4 SEPTEMBER 1847, Page 12


Artarvxn—At Gravesend, 27th Aug. Lady Peel, Williams, from Calcutta ; 29th, Ann Grant, Foreman, from Sydney ; Hawthorn, Bell; Hyderabad, M`Donald ; and Orient, Wales, from Calcutta ; and Jane, Reach, from Ceylon ; 3011, Thalia, Volum, from Ho- bart Town ; and Amelia Mulholland, Wilkinson, from Mauritius ; 31st, Wrn. Hyde, Stewart, from Sydney ; Bangalore, 'Tweedie, from Calcutta ; and Adam Smith, White, frornt Cape ; 1st Sept. Antilles, Millar, from Sydney ; Kilmaurs, Lawler, from Port Phillip ; Madura, Smith, from Madras ; and Daphne, Simpson, from the Cape ; 2d, Brothers, Pashley, from Singapore ; Morley, Hurst, from Madras ; Maid of Auckland, ErrIngton, from Ceylon ; and Amity, Blackiock ; and Vanguard. Norris, from Mau- ritius. In the Downs, 29th Aug. Louisa Munro, Harding, from Akyab ; and Royal Shepherdess, Scott, from: Ceylon ; let Sept. David Malcolm, Smith, from Adelaide ; Lady Flora. Edwards ; and City of London, Ford, from Madras; 2d, Jane, — from Batavia ; Persia, Stevens, from Ceylon ; and Majestic, Isbeaton ; and Isabella Thompson, Heddle, from Monet us. At Falmouth, 26th August, Eleanor, Smith, from Maulmain• At Bristol, 31st August, Mary Ann, Palmer, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 30th, Inglewood. Rae, from China ; and Currency, Wainwright, from Calcutta ; 31st, Thomas Sparkes, Matches, from ditto ; and Deva, Cadenhead, from Ceylon ; and 1st Sept. Courier, Towson, from Calcutta. At Cork, 26th Aug. Caro- line, Richardson, from Batavia ; and 29th, Lawrence, Salmon, from Madras. At Bombay, 17th July, Gilmore, Maw, from London ; and Richard Cobden, Lidbitter, from Liverpool. At Calcutta, previous to 9th July, Ferozepore, Masterton ; Lady Clarke, DI•Lean ; and Lady Bute. M'stlnlsy, from London • Meg of Weldon, Bickerty ; Defiance, Steer; Mirzapore, Hickman ; Leonqre, Dale ; and Lady Winch, Williams, from Liverpool ; and Laidmans. Walker, from Bristol. Bauxe—From Gravesend, 28th Aug. Hindoston, West, for Bombay; 29th, Mary, Grant, for ditto; let Sept. Winseales, Sproal, for Sydney ; Macedon, Edwards, foT Madras ; and Camperdown, Denny, for Bombay ; 2d, Queen, Nash; and Marlboronghr Webb, for Calcutta.