A Zeppelin dropped bombs on Paris last Saturday night, killing
twenty-three persons and injuring about thirty. Several houses were wrecked. The electric lights, the Times correspon- dent says, were suddenly extinguished about 10 o'clock, and firemen drove through the streets sounding the " Garde A. vous." Thirteen bombs were dropped and the attack was over in about two minutes. The Zeppelin, flying at a height of about ten thousand feet, had evaded the searchlights and the aeroplanes outside the city. Five aeroplanes, however, sighted the Zeppelin at the time of the attack, and one of them chased it for some distance. The bombs were of extraordinary size. Owing to the mist, the crew of the Zeppelin could not aim at any particutar points, even if they had desired to do so. The bombs fell in a working-class quarter. _This fresh experience shows that the argument that Paris had discovered a perfectly effectual means of defence, which London ought to imitate, was ill-founded.