JT is quite evident that there must be an Autumn Session. The Government keeps the secret close, but we are wholly unable to believe that it is going to send the Ballot Bill, on which it has worked so hard, up to the Lords on purpose to be thrown out. That will certainly be its fate if it is sent up next week, whereas if it is deferred to October the Peers will be in better temper, having killed many grouse, there will be time to introduce cer- tain safeguards now dropped, and Mr. Disraeli's obvious kindness for the measure will have time to tell. Even, moreover, if it gets up next week there is a frightful amount of work to be got through in the treat, the Naval Estimates alone involve serious business, and no day for them is so much as fixed ; there are the Army Estimates, with the "rows" they are sure to involve till Lord Elcho ascends to heaven or the Peers ; and there are heaps of official proposals, such as the truncated Merchant Shipping Bill, which it is a pity to withdraw. Besides, the ob- structives ought to be taught that obstruction does not pay, any more than sharp practice, and so we venture to predict that Parliament will meet before February. It will be legislation by steam if it does not.