FeStivals, the, 467, Musical Prospects, 1092.

New Musical Publications, 16, 115, 163,

494, 855, 1022, 1048, 1072, 1142, 1190, Norwich Musical Festival. 802, 897, 922.

Philharmonic Concerts, 230, 280, 340, '389, 443, 985, 538, 587.

Purcell Club, the, 205, 727.

Scottish Music, Ancient-Mr. Dattney's " Vulgar Error," 17, Violinist, 11 New, 598.

Worcester Festival, the, 825.


Alhambra, Jones's Architecture of the. 42.

Belmes's Bust of Clarkson, 836.

Boys's Picturesque Architecture of l'aris, &v., 142.

British Artists, Society of, 306. British Institution, 10b, 163, 542.

Chromalithographic Drawiugs, 736, Coloured Det•oration of Rooms. '736.

Corregio's Nlagmlaleti Reading, Engraving oL 785.

Cosmorama, the, 399.

DagllerTVOiypv, Ow. Selropvvvtitig Pro.

el.SSOS la 1'1110 Art, 114.

Design, the Metropolitau School of, 188.

Designs, the lb•gistry of, 875. I/ioranut, tIme, 399.

Drawing. a 1/iolugue on, 904, loi,reign Prints, New , 1215. Forthcoming Skt.teltes. 66.

'Monahan Court , the Pictures at, 235, 664 ; and the Cartuons, 808.

I htvter's Conical ioi Portrait of the Qateen. 448.

Ifolyday Sights, Programme of the, 298. Leslie's l'icture of the Coronation Sacra- ment, 1120.

Lucas's Portrait of the Duke of Welling- ton, 66:3.

Martha's Pirture of (lie Coronation, 711.

Musee Royal Draw' 307. Nash's NI:lesions of England in the Olden '1'inte, 307, 807.

National Gallery-Picture•buying for the People. 328; the National Picture Paw. chase, 496.

Nelson Testimonial, Ow, 188, 259, 568, 615, 710.

New Prints. 17. T. 113, 3"S. 851, 932, 1072, 1142.

New Wt 'el 06101; 376/

Old NV:der-Calm . S3eiety, 422. '

Panoramas r awl t' 212; Malto“.e:8,

Park's Statue ot Mr.Tentsint of Glasgow, 616; Busts of Cal-110E111 tool liewring, 71r182r48is:

Pa 's (Mr.) 'Picture of the Coronation, Photography, Process of, or Sun -painting, 808 ; Dagnerre's Apparatus of, 880. l'olv technic. Institution, an Evening at the. 1231.

Prinit's sketches 307.

Rembrandt, a Resuscitated. 51111.

Roberbont's .0. 1:4■11 and tile I Ioly Land, 81, Ross's 31iniatere ...• ( .,8m, 856.

lloyal Academy - 'mu, 4.16, 494,

512; IIw is t1.., to lw • 686; 1111.1 the flew.. 4.1. CO11111101,, 711. Royal Exchange, the New, 1022. 1072. Sale or riour.., st Extlibitious. 42. Talking canary Bird, the, 183. Vivian's Portugal :oat Spain. 259. Watteau, Ornamental Designs of, 1191.

Wel I i mon;a1. 710. - WestilwevIt's Oatlitwv, 110, Wywi's '31eklal Ion 1.1op! e, MO.

LEITERS To Ti!!: ED rron.

Agricultural Sme", • •s, r:us John Whilwell, 991.

Ayrshire Elms:lain, the, by E., 443. Chartists. NI' ,representa t immlof the, by It. 846.

Corit-Laws----Elrect: at' t , on the Valne oi' e •.• Cnov 1,nel, at 1:e:t M:tuag ealeat of, by T. L., 111

Desertion .• •1 • P.. -w." 1}■. T. c. siyh.,

Elections, the 'iv ','h, 816.

Exeter Hall 1lolloos-11:.,wer, the, by att Organist, 1183.

Free Exhibition (.0 of Works of Art, Plait for, by Patric l'ark, 754; by B. R. Ila,) deo, 785. How to make s, 846.

Pra9re.sien Ibr the last Ten Years, by W. Chambers, 799. Tiwotre,11w, (my (3,11 sick, 635. Ludlow Election-Mr. Leclonere Chart.. tun, by E. I,, Charlton, 679. Lunacy. by 3. 5, Lillie, 136. " Memento 3Iori," by Crit ices, 158. Naval Interests saeri Seed to Party Feeling, by an Officer in the Royal Navy, 181. l'oland Mistakes about : Lord Dudley Stuart and Prince Czartoryski, by T. B. Ostrowski, 1(16; statements of oilier correspondents, 152. Post, the Uniform l'eta ity. 655.

Rochdale, State of l'olitics in, by 1. Bright, 488.

Sam Slick end Lord Durham, by a Colo- nial Durhamite. 181.

South Atistnmliatt System, Authorship of the, by Henry Capper, 702.

Whiggery in Scotland. Declinc of, 414.