Our present number is accompanied by a Supplement,—not large enough to enable us to print all the communications which we should like to pro- duce.
Our readers will not regard the present as a Monthly Supplement : we have no intention of continuing that formal extension of our space at stated periods. In 1858, there was a Monthly Supplement ; in 1857 the number of the Supplements was seventeen. From the copies of our journal which have been in the reader's hand since the commencement of the year, he must be satisfied that we do not desire to stint him in the variety of the matter, in the amount of information, or even in the quantity of type and paper—of the quality he will himself judge.
During the last six weeks, as the only mode of keeping pace with our ma- terials we have gifen three Supplements ; and next week we shall be driven, not unwillingly, to find room again by the publication of a Supplement.