Yesterday week the Senate in the Arts School at Cambridge
had a long discussion on discontinuing the University sermons of the long vacation. Those who had proposed this "grace," as the proposal to discontinue the sermons was technically but appropriately called, were, however, absent, and those who were present seemed to think the grace graceless. " Esquire Bedels" are required to attend, and the University sermon is therefore a tie that keeps them within reach of Cambridge during the long vacation. Mr. Potts, of Trinity, salt that there were so many undergraduates who resided at Cambridge during the long vacation, that it would be wrong to rob them of their University sermon. Mr. E. Perowne did not think it at all hard upon the Esquire Bedels, and thought that better vacation sermons would bring a larger audience. In short all the speakers, except Professor Liveing, were in favour of other persons than themselves attending the sermons, but nobody during the whole discussion ventured to say that the sermons would be any loss to himself ;—yet Dr. Lightfoot had evidently attended some of them. The resident undergraduates were the chief arguments adduced for the sermons, but what would the resident under- graduates say for themselves ? Perhaps what is good for an undergraduate is not good for a professor.