5 APRIL 1834, Page 6


THE Opera sea,oa telait to-night. All the previous exhibitions of the present year have bean as beggarly us this has been rich. To be sure, we had head 11.13urbiere some dozen times before ; but seldom with so much pleasure. Cattal:et], Taarauseest, and Maim: were in it ; and as the effect of the piece must mainly rest on Ibminu and Figaro, we were more than satisfied. If CARADOIll has not all the wickedness of eye and archness of manner which her part requires, she amply com- pensated for these deficiencies, by the purity and elegance of her singing. There was nothing to offend, and every thing to charm. As fur TAM- larIGNI—the rogue revels, luxuriates in his part. It is not it ',cilia.- mance, but a natural exuberance of spirits, which breaks out in his acting as well 0A his singing, and sometimes hurries him on to such a degree of volubility, that

" Panting Time toils after him in vain."

MAINZ was as usual—tremulous, florid, and atbsui•d; with now and then some toilettes of excellence.

The house was well filled ; and the real singers (for the " Mock Dukes" have now fitllen into their proper places) were warmly greeted by the audience.


Our Consul :Market still continues heavy, front the quantity of Money Stock thrown upon it : the pressure has on one or two occasions been very great, but the market has been sustained at the present prices, by means of purchases tar the Areonot ; the lowest price has been 911 -1, and the last price to-day is Sul' 91. India Stock is in demand ; the price is to-day 2391. Bank titock is nearly at our last quotation, '217 to 218. Exchequer Bills are 52 54 prem. The last aecounts front New 'York speak of returning eontidence, and are less gloomy than the previous arrivals. The shipment of silver bullion to the l'itited States has almost if not entirely ceased. We regret, however, to learn, that the present state of things in America is likely to affect the great inattufecturing in- terests of this country • the usual Spring demand has been con,iderably lessened, in consequence of the absence of American oilers; and the goods initauf'etured in anticipation mast remain on hand until the present crisis is pa 4, or sonic new market found for them. The necessary consequence of this state of things must the curtailment of the hours of labottt of the operatives, and a reduction of the wages and retrenchment of the comforts of the manufacturing population. In the Foreign Markets, the principal business has been ilt spanish :and l'or- taguese Stocks, both of which are at higher prices than last week. 'lime last aecounts from Lisbon, being generally favourable, have pi/Atwell an improve- ment of:1 per cent. in the 13muls, which, after having been at 64, close to-day at 61331 'flue Spanish Bonds are about 1 per cent. higher than the closing 'wires of last week ; being this afternoon 30T, 81. The question of the recog- nition of the Cortes Loans is still in abeyance ; but the general opinion seems to he, that in some shape or other the claims of the Bondholders will be forced by circumstances upon the Spanish Covet ninent. The Dutch, Belgian, am! other Continental Stocks, are nearly at the prices of last week ; but the tr inset:trona in them are quite unimportant. The Alining Shares are generally louse; 4.i:illy the Real del Monte, the price of which LIS been depres,aal by large sales La noon y. 1hie broker havitig. sold two lam/Iced shares, the qtt,:ainIt has ti as low as 111 ; but the inenedilte pressure being retie/veil, the lice-liet has

reacted, ;Intl the pt ice is nuts' :3:31. SATURDAY, TWF.1.•,•I'

VD! IhIl^ine“ in the English Funds has been very :tad tine :,,meations are nearly nominal. The improvement iii Spanish and Porttigiles,' 'sloe!: still

eIGItilittes. The price of the ll,•genay Bonds is at present 67,', ;: ; the

sietu'alt Stu'ek ix) I, More ;tut,p!e details have 'wen pit•lia of the rep eat operations of Admiral l'i it, and thotigh his suree:•-se,, lb) not appear to be very important, the prospect thus opened of a more speedy tcrmination of the Peniosuthr straggle has increased the confidence of the speeti 'lots and given firitmes; to the market. Tie" accounts from Madrid received to-day, state that tla. Spanish expedition to Portugal hail been resolved uu ; and that, under

the pretext of driving 1)on arms from the neighbourhued of the frontiers, assi,tance would be afforded to Don l'smao.

SATe'I:DAC, Wei,orK, NVe line scarcely any variation in prices to report since the morning, and little remark to add to our closing quotations ; except that the several Funds, both Foreign and Etiglish, are firm at the various prices given below. The business of the afternoon has been quite unimportant.

3 per Cent. Consols g1 Dutch 21 per Cents .131 30 Dit 0 fur Acrouot 91 k French 3 per ( eot s

Bank stuck 21; 1:4 Ale:tie:in ft per Cent: :01 India Saw': 259 :a10 Portuguese 5 per Ccats

Exchequer Bills 53 :it 1,, a Belgian 5 per rents 9.4 100 Prussia 11.1818, 5 p.u. Cent... — Boa zil iali 5 per (*cuts 71:1 Russian, 1822 5 lier t Do. Regency scrip,