4 OCTOBER 1913, Page 17


THE failure of the Powers to insist upon the observance of the Treaty of London is still yielding a plentiful crop of embarrassment. Turkey, with the Young Turkish element once again in undisputed power at Constantinople, is now applying to Greece the same methods which served her so well in the case of Bulgaria. The disastrous quarrel of the Balkan Allies enabled Turkey to begin to deal with them in detail. When Bulgaria was compelled to return to Turkey a large part of the conquests of war, it may be that Greece and Servia did not contemplate the possibility that their turn would also come to be squeezed. But that already seems likely to happen. Servia has her hands full in trying to drive back within their proper borders the infuriated Albanians and non-Serb Macdonians, and Turkey light-heartedly seizes the precious opportunity to make Greece stand and deliver. Greece finds herself alone. Servia is too busy to help. Bulgaria is hopelessly estranged from Greece by a sense that she was punished by the Greeks and Servians out of all proportion to her fault.