If the correspondent who writes to as fowl Dover, had
sera the last Number of the tip,e■ator is hen he wrote, he would hal his egmt ion ainiust putting filth in Me StOtenten's recently forni•I:. I oy II'' Onto. of Itle/IMONI) relative to his l'ostadlice improvene to,. and th.• u'.2utiathn milli Prance, was unnecessary. We know the, purpo:-.• fee ',shim: the ee, waeto in question were got up. and shall enfleflImir to make the toddle a aro of it also. In so doing, we per- trite that we shall Ind obtain the eimperation of the I,ontIon press; for al- though sits eral of th•• I tai I y Now.spapers eagerly pit t''„riIi certain passages Sara the Ihtke's Papers, ealetilated to sent. hi, l,' r, new or them
have scrutinized or dissected the statements they eontant. most ariae
from ignorance of the mild-ct, or from corruption. By rorrurtion, wr to not mem! that 0Dr,O11:elOrtlralie, !suit, received presents or nionet, from the managers; hut the a.”ontit rthoeh they must pay for [hair iltreign newspapers vatic, 'as much according to the good or ill Will felt tomacds them in St. Martin's- le I; rand, and so.. e od'Ili.1115ening journalists, in partitrilir, are so much favoured regard to the late Of their pipers alto lite country, that they are altogether boli.lse.ed to take au iodepeudent part in Ibis matter. In IkIrliument, we hope this %%in laayie an additional argument 11u• the challenge of powers liable to such
” (1." of Bath fool. ------ • • ---- -