The Lit.mens, from Liverpool to Bombay, was totally lost on Dyer's Island on the 15th Jan. Crew saved.
The P..ri land, from Sydney to Launceston, was lost on the 27th Oct. liming missal stays alld been driven on shoe. The Thooaas,(rui Leith to Sydney, was burnt at llohart Town in Sept. with a great part of her outward cargo. The Sanderson, Sage. from Bengal to Liverpool, was spoken alit, in 1.'1.3.1, long. 31, with loss or row ...sr, boats, sw.
A At Gravesend, M:11.01314, Guardian, Sinclair, from Singapore ; April tud,
11. C. S. hellie Castle, Pat olio, from China; and 411t, Grace. Davis, (tone Eondrly. At De,d. A pril 2e1, 11. C. Ships Twine., !lading; and Inglis, Ihultnan ; alai ad, Lady Mitt in.., shepherd, from China; and Reliance, Cook, front !laillititts. Off Dover. IS: .ziliatt, Galloway, front ditto. Mt Eastbourne, :Id. II. C. S. 11c:retoidshire, nand, from China. off the Wight, Boyne, Brown, from Bombay. At Liverpool. Tapley, Tapley, from Mauritiii.l. Off ditto, Parklield, M'Anley, front Botalrty. At St. Helena, Feb. 711t, Frances, Heath, from Bombay ; and Cordelia, Weaver, Loin Bengal; and Iltb, Grecian, Smith, nom Cey Ion; Rapid, Rush, honk Bombay ; and Glone. sler, Brooks, front Mauritius. At the Cape, Jan. I 6tna, M. S. Llphinstone. Richardson, from London; 20th, Minerva, Adams; and Resource, Coombs, from Liverpool ; and 3M11, Quebec Trailer, Bellamy. from London At Bombay, Nov. Itith, Marge s of Hastings, Clarkson, front London ; and 17th. Francis Charlotte, ItPlican„ from Livm-pial. At China, Nov. 29th, Fair!, Templeton, Coo Liverpool. Sailed -- From Gravesend, March 27th, Geergiani, Thotnam, for Madras ; 30th, Charles (;rant, Hyde, for Bombay ; Protector, Bragg, for Van Diemen's Latst; and Africanus. Watkins, for St.11elena; 31st. Jean Wilson, Banks, for Mauritius; April let. Lyra, Billinz, fur New South Wales; and 3d, Exmouth, Wz.ven, to: Bengal.